Maldives withdraws from New7Wonders campaign after surprise US$500,000 bill

The Maldives government has withdrawn the country from the New7Wonders campaign, claiming that once it was a finalist the organisation began demanding increasingly high ‘sponsorship’ fees for it to compete meaningfully in the campaign.

“Prices of goods have been a lie”, says President Nasheed

“It is not that prices have not gone up, it is that you have found out the real price,” said President Nasheed, in a speech on Sunday seeking to explain his decision to implement a managed float of the rufiya.

UN war crimes report on Sri Lanka foreign policy challenge for Maldives

A week after severing diplomatic ties with Libya for “clear evidence of crimes against humanity”, a leaked UN report urging investigation of Sri Lankan war crime allegations places the Maldives in a difficult position between its national interest and vocal human rights agenda.

Expatriate “troubles” exacerbated by lack of border policy, says immigration head

Immigration policy needed, says Controller, as Qatar-based newspaper Gulf Times reports on employment of an additional 20,000 people in the Maldives’ construction, textiles and tourism industries.

Behind-the-scenes at COP15: Oscar-winning film company to release documentary on Maldives’ efforts

An Oscar and Emmy-winning film production company based in San Franscisco, Actual Films, has produced a 90 minute documentary charting the Maldives’ efforts to raise awareness of climate change in the lead up to the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Summit.

AG appeals ruling on harbour plot sales

The Attorney General’s Office (AGO) last week appealed a Civil Court ruling that declared the President’s decision to auction plots from the southwestern harbour area in Male’ illegal. Solicitor General Ibrahim Riffath told newspaper Haveeru that the court did not provide legal justification for its ruling, which held that the auction was invalid as a … Continue reading AG appeals ruling on harbour plot sales