Dear Editor,
I urge police to do their work without giving us lame excuses. Earlier it was said that the Dictator Maumoon and chief torturer Adam Zahir was doing all these things, now who is to blame?
Is it the commissioner of the police or the president? But i doubt that the problem is with some incompetent senior police officers who don’t even have a clue what their responsibility is. Now that the whole of society is paralyzed with all these stabbing even the media doesn’t cover these incidents if some is stabbed people usually ask did he die?
The police will come up with the same statement “ithurah thahugeegu kuranee” (the investigation is ongoing – the same philosophy of policing in Maumoon’s time)…there’s no follow up!
For God’s sake this is just one mile, please make us safe “where’s anneh dhivehiraaje”? If something has got be neutral it’s not the carbon that ordinary citizens are concerned about it’s gangs and violence and the drugs in Male’; unfortunately the present government is also giving excuses for inability and incompetent policing in Maldives.