The Maldivian Democratic Party has yet again voiced a strong appeal to the Maldives government for official registration.
Speaking to Minivan Radio the Party’s Co-founder and Councilor Mohamed Nasheed shrugged off suggestions that the government may cite administrative difficulties during the run up to general elections. “Should the government decide to allow our registration, it won’t need much paper-work. All our documentary submissions are with them. The constitution allows it. All that are needed remain the regime’s political will and quick decisionsâ€, Mr.Nasheed said, adding that “in this case that would be remedial step to keep elections activities up to international standards while demonstrating the regime’s ability for functional transition in embracing reformsâ€.
The Maldives Elections Commissioner Ibrahim Rashad would announce the candidates list out of 156 applicants to contest in 20 constituencies on 30th November. Candidates are contesting as independents, “at a time there is a massive current of support for reform and political associationâ€, in Mr. Nasheed’s words.
Reformists including the Maldivian Democratic Party continue to issue statements that the forthcoming general elections will not be free and fair. One central issue remains the registration of political parties. Mr.Nasheed said that the Maldivian Democratic Party was “organized, disciplined, with the system and structure to cooperate with the government in enabling political debates, rallies and conventions in an orderly mannerâ€.
The elections are to be monitored by international bodies that will ascertain basic standards. Mr.Nasheed pointed out the added dimension of the Maldives parliament being signatory to the Inter Parliamentary Union that stipulates certain prerogatives for political association and assembly.
The British State Minister for Foreign and Commonwealth affairs Mr. Douglas Alexander echoed the international community’s concern stating that the upcoming parliamentary elections in the Maldives will be the test the international community will use to judge whether the Maldives President is genuinely committed to reform.
The European Parliament passed sanctions on Maldives after President Gayoom cracked down in August on the reform movement and a public rally, arresting hundreds. Since then the sanctions were put on hold after respective governments decided to allow a few months to Mr.Gayoom to make good on his promises.
In Mr.Douglas Alexander’s words, that time may soon be running out. “Without a free and fair election, the Maldives long-term stability and prosperity will be at riskâ€, he had stated in parliament recently.
“It is essential for the government to allow our registration which would be a huge indication of facilitating free and fair electionsâ€, Mr.Nasheed said, adding that “it would not pose any problems or complications to the ongoing elections and reform processes. The fairness of these is paramount for posterityâ€.