World famous Islamic speaker Zakir Naik has confirmed he will visit the Maldives from 28-30 April upon an invitation from the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, reports Miadhu.
Naik, his wife and child are to deliver speeches according to Sheikh Farooq and the chance to ask questions will be given.
Naik is the president and founder of religious NGO the Islamic Research Foundation, which also owns Mumbai-based TV channel Peace TV.
The Indian national is a medical doctor and has become one of the most renowned speakers of Islam and comparative religion.

if he is one of the best speakers in the world. i cant imagine how stupid the rest would be.
Since we started talking about Dr. Naik coming to the Maldives, I have looked him up and to me it looks like he is not the most qualified person to talk about religion. Dr. Naik is a medical doctor (University of Mumbai)and no where in the multitude of biographies written about him is a mention of any kind of religious education. All that is there to justify his status is the numerous talks, TV shows, conferences etc that he has given. However, in my mind this does not establish his credibility as a religious scholar because it seems that all he has done is exploit his gift of public speaking to become rich and famous. I am a little worried that nobody in the media or the general public have raised this issue when we are billing his talk as the biggest event ever to be held in the Maldives.
First of all, Peace TV was banned from Maldives because its too extremist and fundamentalist. During the change of government Peace TV was allowed and its an oversight.
These evangelists only promote their own beliefs and are very corrupted.
We are a muslim country. We should not tolerate such people as Zakir Naik. Are we that stupid? I hope not.
There are much better trained people who can talk about religion. But not this guy.