Letter on opposition demonstrations

Dear Editor
The DRP members and its supporters should really stop acting like spoiled kids and instead concentrate their time and efforts on correcting their past mistakes, and gaining public confidence in time for the next election.
Right now, it just seems that they are like a group of spoiled kids who can’t accept it that they are no longer in power! And you bet that the party will have lots of supporters because the politicians in the party had at least 15 years (assuming that the first 15 years were at least not so bad) to win over such supporters by bribing them and paving the way for them to gain from corruption.
I wouldn’t mind supporting the DRP, but not the current one for sure. DRP needs a new face…but not those of young and impulsive politicians like the young MPs like Ali Waheed etc (They really need to learn a thing or two before standing up to represent any constituency!).
Sure DRP may just win the next election through bribery and violence, but then again it won’t last long. So if DRP wants to win and be able to hold on to their victory, my advice is to really stop acting like kids and to get rid of the old timers, whose past records are really just not helping you grow as a party! And please teach the young MPs that they have a long way to go and a lot to learn, so please stop acting like they know everything and try to keep in mind at least once in a while that, there are some people with brains out there, who aren’t going to hang on to their every word and worship them like God just because they are DRP MPs! So please tell them to prove themselves to the people who elected them by actually talking some sense and acting with a bit of dignity!


One thought on “Letter on opposition demonstrations”

  1. This is purely anecdotal but I have spoken with quite a cross-section of DRP “activists” and members on several occasions and what has always surprised me is that they are poorly educated on the need to take a stand on political matters. Case in point, the DRP has never unambiguously said whether they leaned left or right in political matters, often alternating between ill-defined irrational religious conservatism (condemning the establishment of diplomatic ties with Israel and promoting capital punishment) and anti-establishment views (debating the religiosity of veiled women in Islam). This lack of consistency may be very convenient for the DRP’s leadership, however, its members almost unfailingly come across as confused individuals who cannot explain the reasons why they oppose or support the actions of their own party.
    Although it is acceptable in politics for political leaders to goad the masses with dumbed-down slogans without fully explaining the rationale behind campaigns, the DRP takes too much advantage of its members, in my view. Their lack of internal democracy has ensured that most of their general members do not understand democratic processes. However, I do believe that most DRP members would place national interest at the fore if they weren’t so frenzied up by leading DRP activists who seem to view matters of state as a soccer match between the MDP administration and the DRP-controlled legislative. What the DRP needs are a few individuals who truly believe in democracy to educate those of the general public registered as DRP members and lead them in a revolution against the present leadership and then they might actually become the opposition they wish to be.


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