Maldivian athletes enjoy the Olympic Spirit in Bedford

The Maldives Olympic team’s preparations for the London games continue with the help of the Bedford community. Seven athletes are now living and training in the town, 50 miles from London, whilst another will join the team shortly before the competition starts on July 27.

PG to appeal corruption charges levied against Deputy Speaker Nazim

The Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office has appealed cases concerning the alleged involvement of Deputy Speaker Ahmed Nazim in defrauding the Atolls Development Ministry, in the purchase of 220 harbor lights worth Rf1.95 million (US$126,000) in 2004 to the High Court.

Fisheries Ministry audit reveals mismatched expenses, widespread abuse of fuel subsidies

In a random sample of 168 boats which collected fuel subsidies on a specific date, the Audit Office discovered that only two of the boats had actually been out fishing.

MP Riyaz Rasheed proposes dissolving DRP-DQP coalition

DQP “strongly condemn the efforts carried out jointly by DRP and MDP to plant doubt and suspicion in the hearts of people about the service of the Maldivian police and army,” says MP Riyaz in parliament.