Police confirm island councillor charged over sexual abuse allegations

The Maldives Police Service has confirmed that an individual recently appointed to serve on the island council of Vaikaradhoo in Haa Dhaal atoll had been arrested on suspicion of sexually molesting a 14 year-old minor.

A police spokesperson confirmed to Minivan News that the arrest of a councillor serving on the island had taken place, but was unable to give any details on the suspect’s identity.

Local press have speculated on the identity of the suspect, who they claim had been identified by sources within the police as a councillor representing the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). If convicted, the Elections Commission (EC) has confirmed that the suspect would be stripped of the councillor position that was appointed during last month’s local council elections.

Elections Commissioner Fuad Thaufeeq said that standard procedure in the case of criminal convictions within the recently formed local councils would be that the Local Government Authority (LGA), which oversees devolved government in the country, would have to inform the EC of any serving members found guilty of a crime.

“There are conditions of candidacy, where if a person [serving on an elected council] is convicted of committing a crime they would be ineligible for office for a period of time,” he said.

Thaufeeq stressed that in the case of serious crimes like sexual abuse, there would be “no chance” that any convicted candidate would be eligible for election ever again.

“As it stands, [the criminal conviction of a serving councillor] will require a separate election to be held for their vacant seat,” he added.


10 thoughts on “Police confirm island councillor charged over sexual abuse allegations”

  1. Don't worry mr paedophile. You are from MDP. Even if EC strips you out of that councillor job, Anni will give you another better one. This is so sick.

  2. ""Thaufeeq stressed that in the case of serious crimes like sexual abuse, there would be “no chance” that any convicted candidate would be eligible for election ever again.""

    Why not when those convicted for sexual molestation, corruption and terrorism can sit as judge? It's the law.

  3. Afrah, just out of curiosity, could you please list the name of the judges mentioned in your post "Afrah on Mon, 14th Mar 2011 6:32 PM ", also please include what they were convicted for and the name of the court.

    I hope it was not one of those convictions spewed out by Aishath Velezinee, because I believe judgments and convictions are made through the judiciary - the courts,as stated in the ICCPR and not just some political appointee to the JSC.

    It would be good to read those judgments too.

    Thank you in advance, even though I am sure that, you cant back up the nonsense that you type,

    ...and thats what am thanking you for.

  4. @Bilal: You've just proved that if none of our so called "Judges" have been convicted by a court of law, it is because these courts are ruled by the very same judges who commit these crimes and then get away with it! A court of law of the Judiciary can only be respected when the Judges themselves learn to respect these institutions! If these Judges had been doing their jobs properly, then you bet our Country wouldn't be full of drug lords, addicts, rapists, child molesters, etc!! And it takes guts for one person, like Velzinee to stand up against a gang of corrupt judges! The fact that she was attacked only proves how much these corrupt judges have to hide, before she and her supporters show to the public what a bunch of crooks our "Esteemed" Judges are!!

  5. Did he think charity should begin at home with the unassailable power that he has on his hand to flirt with…get him behind bars.Now!

  6. @mariyam,

    'it takes guts for one person, like Velzinee to stand up against a gang'

    It takes not only guts but hard drugs as well.

  7. Councillor de Sex Abuse 1790..... Champagne bottled in Maldives .... opens the bottle ..... and pops the cork .... and the frothy sparkles flows and pours as above ...

  8. The Let Go...Let Peace Come In Foundation is a newly formed nonprofit with a mission to help heal and support adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse worldwide. We are actively seeking adult survivors who would be willing to post a childhood photo and caption, their story, or their creative expressions to our website www.letgoletpeacecomein.org. By uniting survivors from across the globe we can help provide a stronger and more powerful voice to those survivors who have not yet found the courage to speak out. We also have a prepared a youtube video that can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4PDC03Gl2k. Together we can; together we should; together we NEED to stand up and be counted. Please visit our site for more details on how you can send us your submissions. Remember, you are not alone!


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