New transport minister calls for redevelopment of airport runway

“The development of the runway is not part of the agreement made with GMR. And the way the airport development plan is going, there is no possibility of constructing a new runway. A beautiful design can be made, but we have to consider its sustainability,” the new Minister Dr Ahmed Shamheed told local media.

Yameen and Shiyam air grievances against Gayoom, DRP in leaked audio clip

“DRP has to be buried,” says Gayoom’s half-brother Abdulla Yameen in the leaked clip, as he and Sun Travel Shiyam discuss the formation of the Progressive Party of the Maldives and assorted gripes with the former President.

Tourism Minister holds London press conference to reassure travellers

Representatives of Friends of Maldives (FOM) and the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) distributed leaflets outside the event, while Tourism Minister Ahmed Adheeb informed journalists inside that the Maldives was expecting more than a million visitors in 2012.

ACC forwards Disaster Management Centre corruption case for prosecution

The ACC stated that it has found that Deputy Ministers Saeed and Zaki had approved the payment voucher of Rf 18.7 million for the invoice, and that Zaki was “practically” involved in the process of ensuring that the money was delivered.

Majlis standoff stalls roadmap talks; Commonwealth, UN call for dialogue to continue

The MDP has made the setting of an early election date a precondition to further talks, while two parties of the December 23 coalition have dropped from the roadmap talks in reaction to the MDP’s blocking the “illegitimate” President from addressing parliament.

Presidential Commission to investigate corruption and human rights abuses abolished

The new government of President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan has abolished the Presidential Commission, created by former President Nasheed to investigate corruption and human rights abuses under Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.