The religious conservative Adhaalath Party has condemned the Tourism Ministry for backing down on threats to withhold operating licenses of resorts with unpaid rent and fines.
The Tourism Ministry warned resort facilities with unpaid rents and fines to settle at least 25 percent of the outstanding amounts by July 20 or face revoking of licenses. However the ministry later decided not to follow through on the warning after at least seven out of ten resorts failed to comply within the period.
“Adhaalath Party believes that this decision made by the Tourism Ministry not to withhold the licenses will have adverse affects on society,” said the Adhaalath Party in a press statement. “It would cause the public to lose confidence in a state institute.”
Adhaalath Party claimed to have information that resorts owned by a Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP and Economic Advisor to the President along with a candidate for the MDP Chairperson post were among the resorts on the list.
“This decision of the Tourism Ministry will encourage individuals and businessman not to uphold the laws,” the party said. “As a result, the state will have to face difficulties in collecting revenues owed and it is possible that it affects the domestic economy.”
The party said that it was “very irresponsible” of the Tourism Ministry to make such a decision, adding that a delegation from Adhaalath is due to meet ministry officials over the issue.
Following the Tourism Ministry’s decision, the Commissioner General of Taxation Yazeed Mohamed told newspaper Haveeru that “even if the Tourism Ministry does not take measures, MIRA will fulfill its legal responsibilities.”
MIRA is currently pursuing cases at the Civil Court against a number of tourist facilities to recover unpaid rents.

AP : Don't talk about anything worldly. You don't live for enjoying this world. You only want what you are promised in the next world.
Go harass and intimidate some school children and old people with hell fire stories.
WHO is Adhaalath to comment on the Tourism Ministry?!
@ Marina
You forgot that Adhaalath Party is a political party.
How come the usual Adhaalath bashing commenters of Minivan News are quiet about this issue?
Why the bloody Mullahs are so much interested in Allah’s forbidden things like tourism rents, tax from the sales of pork and Allah forbidden alcoholic drinks.
So these shit Mullahs like heathen’s money the mighty United States dollars! What a nuts’ Bedouin way of deceiving Allah!
there has been so much news on Adhaalath recently... who the heck is this Imran? Some guy, just popped up from no where!
shouldn't someone profile him??
Adhalath is nothing. dont worry
Hey Rocket, To hell with Adhaalath! Afterall you gus had a demonstration against Alcohol, which reflects on the Tourism Industry as a whole! So the rent money will be -la-haraam-wal haraam!
Most of those who comment here on minivan seems rather unbalanced.. The point Adhaalath has raised is really a fair point because most of these resorts which are withholding rents are resorts of Jaabir, Hamza and other MDP parliamentarians. Adhaalath is asking for the govt. not to create this bad precedent which absolves some of obligation to pay their dues. If this precedent is established nobody needs to pay rent to any landowner any more. Nobody needs to pay taxes and nobody needs to repay loans. This is as bad as things get. But even for raising this very valid point Adhaalath is getting bashed. Maybe Minivan deserves better readers and fairer comments than this!
It isn't fair on those resorts who've paid in time. This decision came because the likes of AAA, who own a good share of the money pumped to bring MDP to power, can't be denied of their licence although they don't have enough to pay. No political party, not even the always-running-to-court Gaumee party took notice of this. Its good that AP at least talked about this. I hope that MIRA will do well in court and bring justice.
Oh my pious brothers and sacred sisters of Adaalath party!
Thou shall live and die for the life here after. Thou shan't fall in love for wine nor the tourism taxes. Ye, verily, it's haram and haram.
Thou shall respect holy saint Dr Abdul Majeed Abdul Bari. Indeed, he was created to give pure fatwa brought from Medina, the sacred land of ye forefathers.
Aiman, I think you ought to learn what is meant by "la-haraam-wal haraam!" I dont think you are using it correctly here. lol
But any way, what the government should get (as taxes, or anything else for that matter) the government should get. Just because it is MDP MP's resort or my uncle's resort, it should not be an excuse to not pay what is due.
What Adhaalat (and me too) is mad about is why resorts belonging to MDP guys have not paid their dues. What they are more mad about is why the government will not take any action against these people for not paying their taxes.
Your example of the demonstration against selling alcool in inhabited islands has nothing to do with this issue of paying taxes to the government.
It is truly a sad day.
Pretentious half-wits who designate themselves flag-bearers of the liberal community flock around the MDP like brainless zombies.
Those with real intellect sit at the sidelines or make alliances with conservative elements.
Therefore, MDP supporters, Minivan supporters and most people who like to call portray themselves as liberal, atheist and the such are often confused, half-educated nincompoops.
This is the reason why anti-Adalat sentiments these days seem so idiotic.
Adhaalath Party is a political party who are working towards the one and the same "Presidency" of the Maldives!
They too are aware that if that can be had; they would have no trouble turning themselves into the "Absolute Power" they would like to transform themselves into!
When Sheiks turn Politician, they are subject to worldly things and desires.
The clever saitan can then twist their minds to love the "$" and make them agree to let go some of the ha'raam as ha'laal before 2013 elections!!!!!!!
@ tsk tsk
"Pretentious half-wits who designate themselves flag-bearers of the liberal community flock around the MDP like brainless zombies."
You mean some zombies are not brainless?
Say about AP whatever you want, it's the first time one of their statements actually makes sense.
now whats the interpretation on sahi albuhari and other hadhith books about prophets decisions about recollecting money someone owes? dont wait for a good time for the person who has to pay and to rip of the source of income of that person?
If you are smart, you would grab a few millions by any means, cause Maldives guarantees the rights of such people, ignoring the rights of the victims. I encourage everyone to try 'Gadha meehaa gadha vaane' or 'adugadha meehaa ruh gina vaane'. give up moral or legal boundaries and explore what you can get.
I have to lough, lol lol........
Following the Tourism Ministry’s decision, the Commissioner General of Taxation Yazeed Mohamed told newspaper Haveeru that “even if the Tourism Ministry does not take measures, MIRA will fulfill its legal responsibilities.”
MIRA is currently pursuing cases at the Civil Court against a number of tourist facilities to recover unpaid rents.
a friend of mine had to pay the fine for a small mistake imidiatly and here they have court case ahaha everybody knows this takes ages ahaha ye coruption comitee KOBA ?
Corruption is allergic to the rich!
Nothing should or would come their way!
Poor people must pay fines and fee immediately or else go to jail!
That's the order of the day and the policy of the Big B!