While the Maldives rolls on to the first decade of the 21st century, the people of this island nation are left to wonder about their future. They are left in the dark of their rights and the obligations of the government to the people. The poor and lame excuses that we have heard is the perpetual rhetoric ” what to do , we are a small nation and not enough money and resources” and islanders and the less educated or less exposed people are made to believe that the government is doing more than it should and that they should be grateful for what they have.
After 27 years of rule, and 18 years to amend the constitution, we are left without a set of laws to protect the people. We are left without a constitutional guideline for any major public service. The state police operate in the absence of law, every minister’s whim is law. By God we have to be grateful for this? It was not long ago that we encountered some of the most trying times of this era. A break out in jail following the murder of an inmate by prison guards and police brought about the dawn of the new age, the age of the people.
The people have been suppressed and intimidated for too long. With little reason to be reasonable and rational the nation’s youth and the educated took to the streets. This was played sold to the international and local audience as a coup attempt, an armed aggression to over throw a legally elected government it said. However, a government that does not facilitate the voice of the people that elected it and fails to achieve the basic demands of the people is no longer legally in power. They are in power by use of force, and as such they can only be removed by use of force,” but not violence”
The force that shall remove them is the power of the people. We have suffered and our children’s children will suffer too for the state of poverty and mismanagement of this regime. We have let them rape this nation time and time again. Our children shall hold us responsible for the slum and anarchy that we shall leave behind for them.
I beg of you the people of this nation to stand together and fight. Do not fight for just your rights but fight because you care about your children, today we have at least over 25 thousand heroin users in this country mostly in the age group of 16 to 32 and this is a clear 25% of the country’s youth population. Think my fellow countrymen, is this the country that we would like to pass onto our children. I ask you, are you proud of what you have left behind for them. I do not ask the government to amend any of this but I ask of the people to unite and stand together to bring a stop to this madness. Let us take this nation from the grasp of this regime and allow ourselves to reconstruct a better Maldives. A nation rich of justice, public welfare and social security. A nation of peace and prosperity. These shall be the cornerstones of our new nation.
Be not afraid my brothers and sisters our time has come and we must stand together we must not fear the demons of intimidation but embrace the fruits of righteousness. And be brave in the path of the good. Our children demand us to be brave.