Dhaka Embassy to issue Maldives work visas pre-arrival in trafficking reduction effort

Cabinet has decided that Bangladeshi nationals will be issued work visas by the Maldives High Commission in the capital Dhaka prior to their arrival, in an attempt to address the high numbers of workers arriving in the country.

Amnesty International gave imprisoned activists credibility as political refugees: Zuhair

Amnesty International’s support of activist-turned-President Mohamed Nasheed gave the exiled MDP credibility, said Nasheed’s Press Secretary Mohamed Zuhair on the occasion of the international NGO’s 50th anniversary.

China’s top legislator visits parliament, President

Chairman of the Standing Committee of China’s National People’s Congress, Wu Bangguo, announced the doubling of Chinese aid and the construction of an embassy in the Maldives during his ongoing visit to the country.

IMF approves three year programme as Maldives commits to new tax regime

“Everybody in the country realises and recognises that there needs to be a change in the status quo,” says MMA Governor Fazeel Najeeb, backing government’s commitment to the IMF.

Desire for democracy fundamentally a need for justice: President Nasheed

“Very little thought” given to reforming the judiciary during drafting of the constitution, President admits, during a signing ceremony marking Rf 6 million in German support for UNDP’s Access to Justice project.

Comment: Dead babies do not lie

Maldivian social attitudes emphasise appearances over moral values, creating a society where pre-marital and extra-marital sex is widely prevalent and tolerated but open discussions on contraception and sex-education is still taboo, writes Yameen Rasheed.