Comment: Outside perspective on a young democracy

“Presidents – even our own – must recognise their responsibility to work with parliamentary majorities, even when that majority is held by a party different than his own,” say two US politicians following a visit to the Maldives.

Q&A: CEO of GMR Male’ International Airport, Andrew Harrison

Tasked with building a US$511 million international airport and developing 1513 staff, new CEO of GMR Male’ International Airport Andrew Harrison is not losing sleep over sea level rise or Maldivian politics.

‘Love’ of Hulhumale’ becomes waste management issue for property group

A developer of commercial properties across the Maldives hopes a new cleanup scheme launched this week on the island of Hulhumale’ will not just put a positive shine on its corporate social responsibility, but also provide bins and a boost to waste management in the country.

Piracy and the Maldives: special report

The Maldives has the potential to become a target for pirate vessels, forced away from African waters as a result of political upheaval and maritime security crackdowns, claim marine protection experts and a European diplomat.

Maldives “tied acceptance of prisoners” to American help with IMF assistance

The New York Times reports that ”the Maldives tied acceptance of prisoners to American help in obtaining International Monetary Fund [assistance]” according to leaked diplomatic cables on the resettlement of Guantanamo Bay detainees.

Comment: Diplomats must engage in frank discussions with their colleagues

Honest dialogue —within governments and between them — is part of the basic bargain of international relations; we couldn’t maintain peace, security, and international stability without it, writes US Ambassador to Sri Lanka and the Maldives, Patricia A Butenis.