MPs to receive special protection from MNDF security force

Parliament members are to receive security from Maldives National Defence Force’s (MNDF) Special Protection Group (SPG) starting this year.

Spokesman for MNDF Colonel Abdul Raheem told local media yesterday (January 2) that a security arrangement with the SPG would be available to MPs in Male’ should they request it.

According to local media, the SPG is made up of 178 specially trained military personnel.

Until now, the SPG has been responsible for the security of the President, Vice President and other well-known figures political and legal figures in the country.

However, under Article 105 (b) of the constitution, state security services are to provide protection and safety to members of parliament.


2 thoughts on “MPs to receive special protection from MNDF security force”

  1. " Parliament members are to receive security from Maldives National Defence Force’s (MNDF) Special Protection Group (SPG) starting this year."


    If I ever were a parliamentarian, I cannot want this security!
    Shameless parliamentarians can demand this!
    But I cannot demand anything more than what that can be given to the peoples of my constituency!


    Give us protection!
    Give us back our fundamental rights!
    You are under oath!
    You have been messed around, and in a way defeated, by a mere number of Police Officers on the 7th of February 2012!

    You have a moral obligation!

    Unless and otherwise MNDF can get this off their backs, I am afraid there can be no patriotic love for the MNDF in this country!!!!

  2. While they go about this, can you provide all MPs and their extended families with bullet-proof Benz cars and hike up their salaries again.

    You know it is risky and the more riskier the better paid they should be.


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