A female police officer was attacked on Friday night while she was waiting near a food cart on Boduthakurufaanu Magu with friends, police have said.
In a statement, police said the officer was attacked by people gathered near ‘Usgandu’, an area given by Male City Council to the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) to conduct political activities, following the dismantling of their protest site at the tsunami monument by authorities.
Police said the incident occurred at about 9:20pm on Friday night while the officer was not in police uniform.
According to the police, the woman suffered injuries to her back and chest and was admitted to ADK hospital for treatment.
Police are trying to determine the persons responsible for this attack, police said.
Speaking at a meeting held with police officers and Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) officers last Saturday night at Kulhudhufushi in Haa Dhaalu Atoll, President Dr Waheed Hassan Manik said the police and army had been having hard time over past three months, and that the government understood that it needed to increase the security of police and army officers, their property and families.
Newspaper ‘Haveeru’ reported Waheed as telling the police and army officers that he appreciated the work of security forces, and condemned accusations made by people against police and army officers as an attempt to cause public disturbance.
In the meeting, Dr Waheed also assured the police and army that he and his cabinet ministers would not give any unlawful orders to the security forces, reported Haveeru.
In March, two police officers, one male and a female, were attacked by a group of people while they were patrolling on the roads near Nalahiya Hotel in Maafannu Ward.
They were admitted to hospital for treatment, according to police.
Three men were also alleged to have entered a policeman’s house with knives.
In the same month a group of two men attacked a police officer and his two brothers on the island of Gemanafushi in Gaafu Alifu Atoll.
Police at the time stated that two men assaulted the police officer and fled, and an hour later stabbed the officer’s younger brother in the head and another of his brothers in the stomach.

she must have been a spy in plain clothes loitering around the area for news... or may have done something rude and lewd like staring at MDP members... when there are police officers who have committed atrocious crimes and brutality, this is what will happened... I hope the authorities will realize this soon and conduct an investigation to their behavior on 8th February 2012 and later at the earliest.. other more random attacks and solitary police and army officers are likely to continue...
MDP thugs doing things they are best doing at. Harassing others and damaging public properties.
a) dont see any reason to write "near MDP protest area" - the whole of Male is 'near - what about "Female police attacked near PO - near PPM office - near police quarters ?
b)its a known tactic for dictatorial regimes to pay some thugs to create unrest - gives a nice 'excuse' to call all opponents 'terrorists' and act 'accordingly' - Rudest Finn, as of its nature, knows very well how the nazis applied the same tactics on their opponents
c) has been proven meantime - with ID cards and membership - that indeed thugs of regime parties were / are involved in such attacks
d) number of crimes and street violence went up with 350 % since PPmaumoon in violent charge of country - see footage, though in meantime tampered by state controlled media
e) imagine - u walk in peaceful protest against dictator. U get brutalised by uniformed rogues. Next day you meet the same bastards on the roads ... not justified maybe, but understandable it is
f) dictator Maumoon already let murder 169 of our bros in cold blood - u think that is going again to happen without any punishment or consequences ?
So when a police officer gets attacked everyone is determined to find the offenders..then when I -a foreigner working in Maldives- get robbed and inappropriately touched in the street on several occasions, police officers just have a good laugh and don't take my complaint serious at all..well I'm sorry but then I don't give a damn about this news either!
Yet it demonstrates that the female is unsuitable for employment in security related fields - or in any field that does not involve domestic duties.
They have neither the physical presence nor the mental acuity necessary to perform complex or laborious tasks with the same efficiency of the average man, let alone great scholars such as myself.
The feminists are most unwise for urging them to leave the home and to disobey their husbands.
I pray that this woman recovers from her assault, keeps to virtue, and breeds pious, God-fearing offspring within the bounds of marriage, as our creator requires of her, exalted be he!
I am sure MDP gang is behind this attack
Lets see who wins.
Police vs MNDF vs Thugs
Are these games on a knockout or league basis?
When is the draw session?
Why not make all Police women wear "Burga..fully covered" Shaik Shaheem will be immensely pleased. They can beat up any number of innocent people..... no one will be able to identify them..... and they can walk free. Better Policemen also go under such cover. President Waheed can be proud of as the first President with best innovative survival ideas.
This is probably made up by MPS!
MDP thugs are assaulting the officers who works in MNDF and Police they the party is not democratic they are all drug addicters and boozers bullshits pls aware off MDP in 2013
Well what do you expect? Police and Defence officers go around beating people, harassing them and torturing them while in custody as and when they please. It's called retribution, and what goes around comes around, so better think twice police and defence, before you go around beating people and thinking you are safe just because you people wear a uniform that no longer has any respect or value.
No attack on anyone is right.
But this is totally understandable.
When police turn into thugs and the courts only serve as an accomplice to their thuggery, citizens will take matters into their own hands.
Simple, really!
And the self-appointed "President" can do whatever he likes to defend the police whose sole preoccupation now is to provide protection for him and his coup mates. But nothing stops the police from being citizens themselves, who have to live among the rest of the citizens.
Where there is no justice and rule of law, there will be anarchy.