A new method to break up violent protests involving the use of an irritant in water cannons is to be implemented by police this year, local media reported.
During a meeting to provide information on the peaceful assembly bill, Chief Inspector of Police Ahmed Shameem told local media that police will add “dye” and “irritant” to water in order to break up protests.
The irritant will be used in water sprayed at protesters, and will cause itching of the skin that can only be relieved when the affected area is washed.
“It will force protesters to temporarily leave the area. The skin will continue to itch until it is washed,” Shameem was quoted as telling Sun Online.
Shameem added that the dye will be used in order to identify protesters who escape the scene after causing damage to property during protests.
The colour will apparently remain on the body for two to three days.
Shameem said that the new substances are not harmful or dangerous and that similar methods are employed by developed countries to break up protests.

Wow.... Just wow...
Why not spray them with French Fly perfume and Viagra.
I can guarantee you, they would be very occupied amongst themselves, and you would not have to worry about them.
Also, you would then have a legit reason to take them to jail, for lewd nudity and sex on the open roads. Also sodomism, if you are in to that too.
Yes this right.
Nasheed was the first person in the history of Maldives who ordered to use the water cannon against the peaceful demonstrators ?
I wonder why Minivan never wrote an article at that time and also why Minivan never highlighted that in this article either.
Using chemical weapons, eh? Let the situation escalate.