Adhaalath Party “curses” Nasheed, accuses MDP of increasing support through black magic

Religious conservative Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla has accused Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) presidential candidate and former President Mohamed Nasheed of using black magic to garner support for the party.

“As a result of bringing in people from India, Sri Lanka, and various parts of the Maldives to perform black magic for [Nasheed], and then casting spells on food and feeding them to the masses, Nasheed has caused large numbers of people to become blind towards all his wrongdoings, and to imagine characteristics of being democratic and pro-development in him, and to be deluded into thinking they are in absolute support of him while in reality they are in a crazed state of enchantment and therefore run behind him,” Imran said, addressing the Jumhoree Coalition’s first major rally in the capital.

“Nasheed’s followers are anti-Islamic people like him and huge criminals. The rest are people under the influence of his black magic. Most people are bewitched and under black magic spells. This is the state of this country,” he said.

“Nasheed is doubtless an agent – one who has been rather well trained – sent in by enemies of Islam and our nationalism,” Imran continued. “A vote cast for Nasheed is an act which will facilitate the eradication of Islam from this country and will hurl us into a state of slavery.”

He furthermore alleged that during Nasheed’s time as President, he had “forced alcohol down the throats of Maldivians”, erased Islam, sold national assets and gave the profits to his “cronies”, and had himself “hidden away in his pockets US$16 million by giving away the airport to GMR”.

Moving away from his religion-based rhetoric, Sheikh Imran then spoke of Chinese superstitions as his justification of why people should not vote for Nasheed.

“In matters involving luck, the Chinese would never opt for number four,” he stated.

“If Nasheed approaches the 1 billion people of China as Candidate Number Four and asks for their vote, he will not be able to get a single vote,” he said.

Imran also spoke of how Nasheed is “spending billions on his campaign while he does not own any major assets or businesses in the country”. Imran then accused Nasheed of accepting funding for his campaigns from “foreign churches aiming to spread anti-Islam propaganda”.

Towards the end of his speech, Imran admitted that he “tends to levy a lot of criticism against Nasheed”, and said that this was not due to any personal grudges against the candidate.

“I have to speak against Nasheed because of the things he has done in these past several years; because of his anti-Islamic policies and anti-Islamic activities. Because I do not wish for a man like to him to become the head of state,” he continued to explain.

“Unlike other candidates, I must speak of Nasheed more openly as even the Quran instructs us to enlighten those who are ignorant and do not know any better.”

The religious conservative party’s leader also criticised the other two candidates contesting against Jumhooree Coalition candidate and businessman Gasim Ibrahim in the upcoming September 7 elections.

Referring to Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen, Imran said that Yameen had failed in engaging with the public or garnering any support for himself. He alleged that as a result, Yameen had ended up having to bring out his half-brother and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom to campaign for him and PPM instead.

Imran then spoke of President Mohamed Waheed Hassan, alleging he had been unable to maintain the initial “wide coalition” that he had formed as a result of “having chosen the wrong running mate at the wrong time”.

“Although Waheed was leading the race with the largest support base when talk of presidential elections first began, he no longer has the guarantee that he can even manage to get a simple five percent of the votes this election,” Imran said.

In the same week, Adhaalath Party member and current Islamic Affairs Minister Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed said that he had repeatedly performed prayers from the time Nasheed was elected President wishing for an end to his time in government, asking “Allah to curse Nasheed by setting dogs on him”.

“Every time I kneeled down in prayer, I repeatedly prayed a ‘dua’ performed by Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) against a man who had spit in his face,” Shaheem said, at a Jumhooree Coalition rally held on Mahibadhoo, stating that this was the first time he had prayed for the toppling of a government.

“The Prophet made this prayer against a man who spat on his face. What happened as a result is, the man was away somewhere on a trip. Then while he was asleep, a man-eating dog came and sniffed at people. Once the dog found this particular man, it attacked him and completely ripped him apart,” Shaheem stated.

Adhaalath Party had previously entered a coalition with Waheed’s Gaumee Ihthihaadh Party (GIP), which has appointed Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader Thasmeen Ali as Waheed’s running mate.

They later left the coalition and defected to Jumhooree Gulhun, backing resort tycoon Gasim Ibrahim and his running mate, Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) leader Dr. Hassan Saeed.

The Jumhooree Coalition now consists of the Jumhooree Party, the Dhivehi Qaumee Party, Adhaalath Party and PPM’s former interim Deputy Leader Umar Naseer and his supporters.

Politicians use ‘religion’ as a tool to play with hearts: Nasheed

“As Islam is deeply embedded in the hearts of Maldivians, some politicians are bringing out religion as a political tool to try and tamper with our hearts,” Nasheed said, speaking at the MDP’s rally held in Sri Lanka on Saturday.

Nasheed stated that at different times during the political changes of the past years, various politicians, as well as people who present themselves as religious scholars, have used religion for the purpose of furthering political gain.

Nasheed stated that some political figures who present themselves as “religious scholars” are people who do no more than “slaughter camels or bind leather books”.

“The people of Maldives are now aware of all this. We have seen how the coup regime and the long 30 year regime before that is and has been maintained. The people have rolled up their sleeves and begun work to take the Maldives to a far better place,” Nasheed said.

Adhaalath has displayed nothing but hypocrisy for the past years: PPM MP Nihan

“Imran is obviously wrong about our presidential candidate and his campaign strategies,” PPM MP Ahmed Nihan, said in response to Imran’s criticisms of the party’s presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen.

“There are two political ideologies in Maldives: that of former President Nasheed, and of former President Maumoon. They are the champions of Maldivian democracy and reform,” Nihan said.

“Our party is open about the differences in opinion between PPM and MDP about the levels of contribution these two presidents have made to the democracy movement, but that doesn’t undermine the commendable work done by either of them. Who is Imran to talk about this? The Adhaalath party made no contribution whatsoever to either the reform movement or the efforts to establish democratic governance here,” Nihan retorted.

“In the past seven years, the Adhaalath Party has displayed nothing but record levels of hypocrisy. They are responsible for destroying the healthy competitive political spirit in the country by behaving like a commodity on sale, selling themselves to whichever party offers them a higher price. The PPM has never entered an alliance with them,” he continued.

“Leave aside Imran’s criticisms of Yameen – who is he to call Nasheed an anti-Islamic person? His party’s coalition, Jumhuri Gulhun, has set up a campaign station in my constituency Villimale’ on a plot of government land which has long since been walled away for the purpose of building a mosque. They have set up speakers and are playing campaign songs on a holy plot of land reserved to make a mosque, and still have the nerve to call others ‘laadheenee’ (irreligious)?” Nihan stated.

GIP Spokesperson Abbas Adil Riza stated that Imran was making up excuses while he very well knew the truth of the matter.

“Sheikh Imran knows better than anyone else that the Adhaalath Party did not leave the GIP coalition due to any issues with Dr Waheed’s choice of running mate. They left because we were unable to give them as much money as they asked for their campaign activities,” Riza said.


60 thoughts on “Adhaalath Party “curses” Nasheed, accuses MDP of increasing support through black magic”

  1. Dear Adaalath party,

    Maldivians are idiots, but they are not stupid!

    Adaalath party is the Maldivian version of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood.. or could be worse, more like the Taliban I would say

  2. Further proof that the party of superstitious claptrap is scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to excuse their lack of popularity. What next? Burning witches at the stake? Sticking pins into voodoo dolls? Grow up all ready you idiots or get out of the politics of the sane and find yourself a nice little island all to yourselves and let the rest of humanity progress.

  3. well..well , what can we say ? Just go with the highest bidder ? No money, no honey.

  4. Reading all this bulls**t about "curses", "black magic spells", "bewitched people" and "man-eating dogs" I only hope you have enough straitjackets available ...

    Answer these guys spinnings and crazy-talks with your vote !!!

  5. Did Ilyas take acting lessons from Aishath Shiranee? It was like watching Hiy Thelhunu Varun Balaa Levuney. LOL.

    The Dhivehistani mindset is superstitious and these mullah-cum-conmen are using that to the fullest. Dhivehistanis believe in black magic, curses, evil eye and of course, Islam - so if you want to manipulate their brains just shout those words, add a few Arabic mumbo-jumbo and shed a few crocodile tears. Islam was one of the tools used to bring down Shamsuddin III, Mohammad Ameen and Ibrahim Nasir. Too bad no Dhivehistani learns from history.

  6. Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla has become mad. accusing abusing and barking like mad dog. Allah must have “cursed” on him because he is using Islam’ as a tool to play with peoples hearts for graphing power to steal the government and loot the peoples money

  7. Islam drags you back to the dark ages, regardless of how far we have come in terms of science and technology. Dhivehistanis buy flashy smartphones and laptops while believing the most ridiculous superstitions thanks to Islam, while denying very basic science to be true. Ah the irony.

  8. Haha! Nice stand-up routine, Imran! Good laughs! Hope to see you on tour soon!

    Please, Imran ! We don't need you to tell us how to follow the path of islam. Nor do we need Shaheem and the rest of that bunch.

  10. Imran is confused about which party he has to choose? Oh well, this happens when you have to support corrupt leaders that we have here in the Maldives. And in the process you also get the label "Imran- the dimwit"

    Wicca is America's fastest growing religion, says Witch School

    They have a witch school there, now what kind of tricks will you learn???

    Read more:

    Talk about dumb Maldivians!!

  11. This fake "sheikh" reminds me of Abu Jahl. When Prophet Mohammed showed Abu Jahl the overwhelming power of Allah the creator, Abu Jahl had no answer, but accuse the Prophet of Black Magic.

    In the 21st century we have Imran rejecting overwhelming evidence of support for MDP throughout the country. His only explanation is "Black Magic".

    Abu Jahl lived in the 7th century A.D. Imran lives in the 21st century A.D. Despite the near 2000 year gap, Imran doesn't seem to have learned much. Moreover, the Islamic faith has left little mark on Imran (belief in Black Magic is for the Kuffar!).

  12. @ilyas on Sun, 18th Aug 2013 7:39 PM

    "Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla has become mad... he is using Islam’ as a tool to play with peoples hearts..."

    I'm not sure what religion he is using as his "tool", but it certainly isn't Islam. There is no place for Black Magic in Islam!

    His belief in Black Magic certainly begs the question of what religion he is actually following!

  13. Also, Anni put feces in chocolate chip cookies and feed poor people all over Maldives. this chocolate chip also have magic power of grey-skull, forcing poor people to think Anni is king and mighty ruler of all Maldives. Anni is actually son of iblees and the bastard child of Hitler. Way back when, Hitler brainwashed Anni's prostitute mother and fed her evil beans. That is why Anni = Evil. Ok. Thxbye.

    Also, Anni's uncle is Stalin and plan to use Anni to rebuild the next USSR with Maldives being the capital.

  14. @Wives and concubines,

    So Islam drags you deep into the dark ages but science and technology, doesn't?And the developed world doesn't have anything which existed in the dark ages???

    So inventing a hell load of atomic bombs and burning, destroying millions of people in a second is just development?

    Inventing chemical weapons to cause blindness, lung searing, cancer etc is also development?

    And lets leave nuclear spills like from Fukushima and pollution from industry out of the question?

    Now why do you think the developed world promotes gay rights and insist on selling alcohol? They existed in the dark ages? Prostitution and abortion existed in the dark ages but it's okay to abort your child without any reason??

    Now you'll say i am an ignorant who is against Science! ho Hum!!!

  15. The heading is deliberately misleading. Adhaalath party did NOT curse or pray against any person. Its not a living organism, its just a political party...

    Classic atheist style article inviting people to mock Islam. Nothing new here.

    But for those who haven't read the story in dhivehi; the gist of the story is as follows.
    Sheikh Shaheem confides in an emotional speech that he only ever prayed against Nasheed because of anti Islam stance. A person who is in position of leadership is capable of more harm to the society and people than average person on the street. This was when Anni was openly defying and belittling Islamic scholars in his last days of office...

    Though it has to be said that praying against people is not the best way. the best way would be to pray for people to be guided straight. But different people can take things up to different levels, besides Shaheem knows more about the secularist elites more than he divulged.
    and god knows best.

  16. Why Adhaalath is so concerned about what others do about their religion. If Islam is what this moron is propagating then Islam has no place in 21st century. Does this guy really believe in this voodoo stuff? It seems Anni is Firounu and This mentally retard guy is Moosaagefaan. Where are serpent of Moosa to eat and the blackmagic of Firoun. It seems he does not know that Firounu was much better then Moosaa because Firounu was more intelligent then Moosa if we compare them with today’s standard. I am sure this guy is mentally retarded; I wonder how any person with sound commonsense would ever support such group who cannot sense the real world. This bunch of idiots believes we still live in 07th century Arabia or see the world how the middle age ignorant people perceived. You can jump in to the sea and die with your craziness, but we will not revert to your crazy ideas of going to heaven with 70 virgins and in order to achieve this orgy, we are not going to kiss the ground or do any crazy thing you do to satisfy your imaginary Frankenstein. Isn’t funny that this moron wants civilized people to follow this half brained zombie?. Seems this guy loses his sanity as he knows in a modern democratic society these uneducated ignorant will have no room and no one will buy their bulls**t and will have no means to fill their stomachs. Hope few intelligent will have capability to get the backward Maldivian society to back anni so we can get rid of this subhuman stuff and Maldives can join with the rest of democratic societies to live with harmony and progress.

  17. You cannot make this up! A lethal mix of arrogance and idiocy! What a cringe inducing read. The pompous fool will probably never ever understand how ridiculous he is - which is well, no human being should be subject to such a cruel self awareness.

    Human being,

    Get your head out of your ass and smell the roses.
    Ask yourself this much- Do atheists really need to mock Islam when Sheiks like Imran and their adoring fans such as yourself do such a brilliant job?

  18. @human being on Sun, 18th Aug 2013 10:33 PM

    "Classic atheist style article inviting people to mock Islam. Nothing new here."

    So, tell us then, what's the difference between Abu Jahl and Imran when it comes to believing in the power of Black Magic?

    Shakespeare would say that Imran is as thicke as Tewksbury mustard!

  19. This is why Burma Gasim would get fewer votes than Yaameen, granted Dhivehin has any inkling of sense. Imran what a looney you turn out to be, lol even Burma Gasim and Hassan Saeed must be cursing at him for the crakpot outburst.

  20. Finally Sheikh has realised that people could be persuaded to better 'deals' if he preached Chinese superstitions instead of his until-now favoured Islamic rhetoric. What a waste of time. He should have gone to China years ago to get training. If he did he would have been a wonderful communist who was fluent in numerology. And, if he was a true Moslem, he should in fact had gone to China to study. After all, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had said you should seek knowledge even if it meant going to China.

  21. I support Mohamed Nasheed for President 2013-2018. How dare these people accuse me of being anti Islam and laddheenee. I think its time we took these people to court for slander. Who do these people think they are? Kufur vaairu ves neygey mi meehunnah.

  22. @ human being.

    Sheikh Shaheem has said he did BIDHUA (CURSE) on President Nasheed. Straight from the horses mouth!What more evidence do you need?

    I find it ironical that Sheikh Shaheem should find President Nasheed to have an anti Islamic stance when it was President nasheed who created our first Ministry of Islamic Affairs, endorsed the FIQH academy and appointed this man as Minister of State of Islamic Affairs.

    Please don't insult us by telling us the Adhalath Party is acting on behalf of Allah! To give them this honour would be shirk.

    The Adhalath party is a right wing organisation very much on the lines of the Nazi Party grounded in policies of racism, xenophobia, misogynism, and fascism. Just as Hitler exploited the science of genetics to justify his genocide, the Adhalath party is exploiting our deep connection to Islam to get support for their choice of President.

    Despicable lot.

  23. @peasanr

    couldnt have said it better!

    @ Former Tourist: YES we will! Hama EBBURUN No 4 President Nasheed!

    @ human being
    Praying against other muslims is forbidden in Islam from what I have been told.

    @Wives and Concubines

    I disagree with you that Islam drags us back to the dark ages. Islam is a religion of compassion, tolerance, culture and science. Islam in fact led to the Renaissance of art and music in Europe. Wahhabism, on the other hand which is what the salafis and the adhalath party preach, is a cult that IS dragging people to the dark ages. The Wahhabi Sect choose to interpret Islam in the narrowest possible way to control people and is telling us now that we are not muslims just because we choose not to follow their dogma.

    It was this group of normads from the middle east who brought about the fall of the Islamic Empire in Spain by creating conflict and disharmony among the muslims in Spain which Queen Isabella I of Castile, along with her husband King Ferdinand II of Aragon exploited to take over the Islamic Empire in Spain.

  24. They say "Black Magic can be beaten only with Black Magic". Does that mean that Imram and his KATUMULLAH party members are into black magic?

  25. @shafeea
    Bidhua is innovation, not curse.
    Also there is instances when cursing is allowed. Hazrath Nuh,Musa,Easa, Muhammad (peace be upon them all) did it, so its clearly allowed. But that's the rule rather than the exception. All these anbiyaa despaired of kaafirun and prayed and cursed on their enemies and god accepted them. In the case of Anni, I am not sure we shall despair of him, but coming from the die-hard ultra-staunch secularist camp, there is not much hope in him either. Clearly Shaheem knows somethings about Anni we know not, otherwise he wouldn't have.

  26. I am very angered to hear that this dirty mulla is insulting us without provocation. May be we shall send our fleet to attack his church gathering and teach him a lesson - that his unprovoked and cowardly attack on Glorious People's Republic of China will not go unanswered.

  27. @Shafeea

    " Islam is a religion of compassion, tolerance, culture and science."

    Hey, could you please inform me of the times for the next beheadings of apostates, blasphemers and homosexuals? Also, make sure you send me the times for amputations, stoning of adulterers and flogging of rape victims. I will be sure to attend.

    Also, ask that muslim nobel prize winner to come along too!

  28. @Shimy

    Its wonderful to see your gang cornered and hated. Now, let me take apart your lies piece by piece.

    "Wicca is America’s fastest growing religion, says Witch School"

    Weren't you guys bragging that your brand of Islam (no offense to the real muslims) was the fastest growing religion? Whatever happened to that?

    "So inventing a hell load of atomic bombs and burning, destroying millions of people in a second is just development?"

    You taliban terrorists want that technology and use it against civilians.
    At least the Americans helped the Japanese recover - you guys have no such plan.

    "Inventing chemical weapons to cause blindness, lung searing, cancer etc is also development?"

    if it's to subdue murderers and child-raping rioters like the muslim brotherhood, then yes.

    "And lets leave nuclear spills like from Fukushima and pollution from industry out of the question?"

    You just compared accidents to your terrorism; you know what you're doing is evil - yet you do so.

    Your middle eastern masters back the largest polluting industry in the world - the production of crude oil. You have no right to speak about pollution.

    "Now why do you think the developed world promotes gay rights and insist on selling alcohol?"

    Its your choice. They dont force it down our throats. Your cult, on the other hand, demands that we hand over our homes, our lives, our children and our efforts to your cult, or die.
    Big difference over there.

    "Prostitution and abortion existed in the dark ages but it’s okay to abort your child without any reason??"

    Once again, its their choice. I'm sure you love raping widowers and poor single mothers and leaving them to suffer the artificial 'social stigma' your cult ferments.

    Yes, you are ignorant - and we are thankful to Allah that our enemies are so stupid and ignorant.

  29. Jeeez !!!

    This is just pathetic....
    And the press relaying THAT on the net !!??
    Guess what the world will think about Maldives & its people after that...
    Nice advertising, guys !!

  30. The ramblings by current Adhalath Party Leaders are not consistent with the teachings of Islam. So I am not sure they are using Islam for Political gain. I hope everyone in Maldives are able to recognize them for what they are, sleazy, greedy and evil opportunists!

  31. We don't need any more dogs in our country. The despicable dogs heading Adalat party is enough. I also have a Dua for the religion selling cursed mercenaries of Gasim. Let them and those who they feed with the ill gotten money rot not only in hell but also on earth.I will never ever give a vote to Mr. Gasim as long as he uses dogs like Imran and womanizer Shaheem . May Allah curse you all sooner than later.

  32. Just forgot to mention that it was Anni who banned issuing liquor permits to expatriate workers and really addressed the Maldivian's consupmtion of the stuff imported mainly by people like Gasim and Champas. And this religion selling dogs who believes in Chinese superstiutions who are called Imran and Shaheem took the side of the one who paid them most. Bloody prostitutes who sells Allah for their own needs. I will curse you dogs everytime I pray too.

  33. @ Shafeea

    Did you choose your religion? Probably NOT; just like the 98 % of the seven billion people in this world. Had your parents been born to ancient Greece, you would probably be praying to Apollo or Zeus. Had your parents been a Christian, Jew or a Zoroastrian, you would be praying to the respective God of those faiths.

    Yes couldn't agree more with Wives and Concubines that Islam drags us to the dark ages. Contrary to your and other Muslims beliefs, Islam was never a driving force behind scientific discoveries. Proponents of ‘Islamic Science’ who happily make reference to a couple of Quranic ayah about learning and exploring the universe as a driving force behind scientific discoveries, look the other way or shout “out of context” when a similar parallel is drawn between Quranic injunctions about killing the infidels and the current wave of terrorism.

    Except for a couple of inventions like sundial clocks, their origin and motives behind the inventions is still debated. Islam seldom played any role in any of scientific discoveries. Neither did it play any such role in the 7th or 8th centuries nor will it in the 21st or the centuries to come. Quite opposite to claims of proponents of ‘Islamic Science’, Islam was always used as a tool of oppression. Be it the brutal treatment of liberal scholars or an ideological war against rationality waged by people like Ghazali. Islam and the Quran were always at the service of fanatic mullahs. The nineteenth century Muslim thinker and pragmatist Syed Jamaluddin Afghani, who himself was a fierce opponent of Darwin’s theory of evolution, at least admitted to this shameful truth. He once wrote: “In truth, the Muslim religion has tried to stifle science and stop its progress. It has thus succeeded in halting the philosophical or intellectual movement and in turning minds from the search for scientific truth”

  34. Annis's black magic is very effective as it appears. Let's see if God in the skies answer Seyku Mullah, fake Ilyas's weeping.

  35. We spit upon the faces of Shaheem and Ilyas, who consider seeking justice for our children who were raped as "unislamic'. Kulhujahaanan. Furassaara kuraanan.

  36. @Atom jaahilu
    Here is what is wrong with your two cents.

    Basically you are a very angry unstable person looking for too many answers. You just googled some anti islam info and you have got ammunition. Education is not like that. You need deep knowledge of whatever you are looking for till you arrive at answers.

    In just one paragraph you have included Greek mythology, concubines, exploration of universe and killing infidels. What kind of argument is that? you haven't forgotten to include Darwin, Jamaluddin Afghani, Ghazali and sundial as well maybe to claim you know philosophy? pls give ppl a break.

  37. only fools and mentally retarded peoples will listening to "iblees Imran Abdulla"

  38. Seriously this guy urgently needs to get his brain (assuming he has any) examined by some literate doctors.

  39. @ human being

    You seem to be a fella who graduated from one of those laid back seminaries in the outskirts of Wazirustan. C'mon buddy. Think, think and think with whatever the gray matter you have upstairs.

    Do you want to slit the throat of your little kid to prove 100% allegiance to a supreme being, who is supposedly overlooking from a vantage point in the outer cosmos?? Do you seriously think that a compassionate, loving God would want to subject a little kid to severe psychological trauma just to prove Himself??

    And do you seriously believe that some one flew on a winged-horse (Buraaq) to reach "Sidrathul Munthaha"? Buddy, check out what Pegasus is. I tell you something fella. Pegasus is a Greek mythical goddess that had been around hundreds of years before the advent of Islam! Numerous bed-time stories had been told to the little kids of the ancient Rome about this mythical figure, including the ones about carrying the highly revered "homo sapiens" on its back to higher plains! In this 21st century of scientific discovery, does your intellect allow you to subscribe to such unsubstantiated folklore?? At a tender age,we were led to believe in the Rannamaari story. And we have been listening and believing all those, tiff tiffs, raiy loahbe and safaru kaiyda stories for 800 plus years.

    Buddy, it is about time we asked the hard questions ourselves. Please be brave and I know, one got to have nerves of steel to speak ones mind on such taboo subjects. Please do some research and brace yourself for an intellectual debate and take on guys with dissenting views with substantive arguments.

  40. Ali Ahmed,

    Oh!dear god, i really have cornered my self, haven't i? Now when did i become a member of Adhaalath??? And where does the Muslim brotherhood fit in all this??

    You seriously need help because the state that you are in now, could make you spit out whatever comes to your puny western mind!

    Aren't you the one speculating,claiming and bellowing with rage all these allegations while what i have put forward are all facts.

    Science does have it's pros and cons, doesn't it?

    Now does mentioning of Wicca and witchcraft undermine the growing religion of Islam? The witchcraft business will bring them a lot of cash and it proves how mentally retarded the Americans are?? Why wouldn't they, they with France are the most depressed people in the world according to the amount of pills they use. I thought freedom brings happiness and joy so all of this freedom+happiness thingy is a lie, is it??

    Let's go to the Taliban mad dogs, next. Well, your developed Americans, Russians and the British along with some Afghani double standards made this a land of hell. Did you know that this was a land always fought over because of it's strategic position so what has Islam got to do with this war? Unless some people deliberately wanted the blame to be on Islam and that is the situation now. If your humanity loving brains condemn inhumanity why don't you condemn drone attacks which kill civilians or go to Gitmo and witness the hunger strike there. They have hundreds of prisoners who do not even have a trial. The Americans just say they are terrorists because they had Russian made mines hidden under their backyard.

    Thus The US is a manipulative machine

    CIA tactics to trap Bin Laden linked with polio crisis, say aid groups

    You should also watch the fake movie Zero dark thirty.It's a brilliant master piece which revolves around the capture of Bin Laden- the biggest fake story of all time.

    With this amount of mistrust what country will progress with the US. Actually the US does not want anybody else to progress

    The Afghan War: “No Blood for Opium”

    Now when does Islam require you to grow Opium to battle your enemies like the Taliban. This is the biggest joke of the century and if you can give me a verse from the Qur'an to establish this point then I'll admit to being a fool, happy??

    Now i mentioned pollution from Fukushima because nobody is worried about this when the whole of the pacific is contaminated with its spilling water. If this was from a Muslim nation like Malaysia i bet it would have another scenario.

    Report: The people of Japan are responsible for poisoning of world’s food chain due to Fukushima catastrophe — They have to stand up and take action — “The buck has to stop somewhere” (not that i blame japan for this)

    And you really think people become prostitutes out of choice, well think again, bird brain!

    Mums 'selling sex to feed their children as benefit cuts hit Hull's poorest'

    Read more:

  41. @atom smasher on Mon, 19th Aug 2013 7:10 PM

    So you, quoting Sayed Jamaludheen Afghani, who lied about his birth place, followed European lifestyle, avoided Muslim practices like fasting, has really shown your intention.

    I guess we need more Maldivians like you, who i presume believe in evolution theory, so we can move forward believing that we evolved from dinosaur eggs or from an accident or from dumb brainless apes rather than believing in creators best creation with a big working brain, who can rationalize good from bad, animals from humans etc.

    BTW we can talk about mythical creatures but your Evolution theory has really bad flaws too. Nobody can know the truth, can they, after all we have to believe in things coming out of humans, and considering the way they can manipulate anything, who knows???

  42. @atom:
    basically you have advanced 2 points.

    1) that a "god" shall be loving humane kind of grandfatherly figure for your acceptance. That's the christian view of god. We Muslims believe we are insignificant to the infinite degree in the estimate of god. so weather god subjects a child to to trauma or weather god entertains his servants for eternity in paradise, who are we to judge god? And by the way, why don't the kuffar raise the point of paradise for eternity? They always take the suffering and ask for sympathy, why not take eternal bliss (for small good deeds) and question the "injustice" of that?

    2) you have mentioned a winged horse from the miuraj maulood. this miuraaj maulood is full fabrications and this is no different. Nobody has seen Buraag and prophet has not described its features.
    So you have lots of misinformation about Islam and its not my job to educate you.

  43. @human being on Mon, 19th Aug 2013 10:22 PM

    Thank god you are not here to educate anyone.

    It's "Whether" not weather, unless you wish to talk about the rain, sunshine or wind.

    This whole article has dived into a slagging match between various posters.

    The bottom line is that Religion has no place in politics and should never be used as a tool to intimidate the voters into choosing a candidate.

    The question is does the public want a righteous religious man to lead the country, but fails economically to drag the Maldives out of spiralling debt and poverty or a non-believer that brings prosperity and a higher standard of living to all Maldivians regardless of social standing.

    For me I'd vote for the man who put the country and people before his religion, because there is no guarantee the afterlife will reward the man who spends his time in prayer awaiting an answer to solve the nations problems.

  44. @DMF
    If religion has no place in politics then why are they against minarets in Europe? Why all the fuss about ladies headscarves in France? why all the paranoia about beards? This all in secular western advanced countries.

    Got any answer to that?

    bottom line is they all put their religious values first in politics, but prefer to say otherwise. This much should have been obvious, me thought...

  45. DMF,

    You are correct, if people do not want a religious noble person as their leader we cannot force them to select.Prophet Mohammed did not come to power on his own forceful accord but the people around him gave the honor to him.

    The Adhalath party cannot be considered noble now as they switched party,have Shaheem(whose wife has a corruption case coming)Imran, who rants about Chinese superstition etc. But neither would i support seyku Nasheed because of his hypocrisy, lies and use of religion in his campaign now. Politics is a really dangerous monopoly played by humans.

  46. @Shimy

    I'm amused that you blab all about the US, when you disregard the real puppetmaster; i.e the Saudi government - yes, the same government that YOUR link revealed to be the one behind the 9/11 attacks, the Iraq wars and now the savagery happening in Syria.

    Such is your hypocrisy.

    I see you have no idea what choice factors into thought - So why don't you go protest this?

    ... you probably won't. Because you and your gang consider children to be 'expendable resources'. After all, your kind tends to go on murderous riots every time a rape victim is spared your state-sponsored rape.

  47. You go on about how Nasheed 'lies' and 'corrupts'. But can you name even one of them? Or are you just blindly repeating the propaganda they spout on TV?


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