Analysis: Economy at stake as political turmoil grips Maldives

With no elections in sight, the economic ramifications of continuing political turmoil stand to make the question of the government’s legitimacy the least of the country’s worries.

Former finance minister Inaz leaves MDP

Inaz’s term as finance minister was characterised by swiftly-enacted tax reforms, passed amid juggling many conflicting political interests and a campaign to sell the concept to the public.

SAARC to dark: Violent social divide in Addu as uncertainty grips southern-most atoll

Two young men interviewed, one of whom sported a bruised right eye, denied being part of any political party. Another said he wasn’t even part of the protest. Yet none would give names “because it might not be good, they said if I talked about what I saw they would come back.”

“Maldives lied”: New7wonders controversy continues in South Korea

“Unfortunately the Maldives was until recently a dictatorship, and maybe they still have some of the bad habits of a dictatorship,” New7Wonders Director, Jean-Paul de la Fuente, told South Korean media. The Maldives withdrew from the competition last year.

Protesters not covered under health insurance schemes: participation “high risk and voluntary”

While the Aasandha health insurance scheme is being tested by the public’s high demand for services, protests on Male’ are simultaneously testing the public’s palette for coverage exclusions.