Today’s sitting of parliament was cancelled shortly after 1pm as enough MPs for a quorum were not in the chamber.
Announcing the cancellation, Speaker Abdulla Shahid said the quorum bell had been rung three times without any success.
The sitting was first adjourned at 9.33am after Minister’s Question Time when quorum was lost. The planned resumption at 10am was however delayed to 11am due to failure to meet a quorum.
After 11am restart, preliminary debate continued on amendments proposed by opposition MP Hassan Latheef to the Public Finance Act. MPs also debated a proposal by Thulusdhoo MP Rozaina Adam to create a new standing committee for women and children’s affairs.
Meanwhile, five committee meetings took place today, including a sub-committee meeting to review legislation on corporate profit taxes.
According to Majlis attendance records, of the 77 MPs in parliament, 10 MPs did not come to work today while two were on holiday and two had called in sick. The number of MPs required for a quorum is 26.