JP MP Jabir raises Maldives investment fears over lack of resolution in GMR dispute

Jumhoree Party (JP) Deputy Leader Abdulla Jabir has said discussion and analysis, rather than politicised rhetoric, will be required to move forward with the GMR airport dispute in a manner that does not damage future investment.

Politicians and businessmen funding gangs to attack opponents: Asia Foundation

Gang members interviewed by the Asia Foundation were paid thousands of rufiya to attack political opponents, protest and destroy property, with many stating that immunity from prosecution was normally part of the deal.

India concerned over Maldives’ political instability, investment climate

The Indian government has expressed concern over continuing political instability in the Maldives, and called on the government to ensure a “propitious” climate for foreign investments.

DRP favours court resolution to GMR dispute as coalition partners prepare to “take to the streets”

The Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) will not join its fellow government coalition partners at a gathering in Male’ today to oppose an airport privatisation contract with India-based infrastructure group GMR, claiming any resolution to the dispute must be made through the courts.

MIRA accuses Tourism Ministry of not collecting resort rents

Commissioner of Taxation Yazeed Mohamed accused the ministry was not taking action to pursue those in arrears. MIRA revenue from tourism land rent this year is only three quarters of the previous year’s amount.