Opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ahmed Mahlouf has hit out at opposition politicians switching their allegiances for financial gain, claiming he too was offered a bribe to defect.
Mahlouf claimed that he had been “personally told” that Ali Waheed would be switching his political allegiance for money, and further alleged that he had himself been offered US$2 million to join and vote in favour of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP).
“I don’t believe selling myself is a choice, but ever since I have known some of these MPs they have always wanted money,” he said.
Mahlouf alleged that it was only Ali Waheed who had taken money to join the MDP – a move he claimed was a coup for the country’s governing party.
“[Waheed] was loved by the DRP, but now that he’s gone he is nobody,” Mahlouf said. “President Nasheed will have the same feeling, so this is a good deal.”
Mahouf said that although the defections, which come as a number of DRP parliamentarians have switched sides in parliament, was a sad development for opposition supporters. However he said he believed it was on the other hand a positive development in regards to the loyalty of the remaining politicians.
The DRP MP’s allegations of bribes being used to entice opposition politicians to switch parties were refuted by MDP spokesperson Ahmed Haleem, who claimed that Ali Waheed’s defection reflected political ambition and not financial concern.
Haleem added that although it remains essential for the MDP to obtain a political majority in parliament to pass a reform agenda blocked by partisan opposition majority, recent defections by MPs including the former DRP Deputy Leader were made on political principal and not bribes.
“Ali Waheed and Abdu Raheem – these are young ambitious people that are not part of the Gayoom regime. The MDP is the country’s only true democratic party, unlike the DRP which is more like a family organisation,” he claimed. “Waheed has a future in politics in this country and I believe he is a clean guy. So while we need a parliamentary majority for the MDP, we do not want to be spending money we don’t have to get it. This is politics, not a football transfer market.”
Questioned over whether some MDP supporters would be sceptical of the intentions of a former opposition MP like Ali Waheed, who in his first speech as an MDP member last week accepted he had been “critical” of President Nasheed and his government in the past, Haleem said he believed members were overall happy at the defection.
“I think all MDP supporters will be very happy, our members are determined in that they want change in this country,” he said.
The DRP has attracted significant local media attention in recent months with factional infighting between supporters of serving leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali and his predecessor Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. One reason for the strife, according to Mahlouf, was division over how to respond to the government’s financial reform program and decision to devalue the rufiyaa against the US dollar.
Speaking at rallies and gatherings held this week against government economic reforms, following a week of protests earlier this month in Male’, Mahlouf, who is linked to the Z-DRP faction of the party, said that the so-called “youth movement” behind the protests had decided to give the government time to try and address financial concerns before resuming demonstrations.
Haleem meanwhile claimed that while the protests had lost momentum due to a growing public acceptance and understanding of the need for economic changes bought forward by President Mohamed Nasheed, as well as the “weakening” of the DRP.
“I think you will find that 99 percent of people are fed up with the DRP, even three of the party’s members have [defected],” Haleem said. “People are accepting that financial changes are needed and the president has been stating these aims more clearly. We are a civilised country and we need direct taxation – such as the tourism general service tax (TGST) – the President is not just changing the political but also the economic situation in the Maldives.”
Speaking last night during a rally held at the artificial beach area of Male’, Mahlouf claimed that demonstrations held over the last few days had been organised by Thasmeen’s supporters and a number of local NGOs rather than the “youth movement” that had instigated protests earlier in the month.
“We need to be responsible politicians right now and protesting every night is not the only solution to the economic issues,” he said. “We did a good job supporting the protesters, but it’s time to give some time to the government to try and make changes before we consider more protests.”
Addressing crowds of DRP supporters during last night’s gathering, which he said had drawn “huge crowds”, Mahlouf used his speech to attack the recent defection of a number of DRP politicians such as Ali Waheed to the MDP cause, as the party of President Nasheed seeks to entrench its long-sought parliamentary majority.

Oh Boy! I'm impressed!!! This guy Ahmed Haleem (a 5th grade drop out) actually speaks perfect English, huh?? Or did Neil Marret fabricate something and wrote as something Donbileh Haleem said?
In this country there are only frikkin clowns at both sides of the political divide! I dont know how these jokers become politicians.
Supreme Court has requested Prosecutor General’s (PG) Office to investigate the alleged contempt of the judiciary by ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader Moosa ‘Reeko’ Manik.
Why Minivanews, which claims to bring independent news for the Maldives, never report this.
Mahlouf! You offered the family of person with terminal illness that they will be helped if they vote for u. You turned your back on them later. you f* exploit people of who are in need. worked in freaking UN. Bloody hell! regardless of party or race its all about the haves and haves not!!! In this context- people with land and not in Male'. I just realised. you have land and a restaurant. So shut up start collecting your bounty- that goes for all politicians. Humanity is a lost cause!
If memory serves me right, this is the same Haleem, who also said that Yaameen Abdul Gayyoom was a "decent" chap!
What a circus we have! At any rate, Mahlouf can keep on dreaming of his political worth; but in all honesty, he is worth zero, nada, zilch. He can keep dreaming of millions of dollars... dream on.
When I watched the video footage of the Zedey worshippers, it struck me that they are stuck in a time warp. Most of the people there seem to live a world of their own and think Zedey still holds all the power. Zedey walks in like a Pharaoh flanked by worshippers.
The front row of that gathering tells the whole story. Zedey and family are flanked by Scud Missile Umar on one side, and Umar Zahir on the other! What a perfect picture that speaks volumes for what it represents...
Mahlouf, you dawg... always disclosing his price. classy... and he doesn't even know a defamation case is looming over his head. if i were Ali Waheed, i will sue his @$$ right now...
Nut case.. is this guy thinking he is so much valued guy. 2 million USD? Does this guy know how much a million is? If he knew what 2 million US$ is, and some one really has offered him that much money, this clown will never open his filthy mouth and would have accepted it.
I am not a fan of Mahlouf but, I think many of us know that these offers are there for MPs to take.
The only thing credible about this is that Ahmed Haleem spoke about football transfer market,which he is somewhat of an expert, politics on the other hand...
Its funny how MDP die hards like Raabe and C-bag find it so hard to accept the simple fact that some peoples soul are just not for sale....Way to go Mauloof, Don't sell out..MDP can't stay forver Allah willing this government will fall in our life time...and then it will be oppositions turn.
@Ahmed Bin Addu Bin Suvadheeb..It;s all to see that it is the MDP and its cronies including its parlimentarians who are stealing millions of our money...The footage you watched is not worship...it is respect for an elederly stateman who have done so much for this country, if Pres.Nasheed steps down one day he would also recive similer respect...
Me thinks if Mahlouf was offered 2 million dollars he would have taken it. Since he is still in DRP its clear that MDP still hasn't got round to offering him that much.He overvalues himself.
Seems Gayyoom have told Mahloof that he can lie to any extent if it is anything to do with Gayoom and DRP. Seems this is allowed in the religion. Whats a joke.
Who is Mahloof? what is he worth?
Dont worry, Mahloof says he is also waiting for the right moment to switch.
no.no.no.. this governmeent if corruption-free. MDP will never bribe. MDP will never award contracts to party seniors and high positions to family members. That happened in the past regime.
Without evidence there is no case. without a case there is no valid argument. Stop arguing on to an illusion. Its just what you think it is but the reality lies far from your thoughts.
oh dear boy Mahuloof... you are just one in a million to be offered a couple of million dollars...dammmn... why dont you talk about your own life which you sold to yaamin and golhaa maumoon? heard yaamin and golhaa offered a few million to mahuloof to stay in DRP... you freaks think we would believe in whaever you say? go and dig your own grave man... you will find more money once you go under the grave... oh by the way carry a few credit cards too.. may be you would need them in there tooo...
Mahloof do not need money!
Rather prefer to live on handouts from the Zaeem as he used to when the Zaeem at Theemuge.
Why you refused that 2 million boy, with your MP salary if you work for 30 years you will earn 1.6 million only. Are you crazy you have ignored that? Come on wise guys, If you have refused that you must be a nut who is not worth to represent people for their betterment.
Mahloof, take the 2 mil. Z is just not worth it!
Zahir Hussain's boy properly trained by Golha.
Guys dont be jealous, he's a great and popular guy.. Im sure Anni would offer what ever he can to switch him.. But Im sure, he won't...
You idiots!
If I were MDP, it not worth my while to get critical blabber mouths like Ali Waheed or Mahlouf - if a quiet "backbencher" could be had - even for the same expensive amount of money. The backbencher makes for a smoother transition and the same amount of votes.
Personally, I think Mahlouf just announced that he is for sale and his asking price range. Dream on boy.
I offered him 2 million Italian Lira. What an idiot.
mahey you rock..simply rock..we trust in you and believe that you would never sell yourself to those stupid MDP people..The person they call president was teaching at Dharumavantha the other day,,Gosh what a big joke..doesnt even know the number of zeros in a million..He would offer millions of dollars to MPs ..he has no idea about how big a million is..lolx
Do you seriously want us to believe that if MDP had offered US$ 2 Million to Mahloof that he would not have defected? C'mon, people are not idiots!
Does Mahloof seriously believe that he is US$ 2 Million? What a joke!
There is not a single MP in the Majlis who wouldn't jump to another side (excluding a few like Gasim, Yameen, Hamza, Shiyam, Thasmeen and other such millionaires), for even US$ Half a Million.
Mahloof claims to be the Leader of the Youth Wing of his Party (which party that is). Yet this is guy who is trying to get the 80 year old man Maumoon back again as the Dictator of Maldives! One would have expected him to support some one younger to lead this country than an old and haggard former Dictator who is out of vengeance.
when ppl r unable to pay the high rent and buy a decent meal 2 million $ is give to one person only lol wot a joke
Amazing comments....I a just dumbstruck at how stupid people are....Can't you just believe the fact that some people are just not for sale!!! some people have a conscious....2 million dollars is nothing for this government...they are handing out 21 million dollar, 500 million rufiyaa corrupt deals....instead of reputing Mauloof we should think for a moment....The money is from the state coffers..MDP is stealing our money and buying members, this government is corrupt beyond belief....some people just cant believe how hungry MDP is for majority control..they are willing to bankrupt the country if it would win them another term....The country is going to the dogs with MDP and its useless minister at helm.
Mahfool thought that a million has two zeros heh! I will not offer the bloke even 2 Million Indonesian Rupees....
Mr. Mahfool, Reko says you will not be accepted in MDP even if you are offered FOC on a paper plate. you can go back to "Madihovan" at Galolhu Saharaa where you belong. F Off
wasnt it mahlouf who got an awesome trip to Singapore during the Gayoom regime? dude, who are you kidding here? tell us something we dont know about mahlouf. something good about him at least so that the "die hard" MDP fans like us will line up right behind mahlouf for god's sake.