President Dr Mohamed Waheed has met with World Health Organisation (WHO) South East Asian Regional Office (SEARO) Deputy Regional Director Dr Poonam Khetrapal in Male’ yesterday (July 29).
Dr Khetrapal spoke during the meeting on measures presently being undertaken to develop and strengthen the health sector of the Maldives, according to the President’s Office website.

What does this cow-worshipping woman know about health? As mullahs say she is mentally deficient and will not remember anything. She should go back into the kitchen where she belongs.
Mordisians, can you please think?
The minivan servers are still functioning well. The pork eaters, drinkers, Fornicators, love makers, are still going about their jobs. People having food in Ramadan day time. Women can and lead the world on various fronts. All that is supposedly banned from Top. Going on for centuries. In sync. No lightening laser strikes.
What does that tell you? Show you? Simply the religious mumbo jumbo Imran preaches and enforces on the country is an Arabian desert dwelling camels' wet dreams! Absolutely nothing to do with the exquisite complex system of the universe and its Maker.
Use your darned brains. Then, there may be hope for the country.