Ancient skull found in Saudi Arabia is “ancestor of monkeys and great apes”, claims report

The skull of a creature the size of a baboon and living in a warm forest 28-29 million years ago in western Saudi Arabia, is being described as one of the most significant fossil finds in decades “because it illuminates a critical moment in evolution when ancient primates split into two separate lineages,” reports the … Continue reading Ancient skull found in Saudi Arabia is “ancestor of monkeys and great apes”, claims report

British royal spending under scrutiny

British prime minister David Cameron has refused an increase in official annual income for the Queen and her family. “It was revealed this week that in the last financial year the Queen spent $69 million – not including the costs of Royal security which are kept secret,” reports the Australian ABC’s Emma Alberici. “Money is … Continue reading British royal spending under scrutiny

Single private borrower lowers Maldives credit rating, and wants to borrow more: Assad

The country’s ability to borrow money has been made more difficult by a Majlis member borrowing a large sum of money and lowering the country’s credit rating, said the state minister for finance Ahmed Assad at the President’s Office press conference yesterday.

Government signs Male International Airport to GMR-Malaysia Airports consortium

The government today signed a 25 year lease agreement with the GMR-Malaysia Airport Holdings consortium to develop and manage Male’ International Airport, hours after parliament voted in favour of a bill requiring parliamentary approval of lease transactions with overseas parties.

Failure to upgrade airport could lead to ICAO blacklist: aviation expert

Male’ International Airport needs urgent repairs and upgrades regardless of who pays for it, an aviation expert has said, while opposition parties have signed a joint statement condemning the airport privatisation deal on nationalistic grounds.

MDP government misleads the public and lacks sincerity: DRP leader Thasmeen

The current MDP administration misleads the people and lacks sincerity, said DRP MP and leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali at a public DRP meeting at the Artificial Beach in Male. The previous administration was the exact opposite and did not mislead the public and was sincere and cared more for the people, Thasmeen said. After almost … Continue reading MDP government misleads the public and lacks sincerity: DRP leader Thasmeen