The fine print of free health care: public responsibility

The first several weeks of the Aasandhaa universal health insurance scheme has shown that the Maldives has “much to learn in terms of being responsible, saving for tomorrow and working for the greater good rather than individual desires”, writes Dr Ahmed Jamsheed.

Comment: Abuse of Article 285 makes us all complicit in the state of our judiciary

If Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed had been put on the bench constitutionally, our current situation would indeed be beyond the democratic pale, writes Azra Naseem. “We knowingly allowed criminals, child molesters, fraudsters and mobsters to remain on the benches of our courts. We did this, and now, as we confront the consequences of our (in)actions, we conveniently forget our role in it.”

Translation: ‘President Nasheed’s devious plot to destroy the Islamic faith of Maldivians’

English translation of the minority opposition Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP)’s pamphlet, which this week triggered successive attempts by the government to arrest two senior members of the party and sparked a debate on freedom of expression and hate speech in the Maldives.

Sri Lankan tourism model could benefit local industry and exposure

Mid-market projects could bring the Maldives closer to the arrivals-income ratio published by Sri Lanka’s government, which in 2011 was double the Maldives’ state revenue. Budget vacations could also highlight the local side of Maldives, expanding opportunities for nationals.

Inmates Creativity Fair reveals creative side of jail

“When they’re in the cell they think of new ideas and drawings. They are developing a skill they can use to get a job outside, when they return to normal life,” said Male’ Prison Officer Ahmed Soba.

Supreme Court backs down from issuing ruling on legality of selling pork and alcohol

One week since the state requested a ‘consultative opinion’ on the legality of selling pork and alcohol within the Muslim nation of Maldives, the Supreme Court, in theory bound by a Shariah-based constitution, has said it will not rule on the matter but sees no discrepancy with existing legislation in support of the trade.

Government to cease issuing work permits to Bangladeshi nationals, launches registration effort

The Maldivian government has halted the issuing of new work permits to Bangladeshi nationals and will register the biometric details of all expatriate workers, in an effort to combat rising human trafficking.