Letter on child protection bill

Dear Editor,
For a moment, I thought they would do it right.
I watched as a “child abuse hotline” was opened to public use, and tie-wearing politicians made their little speeches on how we needed to “work together” to prevent it.
Then, this new “amendment” to the laws of Maldives comes to my attention.
Disgust does not even begin to describe my reaction to these new Mullah-pushed laws.
“A man who has married a child, and if the marriage is recognised by Islamic law, and after the marriage; the man who has has performed sexual acts with the ‘married’ girl will not be found guilty.”
I have nothing to say to people who would blithely stand by and watch this high treason unfold. This is a betrayal against every child of Maldives – no… the very racial bloodline of the Maldives. A mockery of these little “Child Abuse Prevention” events.
If “Islamic law” commands that we sacrifice our children to appease these filthy pedophiles; our Nation’s future mothers and fathers; then damn then to hell.
President Anni, show your vaunted ruthlessness and tear the parasitic leech of the so-called “clergy” off the Nation. No child deserves this state-sponsored child abuse. Crush the interloping Arab-wannabes, and consign them to what they deserve; a stay in a solitary confinement cell – so that they can experience the helplessness and despair they sow upon the citizens of Maldives.
