A group of pro-government supporters clashed on Monday with Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) supporters that went to Kulhudhufushi in Haa Dhaalu Atoll with former President Mohamed Nasheed.
According to Vice President of Kulhudhufushi Council Farooq Mohamed, a group of government supporters gathered at the harbor opposing the former president’s visit to the island.
“They gathered at the harbor before Nasheed arrived and started yelling that Nasheed would have to kill them all if he wanted to step on Kulhudhufuhsi,’’ Farooq said. “Then a boat full of MDP supporters arrived at the island and the government supporters threw stones and other things at the boat.’’
He said that MDP supporters and government supporters then clashed “and threw things at each other.”
“There were no major injuries reported but they vandalised one of the boats that arrived with MDP supporters,’’ Farooq said.
He also alleged that the police officers on the island sided with government supporters.
According to Kulhudhufushi’s online newspaper, supporters of the government tried to block former President Nasheed’s planned visit to the island and threw stones and water bottles at the boat that arrived to the island with supporters of MDP, prior to Nasheed’s arrival.
In a statement, police said that there was unrest in Kulhudhufushi when the former President arrived, but said it was controlled.
Several police officers who worked to control the unrest were injured, police said in the statement, adding that police were still active on the island to control unrest.
Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Media Coordinator and MP Ahmed Nihan and PPM MP and Spokesperson Ahmed Mahlouf did not respond at time of press.
On January 25, 2011, Kulhudhufushi was the scene of the first cabinet meeting to be held outside Male’.
Nasheed’s cabinet discussed developing roads on the island, harbours, house construction, utilities and how to use recently reclaimed land on the island.
In October 2010 the dredging vessel Queen of the Netherlands increased the size of the island by a third within two weeks.
The growth of the island has left islanders a little disconcerted, Kulhudhuffishi Councillor Jamsheed Mohamed told Minivan News at the time.
“When we wake up in the morning, the island is bigger than we left it the night before,” Mohamed said.
Not everybody was pleased with the island’s expansion. Fisherman Mohamed Iqbal said the new harbour “is very far from where people live, which means that anybody wanting to buy fish has to walk a longer distance on Kulhudhuffushi than they ever have had to before.”

Shows the divide and ignorance created by Gayoom. He did nothing for the island or atoll but he recruited families to be his servants. There were perks and prosperity in being the servants of these powerful families. These are the kind of people you see now beating up innocent people. They are owned in a master and slave. The slave does not have to think.
Then there is the culture of ingratitude. Not only does anybody wanting to buy fish has to walk a longer distance. It wasn't Nasheed who increased the size of the island by a third within two weeks. It was a pump! and thanks to Allah.
Get a life Zorro. Nasheed has riuned the country in 3 years. God knows what the place be like if he had another few years in Office. Yes thanks to Allah for his downfall. The guy is an innate liar. He certainly needs a formal mental assesment and screening for early dementia.
The divide and ignorance was created by anni and his cronies. The maniac is hungry for power and he wants to be the president again after all the looting during his presidency. Fortunately for the people of Maldives not even one email was deleted when the power changed overnight. Very soon we will know the details. MAY GOD BLESS MALDIVES
So Jameel, are you going to be prosecuting the pro government people who vandalized the dhoni? Or is it not a problem since it was carrying MDP supporters and thus asked for it to be vandalized?
POlice taking certain sides, this is exactly why they are paid huge wages and benifits, to stay impartial to politics and to defend and protect all civilians, irrespective of which party they support!
I heard that the so-called 'money, money yes sir' boys had to escort Nasheed and others into Kuludhuffushi and to the meeting hall because there were a lot of local protesters who did not want them on their island.
Maumoon and his supporters couldn't bear to see the support, Anni had been gaining. Now they are crazy of the support for MDP and its policies. Go MDP go..... No room for autocracy and dictatorship.
Kulhudhuffushi, a peculiar place and people!
This was a combined effort by the rebel coalition to show their support in Boduthiladhummathi.
But it seems that President Nasheed who know people have shown that the younger generations of Boduthiladhummathi and especially Kulhudhuffishians now understand what they stand for and where their future is!
Under normal circumstances Kulhudhuffushians are a stubborn people who can be very united when needed and can be a menace if also be needed!
The scenario is justifying that the public needs a fare election to recognize the ruler of the nation and not a crime government screwed with illegitimacy.