When the parliament session was suspended on August 2 to enable the MDP and the opposition to continue the talks to find a solution, the Speaker Abdulla Shahid called on all the members of the parliament to work in a spirit of compromise and cooperation, writes Dr S Chandrasekharan in the Eurasia Review.
“Cooperation and Compromise should have been the key, and both are missing in Maldives now. There is no doubt that the opposition could have been more accommodative. One commentator went to the extent of calling the opposition as a bunch of “assorted kleptocrats, dodgy businessmen and friends of ex president Gayoom.”
“While this may not apply to all the opposition members (some are really good), there is some truth in this comment. There are many ‘entrenched’ Gayoom’s men in all branches of the government who are suspected to be creating problems for the new government.
“It must have become clear now to President Nasheed that without the backing of his parliament, the civil servants and the judiciary, he will not be able to implement his ambitious agenda and his promises to the people.
“He is a young President of integrity and in a hurry. At the same time he has to sustain and get the young democracy take deep roots to ensure that authoritarianism never returns. Will he be able to go for compromises?”

I'd like to see him try to compromise with the attackers involved in the recent Mumbai massacre.
This man has lied his way to the Presidency of Maldives. First he said he did not want to be the President of Maldives.
Then he said he did not want to head the MDP
Then he said he would have a mid term election paying the way for a free and fair democratic election without Gayoom
A LAIR cannot compromise. If you understand the mind of a Liar, you will agree.
Anni is unfortunately, is potentially suffering from a Napolean syndrome. He is trying to overcompensate for his small stature, by trying to be an uncompromising bully.
Mr. President, why have your overseas trip suddenly stopped ? In your 20 months of power, you spent more of your time overseas with a tax payer bill of millions of dollars. Are you afraid to leave Male ? Don't want to take the chance that a new President/government will be in place prior to your return ?
It is bound to happen during one of his trips
We must dump Mohamed Waheed Hassan Maniku. He is the potential threat, undercutting our policies, and not allowing us to run the government. I call upon our beloved president to force the resignation of the VC.