President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has taken a one-week holiday, Cabinet Secretary Dr Abdulla Nazeer told parliament’s Government Oversight Committee today.
Nazeer was summoned to the parliamentary committee over delays in the swearing-in of parliament’s newly-elected representative to the Judicial Service Commission (JSC), Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Ahmed Hamza.
Nazeer told MPs that the ceremony could only take place once Dr Waheed returns on October 31.
Following the cabinet secretary’s remarks, Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) Leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali tweeted,
Today Dr Waheed takes a week’s holiday without letting MP Hamza take JSC oath. He is part of the judicial dictatorship.
— Ahmed Thasmeen Ali (@Thasmeen) October 24, 2013

Oh good. I love it when my prey runs.
Nero fiddles his violin while Rome was burning. History repeating in another land called Maldives. May Allah curse you Mohamed Waheed
Is this the man who is spending hours on the net searching for a job in the UN? With a track-record like this, who would employ him?
MDP needs to suss out what the regime is going to do while Waheed is away. He is running away from some sort of trouble. Any deductions?