The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) has said it has begun probing into an alleged business deal struck between Firoz Ghulam Khan – who promised to donate a sum of US$ 10,000 to the Zakat fund last year – and the wife of Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed, Fathimath Afiyaa.
In September 2012, during a press conference held at the ministry, Khan, a Dubai-based Indian Muslim businessman, announced that he would donate a sum of US$10,000 to the Zakat fund every month in a bid to support the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, headed by Sheikh Shaheem.
“Zakat (Alms) is not something given as charity. This is something I am obliged to do. Zakat money is something that should be given to the needy. I have told Minister Shaheem that I will deposit the money to the fund in the first week of every month,” he was quoted saying in the media.
Speaking to Minivan News on Wednesday (March 13), President of the Anti Corruption Commission Hassan Luthfee confirmed that the case was being probed.
“We first noticed it in the media and began our investigation, and later we also received a complaint from an individual. We are now investigating the matter,” he said.
According to local newspaper Haveeru, the business deal was struck on December 25, just three months after announcement of Zakat fund donation, and involved the formation a company under the name ‘Pure Gold Jewelry Maldives Private Limited’, which intended to sell jewelry to resorts.
Citing a paper it claims to have received from the Ministry of Economic Development, Haveeru claimed that the company had 1500 shares in the name of Shaheem’s wife, while Firoz Ghulam Khan’s net share was 103,500. Kareem Firoz had shares totaling up to 45,000.
Speaking to Minivan News, an official from Company Registration Department of Ministry of Economic Development confirmed that a company under the name Pure Gold Jewelry Maldives Private Limited was set up involving foreign parties. However, he did not reveal any details of the parties.
According to article 15(a) of the Prevention of Corruption Act passed in 2000, it is an offence for a Minister or his/her spouse to indulge in business with foreign parties.
Article 15(a) of the act states – “The Chief Justice, or the Speaker of Parliament, or a member of cabinet, or a cabinet minister, or anyone having a position equivalent to that, or the Auditor General, or the Commissioner of Elections, or a Judge of High Court, or an Atoll Chief, or the wife or the husband of any such person, or any state employee which the President decides so and their spouses having private business relations is an offence.”
According to the Article 15(c) of the act, punishment for such an offence includes imprisonment, house arrest or banishment for a period not more than 3 years.
Minister Shaheem – who was placed among the top 500 most influential Muslims in 2010 by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre (RISC) Jordan – was earlier also accused of sexual misconduct in a video broadcast by local media Raajje TV, in which he was seen speaking with a figure in a hijab before leading her through a doorway.
However the Minister denied the allegations claiming that the video was fabricated.
Minister Shaheem’s phone was switched off at the time of press.

Youre chasing after jewellery theft.. mmkay, but these are way bigger crooks, you twofaced parasites are protecting from a nation worth a buck fifty
hehehe, adhive anga thalhaa, thi dheenu ga eh noavey tha raaboa viyafaari akaa ekko kuraa hurihaa viyafaari eh haram vaane ey,
Oh my god! How can an Arab-wannabe be accused of adultery? Corruption?
They are the angels on Earth.
Minivan News, by playing this card, you are subjecting your internet servers to wrath of God!
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The formation or registration of a company with a foreign shareholder will necessarily mean that it is a foreign investment sector business. Foreign investments in every country are closely monitored so that it doesn't interfere with the opportunities available to local investors. The ACC inquiry will have examine whether this case is in violation of the foreign investment law and regulations in addition to suspect corruption.
According to coverage of this issue, Mr.Feroz is also seeking to set up his gold shop at the international airport in Maldives. So, when the Cabinet sites to deliberate on the status of the INIA post-GMR, would the good Sheikh will be promoting his wife's interest? If this is not bribery, I wonder what is. The sad part is, who is ACC going to go after? The good Sheik or his sorry wife? Who gets to take the flak?
Hope this not en International fund rise to the terrorist which the world has band no wonder they start against India and GMR
You can’t allege a Mullah unless it falls under sharia. Doing gold business is haraam because gold is money it is not a commodity, you can’t sell gold with profit. What is the punishment in Sharia for eating Ribaa?. According to Mullahs, eating Ribaa is worse than raping 1000 women. So his wife should be lashed 100x1000 =100000 time.
I dont believe this is corruption. He did not steal someone's money. He did not cheat someone to gain money. What is stupid is only the law. I can tell an example of such laws. In South Africa there was a time when a law was passed that marriage between two persons of two race was illegal. In Myanmar they do not provide passports to Rohingya people because they consider Rohingya to be illegal in their own country. Minivan news or any newspaper can say the same "illegal" and write an unfair story on Rohinya people or about a South African black person who married a white person saying they had done an illegal thing. What matters is ethics and make sense.
Something rotten here. India has more poor Muslims than Maldives.
Looks like Feroz has made a play for Shaheem's wife, Afiyaa
Do not judge others if you do not want to be judged by them.
Adhaalath reaps what it sows : your sins will be exposed. Your sins are worse, because you chase other people, based on fatwas you fantasise, but which you declare to come straight from God.
IF you would have ANY respect for your own laws, then you RESIGN immediately.
"Firoz Ghulam Khan – who promised to donate a sum of US$ 10,000 to the Zakat fund last year..."
The question is, does Mr Khan continue to donate this money? How much has he donated so far? Where is that money going? Mr Auditor General, can we have some answers?
I'm sure Mr Khan has good motives behind his donations. But, the ACC must look more into this. Maldives has virtually no laws at all regarding money laundering.
In that light, regardless of Mr Khan's good intentions, we must ensure that the source of the money is properly accounted for as well as its destination. Does the ACC have the capacity to check that?
Naseem, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone in Adhaalath was actually funding (or receiving funds) terrorist organizations or working actively with them in recruitment and training too. A large number of their followers are the most radical LeT style people in the Maldives.
@Mohamed on Wed, 13th Mar 2013 5:01 PM
I agree laws can be changed as the world moves forward into modern times. The issue here is this man shouts from the top of his lungs quoting religous verse yet does not follow the same standards he dictates to other.
What you also failed to mention is that Rohingyas are also displaced in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan the later 2 being muslim countries. So please point out the facts fully. Where is the rights and ethics for those Muslims Rohingyas in Bangladesh and Pakistan.
I am speechless!
What a sheikh!
And what cowardice!
When MDP receives money and help from the kuffar its ok, its all halaal and kosher. When Shaheem makes a deal in his wife's name, its all bound with terrorism, fanaticism, facism and any other kind of ism they can think of. What kind of logic is this. Have always thought the kuffar are retarded. And they are proving this point always.
The country talks of women's rights. Just because her husband is a minister, how can the law forbid her to do what she want. This right is given in Islam, while the Maldivian law has taken it. Now people who comment and criticise Shaheem, has completely disregarded that such laws actually infringes on the rights of women. Wife of anyone must be free to get in to contracts in any business. Her husband being a minister, does not gurantee any income to her or any special status to her. What it has done is only infringement of rights.
resign shaheem... and let ur wife face justice if it wasnt done for you.. now yu get a dose of your own gun. Seling to resorts u say? Wow.. aint it haram to do business with alcohol sellers/dealer? Yeah..muslim right?
It is more concerning if the wife of the elections commision is in a party and actively invole in it. in what party is she involved in? its mdp. hows it possible her activities not influence the mind of the elections commissioner?
So this is a women's rights issue now! Let's get a petition going to help the wives of politicians in Maldives make money. Definitely the most pressing issue facing women in this country today.