Indian visa restrictions lifted

Indian High Commissioner Rajeev Shahare has announced that all visa restrictions on Maldivians travelling to India have been lifted. Local media reported Shahare as saying that Maldivians could now get a 90-day visa for medical visits to India. “This is a very very privileged aspect of visa, we have not granted to any other country. … Continue reading Indian visa restrictions lifted

Ferry tales – Managing the Hulhumalé commute

Ten years after settling in Hulhumale’, the population will soon reach 30 thousand people – and 60 thousand by 2020. As successive governments dream of a bridge connecting the island with Malé, how is the ferry service connecting the two islands faring?

Government’s revenue raising bills sent to committee

The government’s proposals to raise additional revenue this year includes hiking T-GST from eight to 12 percent, reintroducing the discontinued US$8 bed tax, and requiring resort lease extension payments to be made as a lump sum.

India failed Maldives, MP Hamid tells Indian media

“People of Maldives do not think that India is that ‘great country’. We have been disappointed, we have been hounded,” Hamid stated. Meanwhile, India-Maldives ties are being celebrated in Malé this week with a series of cultural events.

Q&A: Minister of Tourism Ahmed Adeeb

“I do get a lot of criticism, but I believe getting criticism from the opposition is a success in its own right. I also strongly believe that criticism that comes for my decisions is not out of a dislike of me personally, but something that comes along with the cabinet position,” Adeeb said.

Former Finance Minister, MACL Chairman facing corruption charges

The senior officials of the MDP government are accused of incurring financial losses to the state by amending the airport development contract with the GMR-MAHB consortium to reduce the concession fee on jet fuel sales from 15 to one percent, resulting in a shortfall of MVR53.8 million (US$3.5 million).