Dear Editor,
I am very much impressed about government’s decision to begin a 200 million dollar project on harvesting wind energy in the Maldives. I hope this project is going to be a successful project rather than empty paper work that end up on shelves.
Previous studies conducted on the potential renewable energy resources including wind, indicates north – central region to be the highest in terms of wind energy resource (e.g. Wind energy resource atlas of Sri Lanka and Maldives conducted by Elliott et al, 2003) in Maldives.
According to this study the wind map for Maldives is highest on north of Male’ at 4.5 deg (N Lat) to 6.2 deg N Lat in south Maalhosmadulu, north Maalhosmadulu, south Miladhunmadulu, north Miladhunmadulu and Faadhippolhu region.
Why Gaafaru in Male atoll has been chosen is a concern. I wonder whether such previous studies have been reviewed in planning the proposed winder energy project? In any such projects, site selection is a crucial component which plays a key role and is a vital element in the success of project.
I hope, all those who involve in this project will try to make this a success.