The arrival of Eye from Zion, a specialist Israeli NGO of ophthalmologists, appears to have presented our Holy politicians with their best campaign fodder yet.
There must have been much strategising and pulling together of ranks among them. One can almost hear the tactics and the commands now at the Holy Politicians HQ (HPHQ). Wouldn’t it be nice to be a fly on the wall?
In the spirit of transparent governance – a la Julian Assange – yours truly is publishing below a sort of MuniLeak; transcribed excerpts from a secret meeting at the HPHQ situation room that never of course happened last week. Here is what one might have imagined being discussed by key campaign strategists during a brainstorming session on how to get the most political mileage out of Israel and its band of doctors.
The session was led by a man – true identity hidden from view by a balaclava fashioned from a beard connected to a turban – who assigned tasks for each set of key players among important HPs:
“You, the academics and the professionals, take to the airwaves immediately – you find a way to ground this hatred in theology. Buy airtime on national TV. Make sure you get a doctor in, perhaps a lawyer too.
Get a Holy Joe Public as well. Discuss, in an appropriately learned circle, the hypothesis that Eyes = Zionism. Infer, in scholarly tones, that the woman who leaves her eyes uncovered is an undercover Zionist. Espouse the dangerous links that Eye Care and the optics chain must surely have with Zionists – just look at their logo. It has an eye on it, only a fool would be blind to what they are really saying: I heart Zionists.
Anecdotal evidence works well with the audience. The doctor must have a few personal stories to tell – how about one where he eyeballed a Zionist in a white coat lurking around the eye surgery…? We must also find one among us who would be willing to testify on record – “Zionists took my eyes!” Can we upload his testimony on YouTube, perhaps?
Meanwhile, any elected government official must use their position to get the message across loud and clear: we must hate Jews to love Palestinians. Get the Friday Sermon – that’s the key – there is no other audience quite as captive, or suggestible, as those seeking religious guidance.
All those men, unable to leave until we have finished what we are saying – no matter what we say. Brilliant! If we can get them to take to the streets afterwards, we have it. Excellent. How should we approach this?
We must use the Qur’an, it is our most powerful tool. Remember that Dutch politician, that MP Geert Wilders? I know, he hates Islam and Muslims, but a good tactic is a good tactic – whoever uses it. Wilders found ways to pick and choose verses from the Qur’an to make the outrageous claim that our Holy Book sanctioned the 11 September 2001 attacks.
He made a film out of it, super-imposing verses of Qur’an on video footage of the attacks. Despicable.
Unlike Wilders, we are not abusing the Qur’an to spread hatred against Muslims, we are using it to spread hatred against Jews – that makes our actions right and Wilders’ obviously wrong. The end always justifies the means (and the contents) of the message – let’s not forget Goebbels’ genius!
Hands up if you like the idea. Right, we have a consensus. We must get a government official in a high place to execute the plan. We already have the power of the sanctity of the Islamic Centre behind us, if we can give maximum possible authority to the voice that speaks from its pulpit on Friday, we’ll nail it. Any suggestions? Yes – getting an elected government official from the Islamic Ministry itself, with a doctorate, that is a good plan. Excellent. You are worried that we may not be able to locate such a figure?
You think that no one with that level of education and such high office would be willing to use their knowledge and position to incite hatred? Leave it to me – I know for a fact there is at least one who would think it an honour, a privilege and a right.
The Holy Shopkeepers – they must all contribute a roll of blue and white cloth from their fabric shops. The Holy Wives at home, they must begin embroidering the Star of David, double-quick. By the time the sun begins to set on Friday, if we get even half the people who were urged to hate Jews at the noon sermon to appear on the streets with their freshly made Israeli flags to burn and messages of hatred written in English to hoist, we are half-way there.
Throughout all this, we should continue our successful tactics for setting the news agenda.
First we must make absolutely sure that the media remain wholly oblivious to the obvious: Israel is not home to Jews only; Israel is not the only home of Jews. Make sure the media does not mention the million plus Muslims who are Israelis and make up 30 percent of the country’s population.
Avoid at all costs, also, any media recollection of the history of Maldivian relations with Israel, established in the 1970s. This would make it seem like these are relations established just recently – the political leverage we can achieve from that my brothers, is boundless.
The media, also, appears to have little or no idea that there are many different ways in which hundreds of thousands of people across the world – Muslim and non-Muslim – daily demonstrate their empathy with the Palestinian plight and their disagreement with Israeli policies without resorting to anti-Semitism, hatred and violence.
If we remove any connections between realpolitik and the ongoing Israel/Palestine conflict, we can easily reduce the complexities of the situation to a simple equation: loving Palestinians = hating Jews.
Campaign tactics always work when they are simple. What a beauty this one is. Nor must there be anything in the media about the long Maldivian tradition of support for the Palestinian cause without ever needing to hate either Israel or Jews.
People must not remember such draconian traditions – peace is passé. We all know that this type of tolerance among Maldivians is born out of the ignorance of the Right Islam. Remember, the ultimate goal is to make them believe most of the last two millennia never happened – that is the key to our perpetual rule.
Speaking of setting the news agenda – we must always remember to thank God for how lucky we are to have the type of media we do. None of our counterparts in any other democracy across the world has it so easy – we are blessed here with a free media that has no idea of its powers or responsibilities, and remains wholly unbound by any such thing as a code of ethics or a set of principles by which to abide. Fourth Estate, Public Watchdog,
Muckraker…these are concepts that are yet to even enter the realm of Maldivian media consciousness. Glory be!
If any of you feel a bit guilty about the visually impaired who are denied treatment, just think of this: for every Maldivian whose heart is filled with anti-Semitism, who had never before thought of separating Jews from other human beings solely on the basis of their religion and now does so, the world moves one step closer to finding a solution for the Israel/Palestine conflict.
We must ensure that our progress along this noble path is recorded. Not just for posterity but also for the present. We must appreciate the value that every single picture of a man, woman or child burning an Israeli flag is worth a thousand – Rufiyaa? Riyal? Dollar? AFA?
Our donors would have documentary proof, with those pictures, that we are worth all the money they are pouring into us. Every picture is evidence that we attained our goal of increasing the number of Muslims who hate. That we have managed to spread this message of hate amongst a people who were at peace for centuries – that is our biggest success so far.
Let us continue on our glorious path –remember this: only reason can resist us. Let us ensure fanatical hatred leaves little room for rational thought.”
All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to

boring and too long......
"We are blessed here with a free media that has no idea of its powers or responsibilities". I'll tell you why. There is no Maldivian journalist presently who is not in the pay of someone this government brought down.This common thread makes them clever at enacting massive lies. Such as agitating at the frontline of their own party's protest, do a run in with Police, and claim in bold heading "Police attaccks Media". The rationale here being that every media outlet is saying the same, so it must be the truth. Whose truth: of those in the pay of someone this government brought down. Their latest ploy was sending in a dozen parents into the Presidents Office, and the opposition activating just as they left, a violent run in with Police, punching several Policemen in the face to hot things up, and then running the bold header: Police attacks Parents. Next they will probably sending a few disabled persons, and create unrest just as they leave, and run the bold header : Police attacks the Disabled.
Exactly....guess the writer has confused the poor soul!
I agree; while this article may well have been trying to make a good point - it is just too long and loses the reader.
@ Munirah Moosa
"Remember that Dutch politician, that MP Geert Wilders?"
Yes and you must be his female counterpart in Maldives using his 'tools' !!
If you think your sarcasm can divert our attention from the crimes that are being conducted by the Zionist regime in Palestine on a daily basis, then you are wrong. If you think we do not know what’s going on in the occupied Palestine - house demolitions, land grabbing, ethnic cleansing – again your are very wrong. Just a couple of days ago the UN released a statement condemning the house demolitions:
“These condemnable acts have a devastating impact,” said Barbara Shenstone, the West Bank Field Director for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
“I call on the Israeli authorities to cease demolitions and evictions in occupied areas which are in contravention of Israel's obligations under international law, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Israel is a party,” the UN official added in a press release.
A day earlier, Maxwell Gaylard, the UN humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, also condemned Israel after visiting the site of a home that had been demolished 24 hours earlier.
The nine-member extended Subuh family, whose home in the Ras al-Amud district of East al-Quds was destroyed on December 21, has been living at the location of their demolished home in two tents.
Israeli authorities gave the family just one day to destroy their home and threatened to demolish the house in 24 hours unless they complied.
Moreover, under similar orders from Israeli authorities, the four-member al-Shukiwi family was forced to raze their home in another district of East al-Quds on December 19.
Shenstone noted that while children around the world are enjoying the holiday season in their homes, the children from these families have suffered the trauma and indignity of watching their homes being destroyed.
After witnessing the demolition of his home, one of the children, aged two, said “all I want to do is die.”
The UN says there has been an almost 45 percent increase in demolitions in 2010.
v boring ... couldnt even read!
and whats the point?
Does Minivan accept anything written by anyone?
A number of former Israeli soldiers have written a book about how Tel Aviv authorized the military to commit atrocities on Palestinian territories. “Occupation of the Territories”, which is scheduled to hit the shelves on December 21, has been compiled on the initiative of the Israeli whistleblower Breaking the Silence, British newspaper The Independent reported on Sunday. Mind you, even the excerpts in the news article is gruesome reading:
This website is doing its honour to the its funders, who is British conservative party controlled by Zionists. We believed in you at the time of previous dictatorship without knowing this you cannot fool us anymore. So write something creative like the vengeance on the children's parents who was demonstrating peacefully, was pepper sprayed and beaten for only the reason for voicing to defend there rights.
Munirah, please get your facts right before posting your comments. I work at the health sector - and I have seen their papers - please be very clear the israeli doctors are not specialists - they are doctors with only MBBS degrees.
@ ibrahim health sector
Please get your sector right and patient focused before getting into political writing, we are dying from bad services and you are worried about their qualifications - sheesh
Take a look at your own before throwing mud
Wow, i just couldn't read it, long winded humorless and dry.
what a funny little bubble you live in little man.
Adhalath does not have to politicize something that is ingrained in the genome of every Moslem believer- Jewish nationalism or Zionism was, is and will forever be at loggerheads with Muslim Nationalism. The Nation of Islam and its plethora of multifaceted converts do not recognize United Nations borders, it is an ensemble of every creed or race that is founded on the premise the God is One and its pen-ultimate Prophet has the last word.
The island people of Raaje are moslem converts, who have taken upon those very same qualities of defense & offense. And Blasphemy will be silenced, by any and all means draconian. Ye must all pay homage to the sacrosanct ways of this religion, or face a backlash of such force that only Hindu nationalism may dwarf it.
No government or voice may manifest in Muslim lands, that does not recognize the decree of Islam and its passionate arousal State hold on its people and their every conduct of living. Make noise here, but in public hold your tongues lest we cut it. Here prevails the laws of our lands, not american or british.
Maybe when Julian Assange also gets the Nobel Peace prize for 'subversion of the State', we will find that common ground to recognize an authority of "international laws" above and beyond the written word of God.
This is not about politicizing or inciting hatred, this is our mandate, our thinking, this about where our allegiances lie. Convince a zionist to see the ways of a muslim, and you may in peace find that muslim reciprocating. Else its war for war.
Excellent article as always Munirah. It's a little long but it's definitely not boring. Pity not everyone gets it, judging from some of the comments 🙂 Keep up the good work, we need more intelligent writing like this in the country.
Tis a good article. good read
Dear Munirah, If you think your sarcasm can divert our attention from the crimes that are being committed by the Zionist regime in Palestine on a daily basis, then you are wrong. If you think we do not know what’s going on in the occupied Palestine - house demolitions, land grabbing, ethnic cleansing – again your are very wrong. Just a couple of days ago the UN released a statement condemning the house demolitions:
“These condemnable acts have a devastating impact,” said Barbara Shenstone, the West Bank Field Director for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
“I call on the Israeli authorities to cease demolitions and evictions in occupied areas which are in contravention of Israel's obligations under international law, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Israel is a party,” the UN official added in a press release.
A day earlier, Maxwell Gaylard, the UN humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, also condemned Israel after visiting the site of a home that had been demolished 24 hours earlier.
The nine-member extended Subuh family, whose home in the Ras al-Amud district of East al-Quds was destroyed on December 21, has been living at the location of their demolished home in two tents.
Israeli authorities gave the family just one day to destroy their home and threatened to demolish the house in 24 hours unless they complied.
Moreover, under similar orders from Israeli authorities, the four-member al-Shukiwi family was forced to raze their home in another district of East al-Quds on December 19.
Shenstone noted that while children around the world are enjoying the holiday season in their homes, the children from these families have suffered the trauma and indignity of watching their homes being destroyed.
After witnessing the demolition of his home, one of the children, aged two, said “all I want to do is die.”
The UN says there has been an almost 45 percent increase in demolitions in 2010.
MN, please ignore my comment on Sat, 25th Dec 2010 4:56 PM
Most boring article ever that Minivan published.
Your just degrading your news name. It seems anyone that even writes the most boring articles can have their words published... where?
Writer needs to go back to school.
What a crap article.
I have followed the Arab-Israel (or Muslim-Jewish) conflict for many decades, mainly through the British Guardian newspaper and the BBC.
Munirah Moosa is confused and lacks an intelligent understanding of the consequences of the establishment of the state of Israel and what it means to Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims.
This is truly an East-West conflict and a clash of civilisations involving Christendom and the Association of Islamic nations.
The conflict in the Middle East reverberates beyond the Middle East and echoes even in the remote and insignificant Maldive Islands.
British and US governments carry major responsibilities for the beginning and the continuation of the conflict. They have major responsibilities also for ending this conflict.
Blaming the Mullahs in the Maldives for it is not going to do any good to anybody.
Look at the imperialist nations of the world. Maldives is not one of them.
Do not focus your attention on the Maldives, so much, in this matter.
cant even read the article ... its meaning less.
if your advocating for the zionists then you better visit palasitine & see what these zionists are doing for the inocent muslims.. the world is voicing aginst this barbaric nation and you with a muslim name (are you a muslim ?) is voicing aginst the muslim idea of getting rid from the bloody zionists, if you did not get this forgiven by Allah then you may bee with these zionists in the hereafter...think ... think you have given brine to think eyes to see .. are you a human ... if your mother is raped inform of you , if your husband is killed infroni of you , if your raped infront of your children what will happen to you ,,, there will be thousands of mothers & childen & husbands & more in palastine who have met with thesse barbaric deliberate attacks by the Zionists in izrel.
i think the article is being boycotted. It's written well nonetheless. Few Maldivian writers (there's a joke)are at par with the English in this article.
Lets call a spade a spade. Though I don't agree with one ounce of what is written. There is no such thing as 'politicizing Islam'- Islam is very clear on such issues, Zionism is very clear on their issues; theological animal malice has roots in society, anthropology, culture, politics and religion, and one cannot label Anti-Zionist politico-Islamic vocalizations as separate and removed from where Islam or its politics is from.
Point being Muslims have ample reason, their scripture even aside, to have issues with political Zionism. And when Muslims behave like Muslims, don't be surprised. Can you ask a Zionist to behave as a Muslim should?
Muslims are also not worried about what Europeans might think of their actions, for them the word of God suffices. They care very little that there are those who find them alien or imbecilic, they have a name for such sorts as well.
Maldives IMO, really doesn't have much to do with the Israel-Palestine issue. Just that some politicians are trying to make it one in order to get some votes, following the visit by some doctors. Maldives should just stay out of such a huge world issue, and focus on itself, as we have much bigger problems here.
Very biased short sighted article, well I was expecting Muneera to strike on recent events in Maldives, lets see next article from Aniya and Hilath too,that will complete the cycle of these puppets at Minivan command.
I have nothing against the Jewish faith or people. I do think it is wrong, however, to base the formation of a country strictly on religious texts that have no validity or standing in international law. Especially when there are already people living in that land!
And, if you think you have to be anti-semitic to be anti-zionist, I urge you to look up "True Torah Jews against Zionism," which is a group of VERY religious,orthodox Jews who believe that zionism is against the true teachings of GOD .. thank you
i don't have anythng against jews living in israel or anywhere else. but zionists are not only jews. about half the population of the US who thinks that all jews must return to israel for the second coming of jesus, are also zionists. and all those jews in israel who deny the right of return of millions of palestinian refugees fearing that they might lose their jewish majority are jewish zionists. so much for democracy huh? a government who came to power using the "human rights" card should know better, however desperate for cash they are. oh and did i tell you...i don't like zionists... 🙂
btw, its a well written article. i like your style! 🙂
"Please get your sector right and patient focused before getting into political writing, we are dying from bad services and you are worried about their qualifications – sheesh"
we don't know how much power he or she has to change in the health sector. the government has placed a "capable" minister to run things there. don't try to deny him or her the right to opinion! there will be pro-zionists and anti-zionists among us and we should try to get along despite the difference of opinion...
The writer should read more literature stuff! This is cheap ideology.
abdullah on Sat, 25th Dec 2010 12:24 PM ..u comment is more knowledgeable than the article above!
"Few Maldivian writers (there’s a joke)are at par with the English in this article."
U might be right, i dont understand a lot of words she used. perhaps, her article is not really for a maldivian audience..let alone maldivian writes.
very very very boring article. Could read it. Minivan News, stop publishing shit!
haven't seen any comments from mullah yaamyn... where is he?
I have to agree with comments that say this article is too boring. It looks a bit over-done and rather than being intellectual, it is quite stupid. Sorry to say this.
BTW - i did not read the whole article cuz I lost interest in the second paragraph. Maybe it's for extremely smart people like the author her self?
We prefer Christians, budists & Hindhu eye doctors, in the ebsence of Atheist eye docs. Sorry Jews. We are 100% Muslim Maldives (except for Nazim).
can anyone give me a link of munirah's pic or her living/permannet address?
Munira and others have forgotten that Jews are the chosen people of Yahweh. That is why 17 million is stronger than 1.2 billion.
smells of Zionism.heheheh
excellent point 'alien'
Mazel tov! Loved your condescending view of gentile Maldivians
What sort of doktorate do these holy people want Munirah? Will a witch doktorate do?
Hilariously written. The reading could be hard for many Maldivians
Antisemitism is just another theme in the many paranoid behaviors promoted to shake innocent people in the name of Islam.
Good point made!
There is a deliberate attempt by Adalath to confuse people and to promote their political agenda in the name of religion and its protection.
Incredible. To think I'd laugh this hard this early in the morning. Well played, good sir. Well played.
i have had this article analysed at which says the writer of this article is is of the type: INTP - The Thinkers..
according to the site Munirah is
"The logical and analytical type. They are especially attuned to difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for something more complex to dig into. They are great at finding subtle connections between things and imagine far-reaching implications.
They enjoy working with complex things using a lot of concepts and imaginative models of reality. Since they are not very good at seeing and understanding the needs of other people, they might come across as arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to understand what they are talking about."....
but that's the view of the website, me personally thinks the above essay is rather too long and too messed up.. anyways..
All those who are commenting that this article is too long and boring - I'm guessing that you don't really get it... but then humour of this level is probably way over the heads of most of you! A very well-written article Munirah - and very funny - but somewhat scary too - as I doubt that you are that far from the truth.
Different and interesting! ...however, many Maldivians will find it hard... as some has already mentioned...I wonder about the audience of this article.