Comment: Extreme times…extreme measures?

Are you familiar with the game of ‘chicken’? It’s when two testosterone (and probably alcohol) fueled teenagers, egged on by their often scheming and cowardly friends, challenge each other to get into a car and drive towards themselves at high-speeds to see who will back-down or steer-away from certain collision and probably death. The first person to do so is then regarded as a ‘chicken’, with subsequent consequences on pride, relationships and social standing.

Over the last fortnight in the Maldives, we are witnessing the silliest, but most high stakes game of chicken being played by politicians who really should know better. From both sides of the political spectrum, rational individuals who should know better are getting into their respective cars – that on which the entire country relies on – and simply revving up their engines and let go of the brake.

By their side, we have the bearded Islamists, egging them on and waiting for the entire foundations of the Maldivian economy to self-destruct – so that the atoll caliphate can be reborn in all its glory.

In the old days (i.e. the time right after Maumoon forgot his criticism of Nasir for allowing alcohol to be sold), we were told that a central tenet of islam was : to each, his own. If you wanted to be a Christian, Buddhist, Shinto, Scientologist – that was your right and we will not try to change that. It conveniently allowed an ideological space for our tourism sector to grow.

However, according to the new religious authorities of the Maldives, this is no longer the case. A Maldivian economy that relies on the money of Kafir’s drinking and sleeping with their unmarried partners in our hotel rooms is hypocritical and should be overthrown.

These are extreme times we are living in. However, it is perhaps becoming slowly but abundantly clear that the existing status quo is slowly disintegrating. History has shown that when there are two parties of people living on the same area with wildly different ideas of what society should be like – the only sad solution is separation. Think India and Pakistan, West and East Germany, North and South Korea, South and North Sudan…etc.

Or perhaps take a more domestic metaphor – for many years, the relationship between the tourism industry and moderate Islam in general, and the firebrand conservatism of the current Islam in the Maldives, was like a marriage of convenience. Like any partners in a marriage, they each had their idiosyncrasies. However, for the sake of a young growing nation, both sides simply put their differences aside and tried to work it out. Today, both sides argue that the other are simply not playing fair and making unreasonable demands on each other. For the sake of the children (and future generations), isn’t it time now to consider a divorce and go their own separate ways?

Now, I’m not saying that a separation is not going to be a messy affair – what separation is not? However, in our case, it does not have to be.  The Islamic conservatives do not want to have anything to do with the tourism industry. So naturally Male’ atoll and Ari Atoll will be part of the Liberal Maldives – where most of the existing resort infrastructure are. Male has also been built on money ill-gotten from trading in alcohol, adultery (not all tourists who stay in resorts are married), and generally haram behavior. Every single aspect of the existing economy has been tainted with it, so surely they cannot in good conscience live in Male’.

So for the Islamic conservatives we provide them with a part of the country and call it the Islamic State of Maldives (or the Arabic name for Maldives) – say North or South – they can choose – and they will give up their existing land in Male’ so that people from that part of the country can come and stay there. Now I am not so certain quite what they will base their economy on – but surely they must have ideas (fisheries, agriculture, Islamic banking hub, Islamic tourism) And to be frank, good luck to them. I value diversity, and I hope they are successful and show us an alternative way to live to the western dominated environment destroying globalised economy.

The other part of the country will form the Liberal Democratic Maldives. The nature of that liberal democracy is one that puts individual freedom at heart – and runs an economy on the basis of that. The role that religion plays in this society is clearly complex – as it is in any society. It could be a moderately religious place (i.e. like Malaysia) or it could be one where religion has no place in public life but only in private life. It could for example be a dual economy – where a different set of rules apply to visiting tourists than to locals in terms of what they can and cannot do. Or it could (Allah forbid) be one where people are free to practice whatever religion they please.

As you may be able to tell from my tone, I have a small bias towards the liberal viewpoint and my preference is to live in the LDM. However, I truly and genuinely respect that you may have a conservative viewpoint. Your idea of Islamic banking and Islamic tourism hub may work like a charm – I mean they do say that Europe is now a dead economy. And who knows, as I grow older and as my wife grows uglier, I may be convinced of the joys of a second younger wife – and then, I’ll be on the first boat to your side.

All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to


26 thoughts on “Comment: Extreme times…extreme measures?”

  1. Hassan Ismail,

    When you grow older & as your wife grows uglier you can always start a purely sexual relationship with a younger woman (outside marriage) - You do not have to get married to fulfil your 'joys' - I love western cultures!

  2. @Hassan Ismail,

    When you grow older & as your wife grows uglier you can always start a purely sexual relationship with a younger woman (outside marriage) – You do not have to get married to fulfil your ‘joys’ – I love western cultures!


    And what on earth prevents a Muslim male from taking on a younger wife, if his present wife has aesthetically deteriorated? Certainly not Shariah.

    I suppose you were now going to ramble on about how they must all be treated equally. Easier said then done.

    Even the prophet made no secret of the fact that he loved Aishah the most.

  3. But I suppose marriage makes it all okay. Age and purpose be damned.

  4. I am surprised that Minivan even post such impractical, ideologically flawed ramblings on your news outlet. To shame.

  5. Again... Another islamophobe writing. When is this going to stop? Tell me guys what has the bearded muslims done to provoke this latest bonanza of anti islam? Who provoked them first? the kaafir camp no?

    Here is the order of things..

    1. They (secularists) fixed idols in Addu against majority people's wishes.

    2. They (secularists) invited Ms Pilley to talk about sharia and she offended a huge number of people.

    2b. They (secularists) send Hillath to provoke muslims to confront his gay rights agenda.

    3. the bearded muslims did the big demo which was unwisely countered by the secularists.

    4. the secularists closed gasim's spas to intimidate him.

    5. when it didn't workout they (secularists) issued circular to close all spas in resorts

    5b. all the while they did not issue any writ to remove the idols in Addu.

    So who is actually provoking this islamophobia, the government or the people? Me thinks is the government. Agree anybody?

  6. Like Jabir said, as long as Maldivians are barred from entering the casinos that the MDP plans to develop in Laamu the most of us would be fine with the new direction of tourism.

  7. Mr. Hassan Ismail, by the way why are you talking of dividing our motherland.
    As far as majority of us, the bearded Mullahs can migrate to a place like their kind live, like Pakistan or Afghanistan.

  8. @Hassan Ahmed

    May the wrath of Allah SWT be upon you, you JEW! You shall not speak such blasphemy on a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MUSLIM WEBSITE (it needs a filter to disallow non-muslims from entering asap)!

    The pious brothers and non-fornicating sisters, who you call 'mullahs', shall take over this country! You may be laughing at our long beards and short trousers now, but I bet the day would come when you would have even longer beards than us....jews!

    I also advice Hassan Ismail to come back to Islam, as I fear you might have become a Jew yourself, due to the nature of your article. Repent Jew, before you face malakal mouth, who wouldn't spare you anymore time in this material world!

  9. Uncoordinated development projects for the good of the proletariat has to stop unless they are organised as legal Casinos and where the dumb locals are refused entry! If there is a strict door policy then I wholeheartedly agree with it. Casinos in - but keep the locals out!

  10. findinding a younger wife is something many men in all societies do, in the west, the east, the north and the south

  11. a surprisingly large number of ppl that commented on this article seems to be fixated on the idea of finding a younger wife. 😉 just an observation.

  12. "However, for the sake of a young growing nation, both sides simply put their differences aside and tried to work it out."

    As they should continue to do so and will most likely do so for the foreseeable future.

    Let's face it, the only political parties in Maldives capable of winning an election are either MDP, DRP or PPM. The rest including the religious groups (while they do have public approval on religious grounds) won't stand a chance when it comes to votes. DRP and PPM are using Adaalath the same way MDP used them when they won the election. I don't see any radical changes even if they win and hopefully the status quo remains in place and allow the country to develop and evolve at it's own pace.

  13. If things are not solved sooner or later we will see a two state solution. One occupied by Jews. So think and prevent such a scenario before it is too late.
    Stop playing the blaming game.

  14. So adhaalath is the golden Maldivian whore, and gasimee the pimp serving all these parties.

  15. People get real! Why the hell would Jews have any interest in these tiny insignificant islands in the Indian Ocean. You are playing yourself up yet again.

  16. If the Maldives want to keep developing they should not let religion dominate politics but they should become a secularism state.
    This requires tolerance, something fanatic and insecure religious people (of any religion) lack.

  17. What a boring,rambling,silly essay.I wish Minivan news use writers who are more coherent,witty,stylish and intelligent.

  18. Dear Tsk Tsk II,

    The "jews" or rather Israel has interests in the Maldives because regardless of our relatively small size, we have a vote on the UN General Assembly and we are part of a voting bloc of Small Island States sponsored by powerful geopolitical actors.

    Add to that our recently gained position on the UN Human Rights Council as well as Dr. Ahmed Shaheeds newly gained post as the Special Rapporteur on Blacklisting Iran.

    Hope I have been helpful.

  19. allah akbar, i vote in favour of dividing the maldives along parallel lines!

  20. @Mohamed2 coherent, witty, stylish and intelligent writing lands you in jail. So this is just perfect.

  21. In the secondary schools at the tender age we are taught the art of "Bahuskurun". As we grow up in our academic schooling we step up the copetitions into "Debate". When we leave school we are offered political forums to perform our debating skills. The media call us to display our competative debating skills. The best of us gets our votes to represent political segments to compete in our debating, as a life time hobby. Those less fortune sits at their computers and fill in the readers comments with our wasted skills of debating. We Maldivians are likely to struggle and debate even when we are in our coffins. Be a Maldivian. eat, shit, pray and debate.

  22. AS an outsider, I feel once the genie of radicalism is unleashed, it will not take long to turn Maldives into Afghanistan or Waziristan. Pakistan's experience clearly shows that accommodation of extremist view point leads to promotion of radical view point. Those with knowledge of Islamic history will realise that Islam, for that matter even Sunni Islam has never been a monolith. Once religious bigots get authority to define policy agenda, even the smallest differences will come to the fore.


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