The Maldivian Democratic Party(MDP) has requested that Speaker of Parliament Abdulla Shahid review the investigation into the October murder of Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Afrasheem Ali to ensure that it was progressing in a “just” manner.
The party suggested that this be done through the concerning parliamentary committees by contacting relevant government authorities.
The MDP expressed concern that it is still not known whether the police had managed to identify a suspected murderer even one and a half months after the brutal murder of the MP.
The party also stated that it believed it was of utmost importance that the public, and especially those from the constituency of Ungoofaaru which was represented by Afrasheem, gained confidence that the investigation would be carried justly.
The statement further pointed out that citizens were speculating about the murder of Afrasheem on social media and in general gatherings, highlighting that it was often mentioned in social forums that Dr Afrasheem’s views on religious matters had not aligned with those of certain other religious scholars.
In his last TV appearance hours before his murder, Afrasheem had said that he was deeply saddened and asked for forgiveness from citizens if he had created a misconception due to his inability to express himself in the right manner.
Less than a week latar, Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed told media that the ministry had not forced Afrasheem to offer a public apology for his views.
Speaking at a gathering on Republic Day, MDP presidential candidate, former President Nasheed appealed to the Commissioner of Police to “stop hiding Afrasheem’s murderer,” adding “You know who Afrasheem’s murderer is. Please send the related details to the judicial institutions and courts of the Maldives. Ensure Afrasheem’s murderer is brought to justice immediately.”
The police then announced a press conference regarding the case on the following day, which was later “postponed indefinitely.”
Among those arrested in regard to the murder were MDP activists Mariyam Naifa and Ali Hashim ‘Smith’. Although Naifa was released, albeit under a gagging order 15 days after her initial detention, ‘Smith’ and another arrestee Hassan Humam are still under detention for a period of 45 days, as approved by the criminal court.
Police revealed in October that they are seeking assistance from the FBI and the Singaporean police force to analyse the evidence they have gathered.
Police Media Official Sub-Inspector Hassan Haneef was not responding to calls at time of press.

What sort of assistance is being asked from the FBI? Let's see how challenging this case is, for FBI, an institution that has uncovered some of the most difficult criminal cases in the world.
A murder took place on a 2 square mile shanty town surrounded by ocean. The said shanty town is one of the most densely populated places on earth. There was so much blood at the murder scene, that's it's clearly impossible for the perpetrators to have gotten away without getting soaked in the blood of the late Dr Afrasheem. Given the population density of this shanty town, it's also impossible for the perpetrators to have gotten away without someone noticing their state, not to mention the multitude of CCTV cameras in this town.
So, we can logically conclude that there's a section of society that's clearly colluding with the perpetrators in hiding their identity.
Parliament is not entrusted to carry out criminal investigation and they are entrusted to pass the laws.
Bunch of jokers who have been elected because the cults Anni and Gayyoom had supported does not mean that they are capable of being a MP but rather a puppets of these two cults.
The MDP has requested a review? Okay. Here's the review.
Police file: Afrasheem.
"We dont know anything. So we pretended to get FBI assistance. I think most Gumboldivians have bought it. We're gonna keep bullshitting until they forget."
Wow! It's getting rather hot for some,
The suspense pushing them 2 more rum,
Why can't they just like others wait,
To spee justice written on the slate,
Boy! O boy, why now to panic stations?
May we advice His ExExcellency, not to attempt to try and put his stained (cigarette)fingers into the investigation. It's not apt in a democracy. Ask your Conservative pals how these things are done in a Democracy.
Please do not try to manipulate the judiciary too. Just bide your time citizen ExX just like the others for justice to take its course and the rule of law seen done. You have done enough damage - can't your XX see?
The latest from our president is that since the FBI is involved, it's going to be a fair investigation.
On that note I suggest the FBI to stay over for all investigations.
Thank you Jeff's Dad.