Comment: Let them eat cake

The February 7 coup in the Maldives is not merely the effort of an old regime to reinvent itself, but it is a deliberate and belligerent signal that the privileged regime and its supporters can do what they please regardless of what the ordinary citizen feels, writes Latheefa Ahmed Verrall

Robbery targets offices of senior politicians and Six Senses group

Police are investigating a robbery targeting a building containing offices belonging to Vice-President designate Waheed Deen, luxury resort operator Six Senses and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Interim Chairperson Reeko Moosa Manik.

State funds for military and police, but not for Aasandha: Nasheed

Deposed President Mohamed Nasheed last night criticised the government’s attempts to introduce fees for free health insurance scheme Aasandha, saying the government had squandered funds marked for development on the police and military.

Revenue figures reveal economic impact of change in lease extension policy

MIRA had anticipated to receive a total of Rf375 million [US$ 24 million] for lease extensions, but due to government’s recent decision to accept resort island’s lease extension payments in installments, income received dropped to nearly Rf23 million (USD$1.5 million).

Comment: How do you solve a problem like the Maldives Police Service?

Having have played such an inexplicably outrageous role in engineering a coup and bringing down the country’s first democratically elected government, who are the police protecting and serving now, asks Annabeela.