UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has submitted a report documenting alleged war crimes in the closing days of the Sri Lankan Civil War to the UN Human Rights Council.
The report accuses the Sri Lankan military of killing tens of thousands of civilians through shelling in the closing days of its war with Tamil separatists, and increases the likelihood that the Human Rights Council may be called on to vote for a full international, independent investigation.
Sri Lanka has meanwhile rejected the report’s findings and stated that it opposes an outside investigation. Instead, the government has appointed its own ‘Learnt and Reconciliation Commission’ (LLRC), which is expected to publish its findings on November 15.
Central to the UN’s case is graphic footage of the execution of bound and gagged prisoners, which the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Christof Heyns, described as reflecting “crimes of the highest order — definitive war crimes.”
Heyns analysed the video in consultation with a forensic pathologist, firearms expert and two forensic video analysts, and concluded that the footage was authentic, however the Sri Lankan government has maintained that the video is fake.
It has also stated that civilian casualties were unavoidable during the final offensive, due to the Tamil Tigers’ use of 300,000 people as human shields.
As an outspoken member of the UN Human Rights Council and a vocal proponent of intervention during the Libyan uprising – and also Sri Lanka’s neighbour – the situation is likely to challenge the Maldives diplomatically.
Yesterday, as the international community was ratcheting up the pressure on Sri Lanka, President Mohamed Nasheed called for an “amicable solution”.
“As long as we argue about Sri Lanka, the government is increasingly marginalised and we are losing the government and the country outside the fold of the international community,” Nasheed warned.
“We must understand that a number of very, very bad things happened but we must be able to move forward,” he said.
Current Maldivian Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem has previously described the UN report as “singularly counterproductive”, while during a recent interview with Minivan News, former Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed said he felt the government’s position on Sri Lanka “has been misunderstood”, particularly its comparison with the government’s stance on Libya.
“But I think Naseem’s comments and the government’s position on Sri Lanka have been misunderstood. The Libyan situation is different from the current situation in Sri Lanka. Libya is ongoing – things are happening today on the ground, and we need to try to prevent further abuses tomorrow,” he said at the time.
“In Sri Lanka’s case these are post-conflict issues. What we say is that the most important thing in a post-conflict situation is to find a way forward and not live in the past. This does not mean we are condoning abuses, or saying such things are fine. But Sri Lanka needs to find common ground with the UN Human Rights Council in which both parties can move forward. The government of Sri Lanka needs to be able to enter into dialogue with the international community to achieve speedier reconciliation.
“You can’t have reconciliation and long-lasting peace unless you respect human rights and set up mechanisms to do so. But we should steer clear of politicisation, or the divisions that have kept the flame of terrorism alive in Sri Lanka for so long. We are saying let Sri Lanka find a way forward and achieve reconciliation – we are not saying we don’t care about the past,” Dr Shaheed said.
China and Pakistan have also expressed support for Sri Lanka.
Meanwhile Mahinda Samarasinghe, Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa’s special envoy on human rights, has called for the international community to wait for the findings of Sri Lanka’s own commission in November.
“It is disconcerting to note the haste with which some have sought to usurp the government of Sri Lanka’s prerogative in deciding its domestic process,” Samarasinghe has previously told the Council.
“We firmly believe that our home-grown process is capable of addressing the nuances of our unique situation.”
However several international human rights organisations, including International Crisis Group (ICG), Human Rights Watch (HRW), and Amnesty International (AI) have refused to appear before the LLRC claiming it fails to meet minimum international standards, noting that its members were appointed by the government, it had no mandate to investigate war crimes in the closing days of the conflict, and lacked any mechanism to protect witnesses.
“The LLRC’s mandate, its composition, its procedures, and the human rights environment in which it is operating all conspire to make a safe and satisfactory outcome for victims of human rights violations and their families extremely unlikely,” said Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for the Asia-Pacific region, Madhu Malhotra, in October 2010.
“Amnesty International is particularly concerned about the lack of any provisions for witness protection and the fact that former officials who have publicly defended the Sri Lankan government against allegations of war crimes serve on the commission.”
Warning: some readers may find the following footage disturbing

Reporting on HAVEERU is so poor that if you read the headline of the same news on Haveeru you'd think that the president condoned the acts of the Sri Lankan government.
What kind of human rights UN is talking. Is Ban Ki Moon is an agent of USA. Or does he not have better thing to do than finding faults with Sri Lanka. When Sri Lanka was a victim of a terrorist organization who was violating human rights for 30 years, UN was not there to help Sri Lanka to deal with human rights violation by terrorist actions. This Moon seems a small bullied kid who is trying to find faults with his classmates. Sri Lankan case is a history now where crimes against humanity was committed by both parties equally with different purpose, why this guy can’t let them forget their bitter past and help them to reconcile for a better future. This Moo should concentrate on the human rights of all kind that is basically due to greenness of western countries who always believed to be supremacist and better human race and feed on the expenses of ignorant nations since the known history
Western Countries are pressurising the small countries through UN. Bank Ki extended his period by helping the LTTE & western countries and these actions can be seen very clearly. Why should Robert Blake visit Sri Lanka. All these are the power of LTTE extortion funds and votes. They tap various countries through their money and wikkie leaks disclosed how they funded Viko and other politicians in Tamil Nadu. All what SL did was to protect the country and her people. Nothing would have happened if India did not train, fund and provided arms to tigers initially. What UN cannot see those actions of other neighbouring countries and if they looked after their territory this problem would not have happened. Where was UN when LTTE distroyed SL by bombing, land mines, suicide bombers, black tigers, sea tigers and placing bombs in public institutions and killing civilians. UN did not even mentioned anything. What a hipocrits. The majority of SL supports this government for rescuing the country and they fully support the LLRC to have investigation and try to correct themselves to abide by international standards in the future. At the same time which country is free of war crimes. Banki does not want to talk about Libya, Afganistan, Iraq but they are more involved with SL activities. China, Russia and other countries help SL because they understand the mentality of Europe and US. They have shit on their heads and they are more waorried about a little dirt of others. Therefore I agree UN should concentrate on the human rights of all kinds and all other countries specifically big countries.
Our talkative president is in real trouble! Well, let us see how good his diplomacy and politics are!
Defiantly he can’t make unpleasant hash statements on Sri Lanka; they are our neighbor and traditional friend. On other hand president presented to be committed to universal human rights obligations.
The whole of SL protects the country because this govt: saved us. Where is the witness protection in Durham Report, Dic Cheney, Nixon and others openly admitted the warcrimes but what happened there UN did not pursue on a independant reconciliation but UN is more involved with photograph evidence rather than proper witnesses relation to the statements of Darusman report such as who says these and from where the information came from and there was no substantial evidence given in the report. Therefore Darusman report is rubbish and on that no body can come to a conclusion to have a international reconciliation. We are a soverign country wants to protect democracy and we are not a signatory to ICC and UN should shut aboutit once and for all.
In my view we all small nations should withdraw from UN membership. This useless organization has set up their offices in poor nations and creates problems in those countries to keep them employed. If no troubles in the world no use of them and all these otherwise will be unemployed mostly lazy westerners. They think we the small poor nations have no brains. It is time to go against this crazy organization that creates more problem than solving them to give oxygen to US foreign policy. Look at Libya, Iraq, all done under the umbrella of UN. All US policy was to humiliate Arabs, kill them by their own folks to revenge 9/11
Sri Lankas conflict revolves around impunity.Wrongdoers of past should be punished so that future Govt. would be accountable and reconciliation can be possible.
Amnesty International says "former officials who have publicly defended the Sri Lankan Govt..." are on the LLRS panel and therefore, the panel not acceptable (AI did not complain when US and UK Govts appointed their Govt officials to conduct allegations against their Govts). Amazingly, AI wants the International Community to accept the Dharusman report, when in fact at least Dharusman and one other mwmber on the Panel have publicly criticised the SriLankan Govt and supported the LTTE terrorist version, much before they were appointed to the so called "Panel of Experts" of UNSG. Further the third member on that Panel serves in an organisation funded by the US and EU which countries are spearheading the attack on StriLanka. Is not this hypocracy of the highest order on the part of AI, which itself is funded by US and EU Govts and individuals and most probably by the LTTE remnants, all of whom are anti SriLankan.
well if the government is not responsible for all these issues why the hell are they backward to face any legal actions?This shows proves that they have admitted all these allegations.Now all the responsible characters will have to face the Human laws.But if these people who killed innocent people,will have to pay back in next birth.They may cheat even the courts,but not Buddhism.
This Channel 4 video is not only fake BUT whatever the killings that were in the video are actually LTTE was killing either Sinhalese soldiers or killing Tamils who were against LTTE. This is what UN or any HR NGOs cannot prove or disapprove. These videos were provided by LTTE or pro-lTTE media so how in the world that UN can use these fake and false vidoe clips from a biased media to tell the world that "look Sri Lanka has killed 10, 000 Tamils"???????????????????????Based on this false infromation is it right UN to take any actions or even to waste the time to discuss this at UNHRC????
Rajapakse & family ....run.....possible asylum in China or Russia. You see, we Sinhalese are not smart like Tamils. They are closer to the west than us. Majority of them wanted Praba to go and get the Eelam through democratic way. I am very sure that they are establishing that. Indian, China & Russia will shit us very soon. Please take India out of your friendly countries. Tamil Nadu is like a “Piles trouble” to India.
Don’t think aunty Sonia will come to your rescue, putting her party at great risk, because congress heavily depends on Tamil Nadu.
Already, west has declared a human rights war on Sri lanka. UN/UNHRC/Amnesty / International criminal court has already crucified you. Very soon ICC- international cricket council will pull the membership, and we will end up playing hide and seek with the Rajapakse family.
I had a please of speaking to many Tami diasporas across the globe, most of the academia/Dr/Lawyers/Student organizations /business community are doing mega campaign against the government. Not to mention, this has been their full time job (literarily) for the past two years.
They have very close relationships with many member states and government VVIP’s, both in NA & Europe. West thinks wearing a hijab is a violation of human rights… so do we have a chance to prove we are innocent? I am talking to the more educated, common sensed Sinhalese, Do you think the way the present government taking affairs to the world community is great? Do you think it is a perfect democracy or perfect dictatorship? The country is right royally raped and bleeding blow the belt by this family of morons. I think we need a Srilankan spring!
Sinhalese often cite example of western countries violating human rights but pick on SL only. For poor Tamils, no one come to the rescue except some people that have conscience such as leftist sinhalese, amnesty international, human rights organizations and to some extent ICG people. If these people are not there, existence of LTTE will remain justified. But for the help of US and India, SLA could not have beaten LTTE and now SL blame the same people that helped them.
Maldivian President:
Piece of Shiit:
Official spokes person for the brothers. Remember, the govt gave some money to the Maldivian government last month, so now he has to speak for the govt.
Next, is Cuba and followed by Somalia(The super power).
Rajapakse & family ....run.....possible asylum in China or Russia. You see, we Sinhalese are not smart like Tamils. They are closer to the west than us. Majority of them wanted Praba to go and get the Eelam through democratic way. I am very sure that they are establishing that. Indian, China & Russia will shit us very soon. Please take India out of your friendly countries. Tamil Nadu is like a “Piles trouble” to India.
Don’t think aunty Sonia will come to your rescue, putting her party at great risk, because congress heavily depends on Tamil Nadu.
Already, west has declared a human rights war on Sri lanka. UN/UNHRC/Amnesty / International criminal court has already crucified you. Very soon ICC- international cricket council will pull the membership, and we will end up playing hide and seek with the Rajapakse family.
I had a please of speaking to many Tami diasporas across the globe, most of the academia/Dr/Lawyers/Student organizations /business community are doing mega campaign against the government. Not to mention, this has been their full time job (literarily) for the past two years.
They have very close relationships with many member states and government VVIP’s, both in NA & Europe. West thinks wearing a hijab is a violation of human rights… so do we have a chance to prove we are innocent? I am talking to the more educated, common sensed Sinhalese, Do you think the way the present government taking affairs to the world community is great? Do you think it is a perfect democracy or perfect dictatorship? The country is right royally raped and bleeding blow the belt by this family of morons. I think we need a Srilankan spring!
Why is UN, US after the Sri lankan government? As we all know that LTTE was responsible for killing heads of states and many politicians in Sri Lanka! Including Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi!! Why not after dictators in central asia thats where all human rights abuses has been going for past 20 years! . With lots of murdering and torture going on!! and guess what the uk and usa are supporting and selling armes to them!! even the british ambassador ( graig murray ) was woried about what was going on in one of the central asian countrys Uzbeck or kazak !! but he was told to shut up and got transferd to someware else. ( bunch of hypocrites in the name of rule of law and democracy ) .. http://www.craigmurray.org.uk/ http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=ZOTgwG6Wdnw
The best idea is to have an independent investigation headed by various countries against LTTE and The Srilankan Government to establish the war crimes and Human right violation. This will give the justice for both parties (Tamils and Sinhalese). Without independent investigation to find out what happened ,there will no peace will be established in Srilanka.
What is Sri Lanka accused of;
• Deliberate targeted bombing of hospitals after being notified of the hospital coordinates by the ICRC.
• Declaring no fire zone and then bombing and shelling the area targeting civilians who sought refuge in those zones.
• Killing unarmed civilians at close range
• Killing surrendered enemy combatants
• Rape of women and children
• Concentration camps to hold civilians
• Denying food and medicine to civilians
The UN experts found credible evidence of war crimes, and the interesting part is that the top Sri Lankan government ministers, including the president and the defence secretary have admitted all the above crimes on tape. For example, the defence secretary’s interview to British Sky News, where he claimed that hospitals operating in enemy territory were legitimate targets. Likewise the Sri Lankan government has tried to justify all the crimes but when the international community refuse to accept the justification of the ‘genocide’ they started to deny their
Sri Lanka did its best to normalise relations with Tamil Tigers and bring peace to their country. But the latter always chose violence and terror. In the end the government had to bring an end to all the terror and has no other choice but to eliminate the tamil tigers by force. I think this war was actually justice and peace for sri lanka and its a shame that UN is now pointing fingers at sri lanka.
I see the Tamil Eelam will be given to the Tamils on a platter by the West. Clearly, Tamils have captured the hearts of the West. Rember South Sudan.
It is already happening.
Why not start with US and its allies? They lied about WMD and Sadam Al Qaeda nexus and ruined Iraq with more than hundreds of thousands dead. How come these pots live at large calling kettles black?
UN and international Human right organizations become useless today, since they act very bias manner. People around the world loose their confidence on these so called organizations , because their unpredictable and non transparent nature. Root cause for this this downfall of peoples confidence on these organizations is that it employees the corrupted officials as their representatives( E.g. Navi pillay , Ban ki moon, Kopi Annan). Since , these representatives do not know the basic idea why their organizations established for and they do anything for their own benefit or their emotional satisfaction.Most unfortunate thing is their highly bias nature in international arena(Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya .. Vietnam ) make it impossible to win the confidence of the people around the world. UN and other human right organizations , today, pose threat to peaceful independent countries and their representatives act as Nazi officers. This is the time for people around the world to think about world organizations that really represent them not just represent few countries and for their benefit.
The basic idea behind most of human right allegation by UN and other HR organizations is to destroy these countries and exploit them politically and economically. Western countries have long list of human right violations in their history. English and other Europeans killed millions of people around the world to dominate them and exploit their wealth to build their blood empire. Even America is not belongs to white population. it is belongs to red Indians.Australia belongs to aborigines people. All human right violations happened in all these places.Even now aborigines killed by Australian whites and violate their basic human rights.In the recent past , most of the wars against humanity were carried out by western countries(USA, UK ..).Mass crimes done by allied forces in many places( Iraq,Afghanistan,Libya,Vietnam,Latin America). The major role of UN and other western human right organizations to cover up these human right violations by western countries and help them to exploit other countries politically and economically. The most recent example for that is George Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard never had war crime charges laid by any of so called human right organization for millions of deaths in middle east.But, they were rush to give publicity against the death caused by Chinese army at Tienman square. So , this is the truth of UN and human right organizations today.So, it has no meaning Sri Lankan expect justice from corrupted international organizations since it further highlights the importance of their existence as world organization , but really they are not.Time being ,UN and other organizations will diminish as international posers, with it's extreme reputation and credibility loss. So, it is challenge for Sri Lankan to survive until that point.
Tamil dumbs think they are very safe in western countries since they were taking refugees into these countries. But , what you do not understand is that you Tamil people were used by British for many centuries for their benefits. Remember , who send you to Malaysia,Sri Lanka,South Africa as slaves.It is your dear queens men.It is your misery that you cannot live with your own people and still asking something to live from colonial masters. Please be civilized and stand up with own people.Do not stab your friends and sleep with your long time enemy.You black and whites are not same when you are going to live together even you are told it is.They say that to make you happy and then use and dominate you.You cannot change the universal truth.Bless you ! Shiva god.
See the video. Is this zero casualties
or collateral damage? Investigate this
to find the truth...for the sake of
be Sri Lankan soldiers or Tamil
civilians or LTTE cadres.
Shame on those who cover up or
condone these killings!
Ayyo! All Sri Lankans here, where did all Maldivian cowards go? machcha they cant face Sri Lakans no? Nasheed machcha appi presidents best friend no
Sri Lankans are fully capable of finding solutions to their problems. Investigations could be monitored by the local human rights watch groups and NGO's including minority groups. These wonderful people and their country has suffered for too long. It is time to move on and they deserve the chance.
The best solution for the Asian politics is, India compete Microsoft, and Chinese grab world economy, Arabs stop selling oil to Europe and USA, and we Asian buy Malaysian Cars, Indian software’s, Chinese foods and Russian aircrafts and boycott for all weapons as we don’t need them in Asia. And say no to green bucks, and promote only Chinese, Korean and Japanese Tourists to our countries. And explore African resources, and let America and Europe live together happily with their freedom, technology and trade by themselves. The whole problem of the world will solved immediately. I don’t know why we worship white skins and believe that we can’t live without them. I think we are better off without them if we stop thinking that we have different race, culture, religion and stop fighting for these crazy ideologies.
Why wont we ask the people in Jaffan if life is better without the brutal organization called the LTTE. I was in Jaffna last month and my relations and family are so happy. Its you the false aslyum seekers that use the term human rights to justify your claim for residency in the western countries. If you would have driven a taxi and cleaned the toilets in Srilanka, they way you do in these countries, SL would have been a great nation, however it was your bloody status and cast that that left you in this stage. Please dont go back to SL if you have seeked political aslyum, you are a traitor.
Just watch the video. Far from anything that can be condoned or justified.
There is nothing in this video that proves that this was done by the Sri Lankan army. Nothing at all.
This is not to say that violations did not take place. I am sure that it did as in any other war. The LTTE lost the war and now its supporters by bribing foreign MPs are trying to start the war all over again.
The Rajapakses's are no angels but this is ridiculous. UK and US invaded Iraq and committed enormous war crimes and killed even children in cold blood yet AI is not calling for their government to be investigated by the UN.
Last week a report in UK found that the a Regiment of the British Army was responsible for killing and torturing Iraqi's yet only one soldier was sent to prison and even that for only one year.
I would say that a lot of civilians were also killed by shelling in Sri Lanka and the Government accepts this now and it should say this is the same as the shelling in Iraq, Afghanistan etc.
It is extremely good that such a big terrorist organisation has been defeated and Sri Lanka should be congratulated for that and we as good neighbours should help them move forward. We, Maldivians should remember that LTTE had even killed Maldivians in their terror bombings in Sri Lanka.
If US UK & Europe pursuing on a international reconciliation we need a 30 years incidents of LTTE & Diaspora, India, UK, Europe and US. They all are involved in this mess. India trained LTTE, fund and armed them. US did not have a strict rule for extorion money, money laundering and so as Europe and UK. They also armed them and encouraged this world's worst criminals to distroy SL. They put a deaf eyer to all incidents when they killed S/Lankan civilians. When LTTE are cornerned at the latter part they tried to save them by advising SL Govt to negociate. India did not look after their terrotory and allowed tigers by training and arming them to fight against SL. All these are to be accounted at the Geneva UN meeting to initiate a international reconciliation. What about Diaspora collecting money to arm Tigers. Final 3 days SL Army found Large stock of arms which they set fire. Blake ignores these events, Banki doe'nt want to talk about these incidents. US ignores but they also did the same thing with Osama. Where is the international reconciliation for that or in respect of Irag, Sudan Afganistan incidents. Hypocrits get lost.
what you guys are talking BULLSHIT. LTTE committed crimes in the past & they were punished for that & thus annihilated. In the process the Sri Lankan state has commited lot of crimes against crimes and who will punish them?? LTTE is a non-state actor doesnt have to follow international obligations. u say them terrorists & why you sxpect them to follow rules & regulations???
BUT Sri Lankan gornment is a STATE and a menber of UN and obliged to follow some international agreements & norms like human rights. it cant violate everything and then ask for economic development aid and invite tourists from international community to visit their country to improve their economy. If international aid is not there for Sri Lanka, particularly US and EU aid programmes, it would have been a failed state now. so the UN and the International community have every rigght to question about their human rights record (if any) and inquire war crimes.