The statistics revealed by the Elections Commission (EC) show that the number of members registered for all major political parties have decreased apart from the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) headed by President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, which has increased its membership base to 17,533.
The Elections Commission reported political party membership fluctuations over a two week period from September 9.
During this period, 130 new members joined PPM within the 14 days, while the largest party – the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) – lost 49 members.
The MDP had 48,516 members at the start of the period, decreasing to 48,483 on September 16, and to 48,467 by Sunday.
Meanwhile PPM had 17,403 members registered at the commission on September 9 which had dropped 19 to 17,384 by September 16, but had increased its membership to 17,533 by Sunday.
The second largest political party in the Maldives, the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) led by MP Ahmed Thasmeen Ali, had 27,065 members registered at the commission as of September 9. However according to the statistics, during last week 87 members registered at the commission had left DRP.
The religious Adhaalath Party led by Sheikh Imran Abdulla had 5804 members registered at the Elections Commission as of September 9 but the number subsequently increased to 5828. Statistics showed that 24 new members joined the Adhaalath Party in the two weeks after September 9.
The Jumhoree Party (JP) led by MP ‘Burma’ Gasim Ibrahim had 6321 members registered at the Elections Commission as of September 9. According to the statistics 83 new members were registered by September 16.
The Gaumy Ithihaadh Party (GIP) founded by the current President Dr Waheed Hassan Manik had 2513 members registered as of September 9, dropping to 2508 by the end of the reporting period.
The Dhivehi Qaumy Party (DQP) led by Waheed’s Special Advisor Dr Hassan Saeed meanwhile decreased by six members to 2206 by the end of the two weeks..

The Elections Commission administrative staff is messy! The administrative staff "accuse" the EC Members of refusing to do as they are told!, fancy that? What else would you hear from an "entrenched" bunch of "civil servants"! Apparently these are of the pedigree of the previous PA Sec Gen turned EC Sec Gen tured Thimarafushi MP mentored by no other than Yaamin. Dammed thieves, this country will go to the dogs if decent democratic forces do not overpower these entrenched hyenas. Forget those hogwash.
PPM membership shows the ignorance haboured by it's leader for 30 years.. Shame on the Maldivians who are joining the very people who raped the country in broad day light
Maumoon will win the next elections.
So, let me get this right. The President's party has the least amount of members, yet the opposition party has more members than all other parties added together and it's called democracy?
Even the Puppet Master pulling the strings of the President doesn't have even 5% of the population's support, yet he controls the country once again.
Seems like the dictator never left office, just took a holiday.
So the people that lost the last election are now in power?????? Only in the Maldives!!!
What is 'f' president' ? Former president or something else?
a on Fri, 28th Sep 2012 6:36 AM
It means "Forever" until the dumb assess in the Maldives get their heads around true democracy and a rule of law that removes religion and corruption from politics
Its common with them leave people poor pay a little money and by there rights,nothing new but some thing common.
Its like take a tea spoon give a little on top of the spoon people will be please because they have nothing,any thing is better than nothing.
three years ago it was 1000 rufiyaa per membership form.
whats the price range for joing PPM now?