Police summon mother of MDP MP for questioning

Police have summoned the mother of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Ali Waheed for questioning as part of a joint investigation with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

Zuhra Abdulla of Honey Moon House in Thoddu, Alifu Alifu Atoll was summoned to Thoddu Island Council, police confirmed to Minivan News.

According to a police spokesperson, Zuhra invoked her right to remain silent.

Speaking to Minivan News, Ali Waheed confirmed that his mother was summoned to the island council by police for the investigation of a case concerning him.

He alleged the investigation was political and an attempt to distract from what was “a really happy day for MDP” following former President Mohamed Nasheed’s submission of his candidacy for the 2013 presidential election.

“[Police] are concerned and worried because they have failed to fulfill their promise to their supporters to jail former President Mohamed Nasheed,” Ali Waheed contended.

”We will not be cooperative to any political investigation,” he said. ”These are little sticks thrown at us because today Nasheed had filed his candidacy at the Elections Commission”.

On February 20, 2013, police declared they were investigating a corruption case involving Ali Waheed in which his mother purchased a land in Male’ for MVR 7.938 million (US$514,000) in October 2011.

At the time, President of the ACC Hassan Luthfee confirmed the institution was also investigating a case concerning the Thoddoo MP.

“We have earlier received complaints regarding the MP taking bribes following his defection from the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) to the MDP. There were also claims that he utilised the money he received as bribes to buy a house. We are investigating the matter,” Luthfee said.

In May 2011, Ali Waheed switched sides from DRP to MDP claiming a lack of internal democracy within his former party.

In August 2011, Ali Waheed won a beachfront house for Rf4.6 million (US$300,000), bidding Rf3020 per square foot. At the same time, Ali Waheed’s wife also won a house from the 36 beachfront residential plots on Hulhumale, bidding Rf 3020 per square foot, for Rf 4,749,651 (US$310,000).

Waheed and his wife were the third highest bidders for the property, under the Hulhulmale Development Corporation (HDC)’s housing programme.


5 thoughts on “Police summon mother of MDP MP for questioning”

  1. My mommy have always worked hard to rake the leaves off the streets. She gets paid.

    I am purchasing a 15 million rufiya mansion from her savings!

    It would be easy to sell this story to Mordisian people and judges. The judges would need a nudge.

  2. Andrew Andreas, in Mordiss, you would need to have a PPM party membership to buy land, eat, drink, deal drugs, fornicate, sodomize and even assault and kill people. You are guaranteed to go in from the police van and out of the next door in minutes.

    Anyone outside the PPM doing the above mentioned things are liable for arrest and criminal proceedings.

  3. The elite whether they're ruling or in opposition are always mightier than the peasants. This won't be investigated.

  4. were did they looted this money.
    his mother was a sweeper and earned million

  5. Nasheed is lier and he will never hesitate to tell any lies for the sake of his own benefit.

    He thinks that we are fools and we will believe what ever this idiots says.

    We know that Ali Waheed got this money through Nasheed and Nasheed have to defend the case since it will get exposed if ever an investigation is been carried our properly.

    We know the lady can not earn millions by sweeping roads, and his father can not earn that much of money in working in a shipping line as a deck-assistant.

    We all know the salary of deck-man and how much money that guy can save.

    This show how credible Nasheed can be ? This is why we will never give our vote to the idiot too.

    This is why people of Maldives never want Nasheed to be president ever.

    Even there are large number of people from MDP who does not believe him as the leader and they will vote for some one else.

    Many MDP members believe that Nasheed had hijacked the party and he will never allow one to come out as a leader within the party and the history proves it.

    All the elected leaders from MDP are being kicked out by Nasheed, Ibra, Munavaaru, Didi and these three is being kicked out by Nasheed.

    Nasheed is a dictator and we need a leader.


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