ICJ condemns violent assault on Velezinee

The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has condemned the violent assault earlier this week on Judicial Service Commission (JSC) member Aishath Velezinee, calling on the government to “immediately launch an independent, impartial, and transparent investigation into this shocking crime.”

Velezinee, President Mohamed Nasheed’s outspoken member on the JSC, was stabbed three times in the back by unidentified assailants on Monday morning while walking in Chandanee Magu in Male’.

“The ICJ is gravely concerned that the attack may be politically motivated. The stabbing took place in daylight in a public space, with no evidence of robbery or theft,” reads a press release issued by the ICJ yesterday.

“Ms. Velezinee’s fearless and controversial advocacy on behalf of justice for ordinary citizens of the Maldives has earned her a constant barrage of verbal attacks from prominent political figures,” said Roger Normand, the ICJ’s Asia Pacific Director. “The government must take swift action, not only to investigate this cowardly stabbing, but equally important, to reaffirm the centrality of rule of law in the new constitutional order.”

After visiting Velezinee at the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) shortly after the attack, President Nasheed vowed that “no stone will be left unturned” to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said today that police were not ready to disclose details at this stage of the investigation or confirm if any arrests have been made.

The ICJ notes that Velezinee has publicly criticized the JSC for “abandoning its constitutional mandate under articles 159 and 285 by failing to follow transparent and lawful procedures during the vetting process of the judiciary.”

Article 285 of the constitution mandated the JSC to determine, before 7 August 2010, whether or not the judges on the bench possessed “the educational qualifications, experience and recognized competence necessary to discharge the duties and responsibilities of a judge, [and] high moral character”.

In May 2010, the JSC decided to reappoint all sitting judges unless they have been convicted in court of either a crime with a punishment prescribed in the Quran, criminal breach of trust or treason – a decision that, Velezinee warned at the time, could “rob the nation of an honest judiciary” by giving tenure to 19 judges with either prior convictions by other state institutions or allegations of gross misconduct.

In August, a majority of the 10-member JSC – including MPs of the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP), Speaker Abdulla Shahid and Afrashim Ali, together with the three judges on the commission – decided to reappoint 191 of 197 sitting judges despite Velezinee’s vocal opposition and concerns about the competency and integrity of a number of judges appointed under the former administration.

President’s Press Secretary Mohamed Zuhair observed at the time that while two members opposed the move to rush the reappointments – Velezinee and General Public Member Shuaib Abdul Rahman – “a common thread ties all the other eight members. They either belong to the opposition DRP, or they are strong supporters.”

“The outgoing government has made sure it would retain control of institutions like the judiciary,” he noted.

Zuhair explained that while the government was communicating with international institutions on the issue, such as the ICJ, “so far we have been advised to do everything possible to keep to ‘norms and standards’. But that’s difficult when of the 197 judges, only 35 have any recognised qualifications. All the others have a local diploma.”


57 thoughts on “ICJ condemns violent assault on Velezinee”

  1. There is a secret conspiracy to force christian conversions in the islands using specially formed militia. If minivannews wants to prove its investigative journalism prowess, it would look into this. And it would, were it not for the fact that someone in minivannews also knows what i'm talking about.

    This plan has been on hold for quite a few years, since 2003. The papers on this are still being formulated. A prominent Bank official is a key figure in this conspiracy. The idea was to beat and preferably torture island families into converting, in the dead of the night. The techniques proposed included denuding in front of the family members and other humiliating acts of terror which cannot be mentioned here. They would be beaten and threatened with torture techniques till they converted. Upon conversion they would be closely monitored and kept tabs on; routine visits by the militia in which they were harassed and in general beaten again. There would also be assigned to families a pastor or preacher who would give give them Gospel readings and in general indoctrinate and brainwash them. The idea was to ensure the lords word spread across the islands, and according to St.Peter anything and everything goes if it means they could be saved from eternal damnation. The consensus among this dangerous little group of Maldivian Christians was that time was of the essence- either the Maldives has conversion forced upon it or its people are doomed to eternal hell. They had welcomed the Lord into their hearts and now they could see, so on and so forth.

    Of course this ingenious plan involved targeting top government officials, by paying them also a visit through the way of the militia. Can you imagine in the dead of the night, group of thugs brandishing machetes holding bibles threatening you with absolute agony if they did not convert. The affected families would be subjected to torture and humiliation (denuding all family members etc- think Baghram Prison) either way- it was considered the way of reinforcing the conversion. Once they are converted their tuned to fear their pastor and his militia, who would declare how blessed they are for being saved now that true guidance has come to them.

    This plan never reached fruition because it had many loopholes. But its still very much on the tables...

    How i know is unimportant, but i left the country in order i could write it here.

    Kindly explore this

  2. Finally, the idea was to declare the rights of a significant christian minority, numbering in the thousands (~7000) who would fight for international recognition. It would be a call to civil war and an international outcry over the rights of the 'christians in maldives'. A campaign of significant stead and with the quiet approval of the government.

    Like i said many loopholes, but that could hardly deter these fanatics, who i assure you are very much determined. They have many loyalists already i would presume here, scattered across the political spectrum.

  3. Could someone tell me what qualifications press secretary Zuhair got. I am not been sarcastic, genuinely do not know what his educational background is?

  4. I condemn the act, however the truth is though Velezinee is an outspoken woman on the Judicial services this is anything to do with the her critics. Velezinee is a hard drug addict and she was in a guest house with a man not the actual boy friend. The BF came to know about her with the other guy and the attack is beleived to be as a result this. Therefore this was a crime of passion rather than politically motivated. She is just making use of the opportunity.

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA man o man! thats quite a story 'Ben'- blew my mind, truly 🙂

    i do agree if true its absolutely horrifying, but still lmfao. nice one

  6. @ben
    isn't that how we converted our buddist ancestors to Islam? by force!

  7. "There is a secret conspiracy to force christian conversions in the islands using specially formed militia. If minivannews wants to prove its investigative journalism prowess, it would look into this. And it would, were it not for the fact that someone in minivannews also knows what i’m talking about."

    Ben, I am seriously doubting your mental health stage.
    Sincerely, if your story is true, even just 10% true, I will pay you $10,000 for your story.

    If you can show me any person who has been tortured by the christian group, I will pay you $500 per-person. You can be very rich by finding the ~7000 people.

    Your story can't be true...not even 10%.

    Most likely, you heard this story from your friend who read it from the internet...a story happened in African country years ago by the military cult group...not christian group. Please check your source again.

  8. @Ben, you have an amazing imagination..that was a wonderful piece of fiction! Booker prize material.

  9. Why is this bitch's case so important for MN. Many peoplehave been injured and some died on the streets of Male' and other islands due to stabbing and other gang violence. MN never covered them so deep. This is so typical of MN. Always biased to their own type of people.

  10. dear victim u r being brain washed to fight for a useless cause in which the cowards r afraid to face and u r being kept on the front line to b left for a chance in fate...is it worth?? i dont think so!

  11. @Radhun "Velezinee is a hard drug addict". Strange, I can't find any reference to that on the internet. Got any evidence to back up that wild allegation? I doubt she would be a JSC member if that were true.

    @Ibrahim Yasir.. The innocent victim of this assault is a bitch? You are a mysogynist I think. No doubt you will say she deserved to be attacked. It is justifiably getting publicity because of her status.

  12. It is widely known she is a drug addict. She is quite honest about it- if you've talked to her also you'd be able to guess.
    She even talks to her friends about growing weed at home; her idea of a joke.

    Goes to show, i guess, that even though some punks make comments here daily, the media and they are truly disconnected from public perceptions and grapevine truth.

    It is well known that she is a recreational drug user.

  13. what she means by not found in mainstream media is, she was counting on adaalath slander against velezinee to be the stereotyped bull against a perfectly sane decent woman, when in fact unknown to her velezinee is famous for doing drugs.

    What else might one not find in the media I wonder. Stop believing what the mainstream media feeds you. An old maxim

    SO maybe if i could just slip it here among my all comments how i have never heard that she does drugs, maybe i could get some insight into this gossip, without giving away my own ignorance. Or the fact that I'm detached wholly from human society.

    I condemn the attack on velezinee. But it is highly probable that she still considers her actions both in the public sphere and in private far from reprehensible- and this may have a lot to do with why she was attacked in the first place.

  14. I said there was a christian group in Maldives, who were discussing this, they had been formulating plans, they are considering this. Last I know they were.

    I did not say there are 7000 to date. I meant to say they estimate they could convert to something in this neighborhood.

    Funny no? I'm dead serious though. I'm sure persons involved would have seen this by now. At least I've set in motion a meme.


  15. @Murad.
    Being one of the first 3 Maldivians who were sentenced for drug abuse. Back in 1977.

  16. everybody except the hrcm seems to have condemned this violent attack on velezinee.

  17. Velezinee was given a taste of her own medicine (no?). She dared us to make a move after considerable provocation (yes?).

    She was begging us for it. Consider this a process in her political maturation. Her rank in a certain scumbag untoward hierarchy has gone up thanks to us (some would argue not, but we are inclined to let idiots prevail). If we lack credibility it is only because we want this lack of 'credibility'.

    In today's world terrorism is also outsourced and accomplished through exchanges involving secondary parties. It is remarkable how freely prominent figures are seen moving about in public. It is laughable how detached the media is from the geopolitical realities on the ground. Quoting two-faced government officials for 'confirmation' of stories does not produce factual reports.

    We trained her to obey us, like Pavlov's dog. Now she responds to us.

    kekekeke la`la`la`

  18. @ Murad : "I am not 'been' sarcastic" .......... is not the correct way of saying it.........It should have been "I am not 'BEING' sarcastic"

    So, stop worrying about other people's educational background.


  19. @Ben what a crap. What kind of wild fantasy is that. Do you think anyone would buy your crap story. your story is "Joke of the century"..LOL. cant stop laughing.

  20. @ samad

    "everybody except the hrcm seems to have condemned this violent attack on velezinee."

    I thought people who suffer "violent" attacks with sharp objects are sent to the cemetery from the hospital.

    Looks like you are counting how many votes she is getting! What's going on?

  21. HAAHAAHAA WT-F 'ben'. damn good imagination. u freakin psycho! lov it

  22. Way back in the ancient Roman Empire, there was an unusual Emperor whose name was Nero.

    Nero killed his mother in order to become Emperor.

    Then he killed his wife.

    Thirdly, he put Rome on fire. When Rome was burning, Nero told the Romans that it was the Christians who did it.

    Romans believed it.

    Persecutions of Christians began.

    Christians were thrown to the hungry lions.

    A situation like this seems to be unfolding in our beloved country.

  23. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. To attack an unarmed woman in the back from behind takes a whole new level of cowardice - and may the cowards who did this be found quickly.

    Speaking of cowards, "religious" nutjobs on this comment thread continue to do a fine job of showing what kind of absolutely pathetic, morally repugnant and embarrassingly low lies, gossip and slander they'll resort to when faced with a woman who does not obey their tiny, pathetic "rules".

    Lies.. falsehoods.. conspiracy theories.. fear.. paranoia... hate mongering.. intimidation.. violence.. What other tools DO you employ to win over 'converts' to your ridiculous, brain dead, intellectually and morally bankrupt religion?

  24. Interesting how this Ben has made bigger news than the actual news atleast on the comment side. Ben must understand that people are not stupid to actually be forced into anything. God gave us a brain. Also as a believer, the last thing your scared of is being killed for not giving up your faith. So dont see a logic in your story. If it is a flawed plan, then why spent the time and others time on something which is surely irrelevant to start with. Missionaries themselves know that there are smarter ways to convert people. That is why some tend to pose as tourists and come inside the country.

    Now on this attack, it really depends on who did this and for what. Government needs to seriously crack down on knife attacks, big time. Havent people been telling their Parliament members the same thing over the past year or so? Yet Parliament wants to raise their salary instead.

    Obviously if Islamic law was established transparently, who ever did this would be scared to crap of being caught due to the harsh punishment which awaits him/her. However, the current system which we have is a democratic/corrupt one which does not like to enforce islamic punishments out of fear of its western donors disaprovement.

    If this is the case, why not ask these western countries to give a quick solution instead of a hundred year old equation with no end.

    Or the parliament and government can be logical and for the sake of security, enforce Islamic punishments on people who steal and attack others with sharp objects.

    See the statistics by western organization in regards to which countries have the highest murder rates. Saudi Arabia is at the bottom due to its strict punishments for people who comit crime. The government there is corrupt, but the law is Islamic when it comes to punishment. So if it works, the government should follow the facts.



    Top countries with highest crimes are the non-islamic countries which some is trying desperately and sadly to follow.
    Ofcourse if anyone disagrees, please do give another short term alternative with one place of evidence that it has worked with a source.

    If Parliament and Government had implemented Islamic law earlier, it would have maybe saved this woman and many others from being victims of street crime. But I doubt that these politicians that love to talk big, would actually do anything which might not benefit their corrupt plans in the long run.

  25. @yaamyn..Good man, nice to see there are some other rational intelligent commenters here! Views such as ours make a refreshing change from the mindless fanaticism. The worrying thing is that these people really believe their own lies.

  26. @Muad MZ. I read your comment with interest. If followed through to the logical conclusion of your argument, it will lead to public beheadings and hapless women accused of adultery being stoned to death in Malé. I suggest the substitution of Sharia law for conventionally based law is not the way forward.

  27. What exactly does Sharia Law impose on Muslims?

    Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.
    Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives.
    Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge—physical eye for physical eye.
    Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off.
    Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated.
    Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed.
    Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death.
    Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for non—Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.
    Islam orders apostates to be killed.
    Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.

    As these harsh and excessive laws are believed to come directly from the Muhammad in his Quran and in his example in the hadith., they are not open to amendment or alteration to suit the 21st Century world we live in.. they are simply Medieval laws.

  28. @ Derek

    So called Medieval laws are also practised in other countries as well. For example, in USA, the pinishment for the following crimes is DEALTH.

    - Rape
    - Army desertion
    - Robbery
    - Doing a business which involves illegal drugs
    - Kidnapping
    - Conspiracy to Commit Murder
    - Forgery
    - Piracy

  29. @Hussain,
    You will find that the death penalty is only ever imposed for murder. In the EU, it no longer exists.

    Law in Western nations has evolved over many centuries, it takes account of the modern world and is not fossilized like Sharia law.

    Islam is not just a religion, it's a political ideology, like communism. and like any radical ideology. its aim is to "convince" everyone that their way of life is the best way to live. and Islam affords its adherents absolute rights to "convince" by hook or by crook that islam is the only way...

  30. @Hussain, in the USA no one has been executed for a crime other than murder or conspiracy to murder since James Coburn was executed for robbery in Alabama on September 4, 1964.

    The EU in its 2000 Charter of Fundamental Rights included a ban on the death penalty. The Charter is now legally binding after the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon. The EU also campaigns worldwide for the abolition of the death penalty.

    In 2009, 69 people were executed in Saudi Arabia.

    Like I say, western law moves with the times.

  31. @Derek, honestly theres something wrong with you. Either you support criminal and their activity or you have the intention of doing crime. You belong somewhere around there. Do you really believe there is a place for criminals in a society. The failure of western society is bcaz criminals can getaway easily after committing a crime and they never think twice before committing a crime. but if you look Saudi Arabia where criminals will think more than 100000 times before committing a crime. thats the difference between islamic law and failed western law. Please take time and think honestly. Do we like criminals? do we need those people in our society. I can tell you I need to live in peace where everybody feel safe not only rich but also poor.

  32. @Derek, "physical eye for physical eye". Please think the statement just twice, then you will know how islamic law protects its people from grave crime. Do anyone dare to do such an attack on someone when he should know the same thing is going to happen to him. Do you see any difference there in west and in Islamic society. do you think stealing is a good thing so you give lighter punishment and encourage it or put harsher punishment to discourage stealing. We do not welcome such a society. I think you really enjoy living like those kind of society but still want to punish the criminals. i guess you dont mind to face the same criminal next day at your door step. Really hats off bravo Derek. but everybody is not like you. Ask any decent person they would want harsher punishment for the criminals so they never repeat the same crime and it will be a lesson for all other criminals.

  33. Umm the swedes had a pretty low crime rate without sharia law thank you very much. Same with Norway.

    Their rape rates have gone up mind you, mostly due to Muslim immigrants. (A minority, but still) They then rant that Niqabs are needed to protect them.

  34. @musician, I have 36 years experience in law enforcement in different parts of the world. There is a police force in Saudi Arabia, as there is in all Islamic nations, and I imagine they do not sit in their stations playing cards all their shift. Crime still exists even in so called perfect Islamic societies. The fact that the Saudis managed to execute 69 people in one year indicates that the threat of even this ultimate punishment does not deter Saudi (Muslims) from committing crime.
    Muslims drink alcohol, and take drugs even if not openly. They also commit sexual crimes often under the protection of their religion.
    The USA has a population of 311 million, Saudi Arabia has only 27 million. Do the mathematics and work out the ratio for yourself.

  35. @musician, forgot to mention that the USA executed only 52 criminals. And given that no perfect legal system exists, and that mistakes and injustices to happen, how would you feel if for example the authorities cut off your right hand and left foot (favourite Sharia punishment) and you were wrongly found guilty of the offence? Not possible to say "sorry, we made a mistake" and replace them is it?

  36. @musician, I quote Professor Ali A. Mazrui. He states "The punishments laid down fourteen centuries ago had to be truly severe enough to be a deterrent in their day, but since then God has taught us more about crime, its causes, the methods of its investigation, the limits of guilt, and the much wider range of possible punishments."
    Rare example of clear thinking indeed. Islam actively discourages and punishes any disagreement.
    Enjoy your Sharia law, but remember that the day the first public beheading,hanging or stoning occurs in Malé, you can wave goodbye to the tourist industry which supports Maldives.

  37. @Derek huh you think you answered all my questions. Not really not even close. Didn't i mention that in Saudi Arabia a person will think more than 100000 times before committing a crime. You missed that right. In everywhere crime will be there. I totally agree with you Muslims do consume alcohol and do take drugs you know they are not Muslims.

    "cut off your right hand and left foot (favourite Sharia punishment) and you were wrongly found guilty of the offence? Not possible to say “sorry, we made a mistake” and replace them is it?"
    Again you prove my point. They said and it happens??? No dude I will have my fair chance to defend myself and theres plenty of ways that I can defend if I did not commit a crime. By the way my point is if such harsh punishment is implemented there will be less crime. Thats the whole arguement. Oh cmon dont try to mix oil and water..everybody knows the result. LOL

    "Enjoy your Sharia law, but remember that the day the first public beheading,hanging or stoning occurs in Malé, you can wave goodbye to the tourist industry which supports Maldives".

    It will happen only if rest of the world thinks like you. I feel really sorry to say that not even 2% thinks like you. By the way that two percent people belong to gangs, drug cartels and so on. I have recently seen in daily mail and CNN most of them support the capital punishment for the murderers. Do you believe there must be a place for criminals in your society. Please form one such society I will see how many people will join you. Result only criminals will join and you will be the first one to run away and settle in Saudi.

  38. @Derek "I quote Professor Ali A. Mazrui bla bla..". Cant you think yourself right and wrong. Do I need refer a professor to differentiate fire and water. I guess you are mentally sick or the professor thinks too much.

  39. @Derek how would you feel if someone slaps on your face and getaway with a fine of just below $50. and the very next day he comes and slaps you much harder and throws $50 on your face. What will you do? Will you feel humiliated or you will think its a way to make money..LOL

  40. @Musician..
    "It (tourism ceasing)will happen only if rest of the world thinks like you".
    How many tourists (other than Muslim pilgrims)visit Saudi Arabia? I can tell you. Almost zero. No Mecca in Maldives so where will your tourists come from?

    "Muslims do consume alcohol and do take drugs you know they are not Muslims."..Er, sorry, but they ARE still muslims.

    "Cant you think yourself right and wrong. Do I need refer a professor to differentiate fire and water".. No, I need no professor. I quoted him only to show that SOME Muslims dare to speak out against barbarity.

    I see today that Southern Sudan is attempting to separate from the Islamic regime in Khartoum headed by Omar al-Bashir. An Islamic regime which instituted sharia law and as we know has been waging a brutal civil war against the non-muslim south for many years, killing up to 400,000 and making many millions homeless. What thoughts do you have on that?

  41. @Derek "I can tell you. Almost zero..bla bla... No Mecca in Maldives so where will your tourists come from?" There is huge difference between almost zero and zero. by the way Saudi dont depend on tourism like Maldives. Also that area is only for Muslims. Are you blind of deaf? Cant you see the huge US bases in Saudi and there are thousands of US troops stationed in Saudi. They are pumping more money all year around. Still do they need tourist? . I know deep down you knew that Saudi will not need tourist as they have the oil. Got you right? Please say things that make sense.

    "quoted him only to show that SOME Muslims dare to speak out against barbarity". Punishing the criminal is a barbaric thing. How on earth it became a barbaric. I guess you came from a different world where criminals are treated as kings and all the others are just their prey right? I wonder who want to live in your miserable world.

    Implementing Sharia and Law in Somalia is a good thing but waging war against others is not a good thing. I do not support that. We always have a choice and the path we chose has nothing to do with religion. The person is to blame not the religion. Islam teaches us to live in peace and respect others.

    You are very welcome to your criminal world. I haven't seen your criminal world advertisement. Is it bcaz you got no sponsors or nobody want to place ur ad?
    Not a strange thing. I can understand their fear but dont know whether you have understood it or not. Hope one day you will.

  42. @Derek “Muslims do consume alcohol and do take drugs you know they are not Muslims.”..Er, sorry, but they ARE still muslims".

    Didn't fall that into my definition of a perfect Muslim. Can you please give the reference of what you have said above?

  43. hey musician.

    You know what they say about muslims?. If you keep a 4 inch+ beard, you're allowed to act like a lout, drink, deal drugs, etc... but they'll still be recognized as muslims around here.

    And when people dare to stand up to that kind of slandering, they're labeled "laadheenee".

    PS: We know what keeps the Saudi war machine running. The blood of innocent muslims and non-muslims caught in lands they have hijacked.

  44. @musician
    I search in vain for any logic in your arguments.

    "by the way Saudi dont depend on tourism like Maldives."
    So, Maldives DOES depend on tourists. Good, we agree on that. Cause them to stop visiting and you can cancel your proposed new airport.

    "Also that area is only for Muslims. Are you blind of deaf? Cant you see the huge US bases in Saudi and there are thousands of US troops stationed in Saudi.".
    The US Military are not tourists, believe you me they go there only because they are ordered to. They also have their own facilities which are not integrated into the wonderful Saudi life and culture..

    "Punishing the criminal is a barbaric thing".
    In the civilised non Sharia world, we do this by fines or imprisonment. Not by removing parts of the criminals bodies, throwing stones at helpless women etc.

    “Muslims do consume alcohol and do take drugs you know they are not Muslims.” Didn’t fall that into my definition of a perfect Muslim"

    The total ban on alcohol In Saudi Arabia results in smuggling from the UAE. Saudi authorities prevented an attempt to smuggle in 3,190 liquor bottles hidden in concrete pipes in 2009, (‘Al Riyadh’ newspaper.)
    It is a short distance between Saudi and Bahrain –many thousands wished to go there and enjoy what their government banned,(driving by women, going to cinemas and alcohol consumption for example.)

    See how many times drugs are mentioned in Maldivian police reports..

    Is there a perfect Muslim? If so, please supply his or her name.

  45. @Derek excuse me. Your whole argument doesnt make any sense.

    "Cause them to stop visiting and you can cancel your proposed new airport". What are you trying to prove here? Does it have anything to do with crime or criminal activities?

    "The US Military are not tourists," Cmon grow up!!! We do not bring tourist bcaz they wear fancy clothes. we are interested to the hard currency that they bring. It doesnt matter tourist or US army.HAHAHA

    "In the civilised non Sharia world, we do this by fines or imprisonment. Not by removing parts of the criminals bodies, throwing stones at helpless women etc".
    So you don't care what they do to helpless innocent people. Who happened to be their prey just bcaz they are weak. They have no right to live, their life is useless. Why I feel you are hardcore fan of a criminal gang. Have anybody change the meaning of criminals? When I last checked its "a person guilty or convicted of a crime." I think you need to check it too. You are very fond of criminal. I am sure you are confused with the meaning of criminals please check it dude.

    "The total ban on alcohol In Saudi Arabia results in smuggling from the UAE. Saudi authorities prevented an attempt to smuggle in 3,190 liquor bottles hidden in concrete pipes in 2009, (‘Al Riyadh’ newspaper.)"
    Why do we have laws and regulation. You are very naive and didn't make any sense at all. All these times I am spoon feeding you that there are bad people and good people.

    "Is there a perfect Muslim? If so, please supply his or her name"
    Allah knows best. I do not know. I cant speak on behalf of others bcaz I do not know what others are doing, so how can I judge. I can only speak of myself. I am not like you to go into criminals mind find all excuses for the crimes that they committed and forgive them. I am not like that.

    I believe in justice and want to live a peaceful world where no criminals exists. I want to walk on the streets with no fear. Just one thing tell you. today somebody steal my cycle mirror while it was in front of my house and you know this is 5th time. I am 100% sure this will not happen in Saudi this often. I am fed up. If you walk on the streets of Male you will find almost all the cycles have only one mirror not bcaz its a fashion.

    You haven't answer my earlier question.

  46. @ahmed "You know what they say about muslims?. If you keep a 4 inch+ beard, you’re allowed to act like a lout, drink, deal drugs, etc… but they’ll still be recognized as muslims around here". Why do you care so much what others have to say. I hope you are Muslim, please supply your own definition of a Muslim.

    "We know what keeps the Saudi war machine running. The blood of innocent muslims and non-muslims caught in lands they have hijacked".
    What lands you are talking about? I have no clue. As far as I understand Saudi don't have border (Land) issue with its neighbors.

  47. @Derek "I have 36 years experience in law enforcement in different parts of the world." In your 36 years of long history you haven't think to protect innocent people from the criminals. Not even once, for 36 years you only think to protect criminal rights. Strange!!! you are very bias. Someone like you shouldn't be allowed to work in such profession.


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