Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ahmed Nihan renewed calls for a no-confidence motion against President Mohamed Nasheed, during a rally on Friday.
Nihan said the motion, which requires 25 signatures from MPs to be put before parliament and a two-third majority vote to be passed, was in response to an increase in problems such as gang violence and the dollar shortage.
“Galaxy Enterprises can no longer sell air tickets because of the dollar shortage, and I received at least 20 desperate calls last night from people needing medical treatment who are suddenly unable to travel to Colombo. The public is very unhappy,” Nihan said.
“I strongly believe the opposition should seriously consider this motion because the President is ignoring problems. There is inflation, and people are in a mess and getting reckless,” he said, claiming that Nasheed had been “lying to the country over the extent of the problem.”
The government, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), have contended that a key contributor to the dollar shortage is the high spend on civil servant salaries in rufiya relative to its dollar income.
The government hopes a reform of the tax system, including a business profit tax and a tourism goods and services tax – delayed in parliament and passed only late last year – will eventually increase its income, but contests that political obstacles prevent it from reducing the size of the civil service.
Nihan acknowledged that while the civil service was “quite large”, blaming it for the dollar shortage was “just an excuse”.
“This country has survived for the last decade as a well-governed country. There was no problem getting dollars on this scale, only now due to mismanagement,” Nihan claimed.
He also acknowledged that even with 25 signatures, the no-confidence motion was unlikely to get the two-thirds majority required to oust Nasheed. It was, he claimed, an attempt “to get the President to take notice of the problems people are facing.”
The brief resignation of Nasheed’s cabinet in July 2010 was in part prompted by letters from six ruling party MPs who claimed they had been offered bribes by the opposition to vote against the party line. As the opposition parties already have a majority in parliament, this was widely interpreted as an attempt to secure a two-thirds majority to remove the President.
Nasheed promptly arrested the respective leaders of the minority opposition Jumhoree and People’s Alliance parties, businessman Gasim Ibrahim and the former President’s half brother Abdulla Yameen, and charged them with treason and bribery.
No charges stuck in court, and Nasheed was eventually pressured by the international community to release Yameen from his “protective” extrajudicial detention on the Presidential Retreat of on Aarah.
The possibility of the Dhivehi gaining a two-thirds majority is particularly unlikely given the recent fracturing of the party into factions loyal to either former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom or the DRP’s leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali. Gayoom had endorsed Thasmeen as his successor on his retirement from politics early last year, but cemented his disapproval of Thasmeen’s performance with an open letter faulting his leadership and particularly the party’s dismissal of Deputy leader Umar Naseer, ostentiously for conducting protests without party approval.
During a rally on Thursday, Thasmeen told the press that he could not stand aside and watch when the internal dispute has reached the point where “the people are not sure what the DRP is.”
“When a rally is announced, it’s not clear who is calling for it,” he said. “A person dismissed from the party is using the party’s logo and giving press conferences as the party’s deputy leader.”
As the factional strife has reached “the limit where we can’t remain without taking measures,” Thasmeen said he would bring the matter to the party’s council seeking a decision.
Meanwhile Riyaz Rasheed, the sole DQP MP in parliament, participated in the Gayoom faction rally for the first time, despite the recent coalition agreement between the Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) and Thasmeen’s faction. The party’s existing coalition partner, Yameen’s PA, supports Gayoom.
At the Thasmeen faction rally at Immadhudheen School, speakers strongly criticised Umar Naseer for “disregarding the party’s charter.”
Leading the attack, Deputy Leader Ali Waheed argued that the opposing faction consisted of “presidential candidates who couldn’t get 3,000 votes (Umar) and leaders of parties with less than 3,000 people (Yameen),” and accused them of hijacking the DRP’s membership base.
“These people are holding rallies in DRP’s name because it has 40,000 members. Why won’t they hold a rally in their the name of their own party?”
The Gayoom faction was “obsessed with the DRP” because “when the time comes, it’s the DRP that has the ace of spades,” Waheed said.
“But what they don’t know is that we’re not playing cards,” said Waheed. “We’re playing joker. God willing, we will put down the joker and win the presidential election. When you’re playing joker, the ace of spades isn’t that important.”
Waheed argued that rallies held by Gayoom faction were “in truth Yameen Abdul Gayoom’s presidential campaign.”

"There is inflation, and people are in a mess and getting reckless,” he said.
Conveniently he forgot how he and his fellow MPs are contributing to the inflation. With an additional MRf 20,000 added to their allowances, the government will have to print even more money to pay for these idiots.
I wonder whether Nihan even understands what inflation actually means!
DRP needs to sort out there own problems first before thinking of ousting Nasheed.
Very very good things that MP Nihan is going to do keep it up. and insha Allah we will get victory hop hop. see today US Dollar rate has been increase by M. Nasheedh violating rules and regulations for 15.42 laari and he will do same as before.
Its too late now! the opposition MP's would have done it few months ago when Mohammed Nasheed deliberately deteriorated the country's economy by appointing huge political job appointments under the name of Councillors.
I call the entire opposition MP's to ahead with this no confidence motion with out any more delay.
What a short memory some people have! Have you people forgotten that this government is only 2 years old?
Have you forgotten that Maumoon left behind a bankrupt government and President Nasheed has been tirelessly working to turn around the fiscal situation?
Do you think that IF and that is a BIG IF, you were to oust the President, that Maumoon can miraculously and magically improve the lives of the people?
Maumoon does not know even the very basics of economics. He just happened to be the Head of the country during the period of economic boom thanks to the private sector that led the tourism industry at a time of phenomenal growth.
The country's financial situation was messed up during the last 3 years of Maumoon's government and specifically under the Finance Minister Gasim Ibrahim. Gasim is a trader who has bankrupted his own business with endless loans and all he knew was to dig a massive public finance hole and drop the country into it.
Nihan and company can forget about over throwing this government. Just can't be done! You guys have been trying from the day Anni swore in and until today you have nothing to show for it!
Bring it on! And see what happens!
There is a lot of frustration amongst the public built up by unfulfilled promises and aggrvated by the chaotic state the coutry is presently in. MDP painted a picture perfect scene when it campaigned for Nasheed. What got people interested then was their dire desire to oust Gayyoom. I don't think anyone bought the picture MDP painted. But this unrealistic picture is continuously touched with an air brush after winning the campaign. There were many capable and educated Maldivians who were willing to help paint this picture. But they were either maginalised or thrown out and a bunch of inexperienced, incapable and unqualified people were marched into the frontline. The present situation is an inevitable consequence to it.
It is only obvious that the country has deteriorated in all fronts. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know of this fact. You cannot hide everything all the time. When things are so obvious that the life of average indivudals is affected, things are out on the streets. The prices of goods have gone high, violence on the streets are rampant, many things the government do are done against the constitution (and have to be decided by the courts) and there are huge allegations of corruption(all of which are denied by the government). To make matters worse, the economy is in shambles. It is near impossible to buy US dollars. So the small import businesses and individual businessmen are unable to sustain their businesses.
Maldivians are not fools. Why some think that they can govern a country as if they are playing a video game is beyond me. So I can understand why such a drastic move was initiated by Nihan.
How to solve the dollar crisis :
1. Get Thasmeen to pay back the the $80 million or so dollars he has borrowed from BML.
2. Find all the missing cash hidden in STO staff bank accounts from all the dodgy oil deals with Burma.
That should keep us going for a few years.
Many of the expat workers would not need dollars if there was an easy & cheap way for people to send cash abroad. The banks should convert MRF into whatever electronic currency is required, for withdrawal in their own country in their own currency. No cash will be needed as it's all done on the computer here - the other country will need the actual notes for issuing.
The picture is funny.
i vote for nihan to be gagged and wrapped in day-old tuna intestines. and maybe put him in the sun for a couple of hours and see if it helps with his mental deficiency.
nihan was a sign-board maker. what in god's name is he doing wearing a tie in parliament.
@ Robin
We all can understand people's frustrations which are natural.
True, MDP did paint a rosy picture in order to legally oust a Dictator who had his roots dug deep and wide into the society through every conceivable means.
Yes, those promises were made without knowing the true state of the mess that Gayyoom had created with Public Finance.
Keep in mind that the worst economic recession since the Great Depression and the Greatest Financial Crisis in history occurred just as Nasheed was taking over power.
It is a miracle that we managed to scrape through all these crisis without people starving.
What we are facing are the shock waves of these two world economic crisis as well as the Government Fiscal Mess.
Our economy is recovering now though it went through a a rough patch. Our economy is not in shambles as you claim. What is in shambles in The Government Fiscal Situation. THIS WAS CREATED BY MAUMOON DURING THE LAST DYING DAYS OF HIS REGIME AND LEFT BEHIND FOR THE NEW PRESIDENT!
Not even a magician can sort out the fiscal mess over night. We need to cut the budget to fit expenses within revenue figures. Any house wife knows that you cant spend more on house hold expenses per month than what the family earns during the month.
The problem is Maumoon, in the hope of bribing the public to steal the election went on a spending spree to build all kinds of infrastructure projects in the atolls on a deficit budget in the millions. None of these projects were economic or for job creation.
He promised to balance the budget with fantasy ghost projects (that never materialized) like "Ihavandhippolhu Project", "Hulhumale Phase 2 Project" and "Gulhi Falhu Project". These mirages that he showed the Majlis and the public allowed the master conman to get away with all these expenses when he had no way to fund the deficit.
The numerous loans he took during his regime left even unborn children for generations bankrupt. But now, people seem to think that somehow its the new President's fault!
When the Government proposed to cut civil service salary DRP blocked it in the Majlis. The Majlis, Judiciary and Independent Commissions are reluctant to reduce their budget. Only the Government has reduced their expenses. More than 80% of the Government Budget is spent on over heads of the bureaucracy and less than 20% is available for any programs! Yet no one seems to be willing to reduce the salaries of public servants! What a joke! We need to downsize the Government. Make it lean and efficient.
Therefore, Government privatization program is essential to avoid complete bankruptcy of the State and reduce the size of the Government.
What we must also remember is that actually Maumooon and Yameen spent all this money during their regime not for the public benefit. They gave most contracts for government projects to their henchmen who give a "cut" to them from every project.
This is how these crooks became so rich and are still able to fund their so-called political activities and their private gangs.
What we need to do is bring Maumoon, Yameen, Abdulla Hameed, Ilyas and Adam Zahir to justice. Lock these guys up behind bars and we can then continue to rebuild the nation.
@Ilyas Ahmed
Very sensible post and agree with most of it. Your analysis of the crisis is very good. This all started in the last 3 years of Gayyoom's regime when Gasim wreaked havoc with the budget.
Nihan must have a very very short term memory (if any). When he says, we never had dollar shortages during his Master's regime, he forgot key facts.
Look at the history of the public sector wage bill over the last 10 years. Plot a graph of when those salaries sky rocketed against dollar shortages. Plot another graph of budget deficits run by Gasim against dollar shortages.
Of course, I don't expect someone like Nihan to understand these kinds of anlaysis.
The IMF and the World Bank have time and time again called on the government to reduce the deficit AND the Rufiyaa circulation. These are the fundamental factors that underlie everything else.
Moreover, our exports have declined steadily over the last 5 or so years. Fish exports have dropped considerably (the Oceans are running out too).
The present government is doing something remarkably difficult. They are TRYING to reduce the deficit, but the ILL EDUCATED Parliament of ours have consistently obstructed ANY good fiscal plan of the government!
As someone else noted, Nihan needs psychiatric help. Sounds like a desperate man within a desperate group of people surrounding the former Dictator.
It's not MP Nihan who has to consult with a psychiatrist, it's he who now sits in the presidential Chair of Maldives and along with him the idiotic morons who support his actions blindly.
Some of these comments are purely owned by very narrow minded, MDP supporters who do never have any experience of how a governments monetary affairs be handled.
What MP Nihan have initiated is, mandated to him by the constitution of Maldives. Article 100 of Maldivian constitution clearly says that Patliament Mem can impeach a president.
More or less Article 70 (A) gives every member the right to act and defend public from a insomanic president.
I wonder you people have every seen MP Nihan and other oppositon mps working tirelessly to accountable this yellow government on behalf of the general public.
The truth is MDP gov and it's supporters are totally failed to deliver.
Dosent matter MP Nihan was a sign maker or not, he is doing his job, and he have proved that he is worthy to be sitting in that chair in parliament.
More over cowards Like you all are behind Anni
Supporting and blaming Maumoon while the country is in this dollar rate hike leading to destruction.
Dear fellow Maldivians,
Onwards from 11th April 2011 no one will sell or buy a US dollar less than 15/- Mrf?!
So where are we heading !?
Aren't this a promise of Anni that a dollar would be of 10/- Mrf?! What a joke....
Go ahead MPs, get rid out from this holycow
It's not MP Nihan who has to consult with a psychiatrist, it's he who now sits in the presidential Chair of Maldives and along with him the idiotic morons who support his actions blindly.
Some of these comments are purely owned by very narrow minded, MDP supporters who do never have any experience of how a governments monetary affairs be handled.
What MP Nihan have initiated is, mandated to him by the constitution of Maldives. Article 100 of Maldivian constitution clearly says that Patliament Mem can impeach a president.
More or less Article 70 (A) gives every member the right to act and defend public from a insomanic president.
I wonder you people have every seen MP Nihan and other oppositon mps working tirelessly to accountable this yellow government on behalf of the general public.
The truth is MDP gov and it's supporters are totally failed to deliver.
Dosent matter MP Nihan was a sign maker or not, he is doing his job, and he have proved that he is worthy to be sitting in that chair in parliament.
More over cowards Like you all are behind Anni
Supporting his dogma and blaming the development of maumoon, while the country is in this dollar rate hike leading to destruction by Mohamed Nasheed
Agree with @ilyas Ahmed.
The mess we have is the result of recless spending by gayyoom's government from 2005 to 2008, specially when Gasim was FM. in addition we have a dormant Governor in MMA who has done nothing to solve the foreign currency problems.
What we need to do now is to get back the $21 million from Reeko and the $850 million Mariya spent to buy the Mega Maldives aircraft.
If I remember correctly, Glaxy had a meeting with MMA and announced that they will take Rf for the airtickets. and behind the scenes they were taking at 13.5 per dollar. looks like MMA gave the authority to do so against the monetary regulations.
I call Nihan to put their house in order first, either take a no-confidence vote for Thasmeen or leave DRP and join another party or just shut up... Dollar shortage is not a new problem and exchange rate has been high in the black market even before this government. Today the demand is high because of more investment and more consumption. While the parliament has been sleeping deliberately without passing the tax bill and other income policies for the government and blocking any economic reforms. The next day the same MPs come out to the public and demonstrate and complain about the economic problems. Ultimately who is to blame the government including the parliament and everyone wants to point fingers to others and do nothing constructive.
This is Annehdhivehirajje or Annidhivehirajje.
Out of Reach; food, petrol, dollar, discipline, salaries, law, political posts, corruption, child abuse, animal abuse, drugs, rape, killing, gangs, poverty, etc etc….
@Ilyas Ahmed, very truly said, but am afraid however much anyone reveal facts, it will be hard for some to believe them!
Very true, we have been enjoying the ample Rufiyas in circulation (most believed to have come out from private mints which even when suspected could not be investigated perhaps because of the time of occurance) for each and every call the owners of the Rufiya demanded!
There have been high spending campaigns going on with these Rufiyas, there have been X numbers of branded goods imported using these Rufiyas; and there have been everything done with these Rufiyas and like the grass hopper, we have been enjoying SUMMER where ever we went and now WINTER has come; and we are complaining!
Nihan and his mentor cannot have the luxuries they used to have!
Cannot do shopping at HARRODS!
Cannot go to nearby countries with loved ones!
Cannot do nothing; MMA nor the Banks are available for nothing!
So, oust President Nasheed or WHOEVER is there; and regain control of all what was been done!
This is what these guys will ultimately want:
They cannot believe that People's prayers have been heard!
This the baby that was born after 30 years of pregnancy. We know who the father is? Gasim Ibrahim must be the mother.
Areen , "hop hop" and "hope hope" are 2 different things ..
Thasmeen's palm looks more like the DRP palm. I guess DRP belongs to Thasmeen.
The dollar crisis existed when GAYoom was in power, but he managed to rectify the problem with temporary measures. GAYoom's actions brought us to this situation. What he did was, he just pooled the funds from abroad for different projects to the financial system to ease the problem. Now we are suffering. The burden is on Nasheed...
Ahmed from Addu & the break-away State of Suvadheeb & Ilyas Ahmed,
Take a break from the back-patting and please, for a second, acknowledge the fact that, granted Gayyoom's desperation to hold onto power coupled with the financial effects of the tsunami along with the world recession started the spiral which Mohamed Nasheed's government CONTINUED.
Can you deny that the MDP government has also struggled to hold onto power by bloating the government even further?
Can you deny that the MDP government has also announced phantom projects of "mega" proportions and committed this State to them?
Can you deny that the MDP government has awarded contracts for infrastructure projects which have little to no possibilities of generating much revenue?
Can we forget that at no time was the government been ready to negotiate with initial coalition partners to secure structural reforms?
Can we turn a blind eye to the government's ongoing attempts to buy out and subjugate the parliament, judiciary as well as the Media?
No citizen in the whole world and no child of any revolution will continue to accept the faults of the previous regime as justification for the failures of its inheritor.
why to worry on this, ilyas ahmed bin addu and whosoever trying to protect the semi god as of like there is no problem. ofcouse the awaited messiah has finally arrived to save humanity huh. everage ppl will laugh on these bunch of hypocrits still believing on bigfatpicture, while the big picture actually is a lalabye of someone greedy for power or more power. a family of businessmen for half a century, same ppl who benefited from so called golhabo or nasir the killerwale. yesterday they hired mercenaries and killed ur relatives, today the convicts are foreign minister or controler the immigration, not to mention the family background of sikka or whosoever. would u laugh if Usama bin ladin had become US secretary of state. your messiah will do good only to the extent of the ratio where he secularise this nation. If tomorow he secularise this nation they next day we will be forefront of global economy no doubt about that. The so called Foreigner have an interest, only India and Isreal could save your messiah but ofcourse with a cost. give India whole nation economic controle, and let India to ensure when 3rd world war occur that they will give Gan airport and hulhule airport as a military base to both USA and Isreal. and let them use the facilities of Sarc summit of addu to keep there millitary staffs. Didint you see the famous ALL SEEING EYE on gulhifalhu. haha he is coming,
tsk tsk on Mon, 11th Apr 2011 1:50 PM
Those who don't learn form history tend to repeat it.
Current govt can take the blame for many things but the roots of todays' dollar shortage took hold during Gayooms Presidency. DRP even today opposes austerity measures and continue to shriek against privatization.
The fact of the matter is salaries were increased to civil servants and they began to spend their new found "wealth". This was money which didn't and still doesn't exist in real terms.
There is little economic activity which adds value to the economy and yet people have MRF duly printed and distributed as salaries. This has been happening for years and its time to actually pay now; kinda like a credit card spending spree coming to an end with the monthly bill and close of credit lines.
After driving the car into the ditch, DRP, sitting in the passenger seat is screaming at Anni, demanding the keys and hampering every effing move to get us out of this mess.
Even if there is hyper-inflation and total economic collapse no f#$king way are they getting a second chance.
@ Ilyas Ahmed
Blame Maumoon for everything. But it will not help because fact of the matter is, Maumoon is not the man-in-charge for the last 2.5 years. Nor is he in-charge now.
Before he left, Maumoon must have not made things too easy. But he could not have made it too difficult either. You know why? Because Maumoon never intended to step down. Nor did he, even in his wildest dreams, thought that he might be ousted. He was fully confident that we, Maldivians love him so dearly that we would still want to see him rule even after his 30 years. He was so addicted to power that he grossly miscalculated what the Maldivian public wanted. As a result, he had not fully prepared the stage for the kind of mess we could potentially have been in under the opposition's rule.
I am not saying that Maumoon kept everything smoothly running as ever. But that because Maumoon did not foresee the carpet being pulled away from under his feet, he had not prepared the real mess Nasheed could have otherwise ended up in.
So in other words, when Nasheed took over, the outlook may not have been too rosy. If not for anything else, this is simply because Nasheed was expected to take over and settle the house run by someone else. This would not be easy because the house was run, according to the style of a different individual -- Maumoon.
Now, IF Maummon has ensured, Nasheed will inherit a mess, this might be something hidden before Nasheed was elected. But, I do not believe it can be hidden to Nasheed from the day he took over. Everything was there in the open for him to see. You know where you stand, what you can do and what you cannot do. Despite this, MDP's surrealistic picture continued to be air brushed and people were taken on a ride. Even today, this is going on. Only a few days ago Nasheed implied that he will bring down the dollar rate to Rf 10 and all those who are hiding their dollars in their safes will be at a loss. Few days later he has, in effect, devalued the Maldivian currency.
Well, okay, lets assume Nasheed ingerited a mess. But his actions are not such that the mess will be reduced. His actions are such that the messiness is only increased. IMF has warned; financial analysts continuously state that the governments actions are not right. This is about economy of the country. If you look at any other aspect, things are similar. This is what I am saying.
My opinion is: This government simply does not know how to run the country. Meanwhile, they seem to be doing what is best for them. They seem to be saying "Forget about the people. Forget about the country. We will make hay while the sun shines."
"Well, okay, lets assume Nasheed ingerited a mess. But his actions are not such that the mess will be reduced. His actions are such that the messiness is only increased. IMF has warned; financial analysts continuously state that the governments actions are not right. "
Where have you been hiding? Under a rock on the moon? The government was planning on cutting state expenditure. 90% of the budget is spent on Civil Service salaries. Who stopped this from happening? C'mon, if you are such a genius, you shouldn't need long to figure out the answer.
Next, the government proposed a modest sized decentralised administation. Who opposed that and who forced the current waste of resources on local administration? Again, you're the genius, so let's have the answer.
“Forget about the people. Forget about the country. We will make hay while the sun shines.”
Are you referring to our distinguished Members of Parliament? Surely not, since that would amount to blasphemy!
"Where have you been hiding? Under a rock on the moon? The government was planning on cutting state expenditure."
Planning is not good enough, Ahmed. We need to see action. Positive action.
Who proposed what, and who opposed what, are of little relevance. What is relevant is action that brings improvement to people's lives.
Crying over what the previous government did or did not do is an excuse. They might have spent 90 percent income on salaries. But we did not see our currency devalued.
I believe the present situation is the result of what the present government is doing. They are spending a lot more than they earn. They talk big. But for how long do you think people can be taken on this ride? As I said earlier, Maldians are no fools.
when MDP came to power, they saw a strong middle class in the country. and these middle class ppl are what changed the country's top seat, coz these ppl are financially well. however just after anni aka 3rd nov, aka sikka, took office, he knew ppl's expectation are very high but what he could do is very less. being mdp insider myself i have been to discussion of policies where mdp could hold on to power. but realistically it was not posssible. so the senior elite suggested that without creating poverty there is no way mdp could hold on to power, nor they will be able to disciple the citizen (which were already spoiled by mdp on street). Now you get the point, the country is purposely going way for a bankruptsy, and it will be put to gayyoom's head. and tomorow when ppl are poor and when there is no middle class it easy to buy votes. u dont believe me, ask senior top level govt official that if they had not discussed this. anni's biggest advisers are isrealis now, go to president office, you will find 3 mossard agents already even today inside working. u doubt abt india's interest on nation. india do like even a slight chance of chinese presence in indian ocean, that why they want to take over maldives and will be slaves of india aka global power. but india have a problem, because USA have an interest here, because USA is loosing their military base in indian ocean, so both isreal and USA need a alternative base to bomb pakistan and arab countries, now u see the point, USA and Isreal made a deal with india to controle this onbehalf of them and garanteee gan addu to be used as that. the sarc summit thing is hoax to build facilities for these military personals. and gan was purposely given to sto so that they could lease to somebody else on close doors. it will be an indian company who will take gan, and will not be developed as comercial hub as you see. but runway will be extended and bunkers will be put so that it cud be used as military base. addu city was purposely created to make addu non legal entity within maldives, so that when event arises addu will no longer be part of maldives where with heavy artilary indian will be there from next year, didnt you hear indians are coming with heavy artilary. what is happening in maldives is no a small minded thing. just wait and see, anni is going to be there for another 50 years, with the help of isreal, but there global condition has to be met, that is secularise maldives.