Extraordinary sitting of parliament called off

Today’s sitting was called off without debating the government’s revenue raising measures after opposition Maldivian Democratic Party MPs objected to the proposed tax hikes and alleged obstruction of the upcoming local council elections.

Q&A: MP Ahmed Nihan – Villi Maafannu Constituency

“An MP’s mandate is not to build mosques, or construct roads or football grounds. That is not our mandate. I have conducted about 90 percent or more of what is in my mandate. I have not sold a vote or misvoted by mistake or done any other such actions,” Nihan said.

MDP against “double taxation” of tourism industry

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) is against the government’s plans to reintroduce the tourism bed tax and hike the Tourism Goods and Services Tax (T-GST) from eight to 12 percent, the party’s parliamentary group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said.

Airport development begins, with “no chance” of GMR returning to project

The Maldives Airport Companies Ltd head has revealed details of multiple development projects at the international airport, whilst President Yameen has emphasised to Indian media that any future developments will not include the ousted GMR.

Q&A: Hamid Abdul Ghafoor MP – Henveiru South constituency

“The biggest and most important privilege I had during my term was to introduce the Decentralisation Bill on the party’s behalf and to push and get it through. Because of that we came to have local councils, and that changed this country,” said Hamid.

Comment: ‘Awesome’ Indian ‘readiness’ in ‘accomplished visit’

“There is a long way to go in bilateral cooperation between India and the Maldives, but a lot was covered during President Yameen’s visit,” writes N Sathiyamoorthy, discussing President Yameen’s state visit and Indian investor confidence in its southern neighbour.

Government claims India ties “as strong as during Gayoom’s time”

Vice President Jameel claimed that the bilateral struggles of the past five years had been solved with a single visit to India, whilst former President Gayoom predicted that relations “will soon be as smooth as they were during my time.”

President discusses trade, security and consular issues with Indian PM

India has agreed to waiver restrictions on exporting river aggregate, and agreed to provide visa free entry for Maldivians traveling to the country for medical purposes.