Letter on the judiciary

Dear Editor,
The will to freedom and safety of the Maldivian people has been crushed and oppressed for far too long by corrupt judges. The ruthless vanity of the judiciary will soon come to a horrific end at the hands of the enraged masses if justice and saftey is denied for much longer!
Judges, you have failed to protect the people from the cruelty of blood thirsty gangsters. You have failed to protect the masses from being economically raped. Your own hands are therefore stained with the blood of the innocent due to your filthy greed and lack of compassion for the people’s safety.
You have mocked the cause of the needy and the fearful, and have offended the Creator of Heaven and Earth who is one with the oppressed! The vendetta will be terryfying when the oppressed arise in majestic triumph over the tyrants! The vendetta of the oppressed is the wrath of the Divine!
Every day the atmosphere is intensifying with frustration, hunger for justice, hunger for freedom and desparation for safety. The combustion of this oppressed primeval universal will to freedom is going to be unleashed like a volcanic eruption, and the fierce rage that shall be unleashed will pound the tyrants with a velocity so immense that they will be shattered into an eternity of helpless agony.
Don’t say you have not been warned – judges, this is not me making a threat, this is how nature works.
