The President’s Office has “condemn[ed] efforts by individuals to stop former President Mr Mohamed Nasheed from running for Office of President of Maldives.”
“[President Waheed] believes this is not the time to engage in efforts to obstruct or bar candidates from going through the electoral process. It will not help resolve the already volatile political situation in Maldives,” the President said.
The statement follows the filing of a petition at the Supreme Court against the Elections Commission (EC), challenging the candidacy of opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate and former President Nasheed.
The Supreme Court petition filed today (October 10) states as grounds for stripping Nasheed’s candidacy his “outright criticism towards Islam and imposing Islamic Sharia’ in the Maldives” and his criticism of the judiciary.
Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Council Member Ibrahim ‘Wadde’ Waheed and President of the ‘Madhanee Iththihaadh’ (Civil Alliance) Sheikh Mohamed Didi filed the case.
The parties to the case have requested the court issue an injunction to order the Elections Commission to suspend its efforts to print ballot papers.
In an about-turn, however, the PPM has officially said the party is negotiating with ‘Wadde’ Waheed to have the case withdrawn, arguing that he had not consulted with the party leadership.
“The international community is calling for an inclusive free and fair election which all candidates are allowed to contest. We know from the language used in their statements that their remarks point to one specific individual. With the filing of the case, this issue has taken international limelight,” PPM Council Member – daughter of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom – and State Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon told the press today.
The move comes shortly after the Supreme Court annulled the first round of Presidential Elections, following a petition filed by the Jumhoree Party (JP) contesting that the entire electoral process had been flawed due to discrepancies and irregularities amounting to a “systematic failure”.
The Supreme Court – in a four to three decision – annulled the poll citing electoral irregularities, despite unanimous positive assessment of the polling by more than a thousand local and international election observers.
The majority ruling cited a confidential police report submitted to the court claiming that 5623 votes were ineligible. The report has not been made public and the legal counsel of the Elections Commission was never given the opportunity to present a counter argument.
The three judges who had dissenting views raised doubts as to the credibility of the evidence submitted by the plaintiffs, while also challenging the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction over the case.
“Devious attempts”
Minivan News understands that the Supreme Court petition filed by Didi and Waheed requests that the court declare Nasheed not be allowed to contest in any election held in the country.
MDP Spokesperson Imthiyaz Fahmy – who is himself being prosecuted for criticising the courts – told Minivan News on Thursday that the petition was a “very dirty” attempt by their rivals to invalidate a candidate who had the demonstrable support of at least 45 percent of the people.
“These people are trying to finish through the court things that should be decided through the vote of the people,” said Minivan News.
“All these devious attempts tell one story. They have realised the huge defeat they have succumbed to, even before the elections. So now, their only hope it seems is to destroy the democratic values of this country, and try to contest in this election unopposed,” he added.
During a short press briefing given today after meeting the German Ambassador, Nasheed told the press that the lawsuit was not intended simply to bar him from the presidential poll, but also to ground the entire election.
“They are seeking the injunction to prevent printing of the ballot papers to delay the election as names of all candidates would be in the ballot paper,” Nasheed told the media.
The Elections Commission has previously said that no candidate would be allowed to withdraw their names even if they had decided not to contest, citing the Supreme Court’s annulment verdict which only ordered a repeat of the voting process, and not the filing of candidacy.
The former president has reiterated that, despite all efforts made to delay the elections, his MDP would go on to easily win the election.
“My opponents are advocating to bar anyone from opposing them – myself – from contesting in the presidential election. They are attempting to disallow political parties from contesting in the election, to ensure that credible elections never take place.”
“They are trying to override the highest order of the country, which is the people, and give that to the police and the military,” Nasheed said, speaking in a campaign rally on Wednesday evening in Faafu Atoll.
Nasheed’s candidacy was formally accepted by the Elections Commission in mid-July.
Nasheed and the MDP noted the politically-motivated earlier attempts to obstruct him from contesting the election, pointing to the presence of political opponents on the JSC including a rival presidential candidate.
That trial – into the detention of Criminal Court Judge Abdulla Mohamed – subsequently stalled at the high court level, after the Chief Judge Ahmed Shareef issued an injunction.
A day later the JSC suspended Shareef for what it claimed was an unrelated matter. His suspension was this week upheld by the Civil Court.
Annulment of candidacy
Should today’s PPM case be accepted by the Supreme Court, it would constitute a second attempt to bar Nasheed from contesting in a presidential election.
In October 2008 the JP’s Youth League leader Moosa Anwar filed a similar petition contending that Nasheed was not eligible to contest in the 2008 presidential election as he had been convicted for theft, which is a Hadd offence.
However, the interim Supreme Court ruled in favour of Nasheed, declaring that he was eligible to contest in the election whilst also rejecting the claim that Nasheed had been sentenced for a Hadd offence.
Earlier in March, former Human Rights Minister Dhiyana Saeed alleged that a Supreme Court judge had instructed her to file a case against Nasheed in a bid to prevent him from running for presidency in the 2013 presidential elections. Following the request, Saeed sent a letter to the Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz Hussain requesting him to investigate the matter.
Among the suggestions given by the judge, Saeed claimed at the time, were filing a case concerning Nasheed’s decision to remove eight members of parliament appointed by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, prior to the ratification of the constitution.
Another suggestion given by the judge, Saeed alleged, was to refile the case filed by Anwar in 2008 against Nasheed.

If it was't so tragic with the injuries and damage been done to peoples lives this could almost be a comedy show.
Do the PPM really think they are going to obtain a permanent solution in their favour? Do they think they can totally lock down a whole society permanently? Dream On!
Their efforts actually outstrip Robert Mugabe's in Zimbawbe. The only reason he is still in power is that his country has nothing the International Community wants or needs. The same loosely applies to the Maldives, as there are other places to lie on a beach.
This is all going to end badly by November 11th. I see a worlwide travel ban and a total collapse of the tourist industry to the detriment of the Maldivian People. Trust me, once tourists lose faith you will NEVER get them back in the same numbers again and if you do it will take YEARS.
If you doubt this then just watch what is happening in the USA. Politicians with personal agendas are playing dice with the National Economy and that of the planet. So, you are not alone. Your politicians are playing dice too.
Let me give you a little preview of what various consulates around the world will be warning their nationals about travelling to the Maldives....
The Maldives do not have the experience and more importantly the integrity if its government and politicians and police to regulate their own affairs.
The silver lining on this dark cloud is simply this. Once the tourist industry IS wrecked, then the financial incentives driving corruption within the rulers will no longer exist, then and only then will it be possible to elect a safe government and possibly rebuild the county's income.
Such things are done by weak people.who is this lawyer who thinks he is a wonder guy.
This country is becoming a laughing stock of the world. A whole presidential election derailed for mere 5000 odd votes and now the open daylight shameless tactics of a group of people who are greedy for power and a multitude of poor suffering people supporting them surprisingly.. A pity. This is akin to a crime against humanity!
As predicted, Part II of the series begins. Godfather, Yameen faces certain defeat on the 19th, so here comes episode II. The Supreme Court, as the whole world knows, consists of four characters in the PPM/JP bag, either bought or blackmailed (Ali Hameed has no choice).
(1) We have already seen what this court can do and have done. Serving justice isn't amongst that.
(2) If this case goes through the Supreme Court, as clear as night follows day, they will bar President Nasheed!
(3) Once again, this highlights the fact that even the first case wasn't really about election irregularities, but rather find a way to stop elections or somehow get rid of Nasheed and MDP.
May Allah send a sign to these criminal minds, adulterers and abusers of the rights of the Maldivian people.
Maldives has no future without proper President like Mr.Nasheed. Qasim doing all this to sit as next President of the Maldives.But he is not eligible to do that job.
Dirtiest tactics win!
Yameen and Gasim's triumph cards are the 4 judges and their wealth. They have very slim chance to win the election if they don't capitalize on that.
So...use it or lose it.
No way..we cant allow another saga. Even if
it means we shed blood for our kids future..we would rampage worse than egyptians.
I am ready to die for democracy for mdp for nasheed. Enough is enough
Why should he condemn this admirable goal?
The people want Nasheed in prison and not in office. The will of the people, as reflected in the decisions of the Supreme Court, must be respected!
The Supreme Court petition filed today (October 10) states as grounds for stripping Nasheed’s candidacy his “outright criticism towards Islam and imposing Islamic Sharia’ in the Maldives” and his criticism of the judiciary.
(1) I actually would like to see this case in the Supreme Court. Why? It'd be the Mother of All Comedy shows.
(2) Let's take "critcism towards Islam". There are 3 things a Muslim cannot crticise:
(a) Allah
(b) His Book
(c) His Prophets
Everything else has to be examined with a critical eye and that message is clear from the Quran and the Hadith of Prophet Mohammed (SAW).
(3) Let's take Islamic Sharia. I'd like to see the Supreme Court rule that STRICT Islamic Sharia should apply in the Maldives.
(4) The very FIRST person to be tried under Islamic Sharia will be Ali Hameed. His punishment for adultery is the most severe punishment prescribed in Islam. Even murderers can escape death. Apostates do not get pelted with stones to death. But adulterers have to suffer the most inhumane way out of life into hell. Yes, let's have Ali Hameed subject to Islamic Sharia. I'll be at the front row with a ton of stones to send him screaming to hell.
(5) Lastly, how can a court rule on ANYTHING that has to do with Islam (or otherwise), with an unequivocal serial adulterer on the bench?
@Dhivehi Hanguraama on Thu, 10th Oct 2013 6:39 PM
"The will of the people, as reflected in the decisions of the Supreme Court, must be respected!"
O most learned Muslim from 100% Muslim Maldives, can you explain this one:
(1) Why is Ali Hameed, a serial adulterer sitting in the Supreme Court? Is that the will of the people of this 100% Muslim country?
(2) Why has Ali Hameed not being subject to death by stoning as prescribed by Islamic Sharia? Is that NOT the will of the people of 100% Muslim Maldives?
Enough is indeed enough!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Ahmed Bin Addu Bin Suvadheeb
O' unlearned one.
Proving such a vile allegation would require four pious male witnesses present at the scene of where this supposed adultery took place.
As it stands the evidence for your accusation is sorely lacking. Thus I have no interest in indulging your slander against a morally upstanding citizen and knowledgeable jurist, who as far as I am concerned is the final arbiter of the people's will, as it should be in a proper democracy.
@Dhivehi Hanguraama
Quality as always. Excellent troll.
@Dhivehi Hanguraama on Thu, 10th Oct 2013 11:47 PM
"Proving such a vile allegation would require four pious male witnesses present at the scene of where this supposed adultery took place."
(1) Alright, so how about 20 Russian prostitutes? Ah, that's not pious enough and nor are they males.
(2) How about the pious males behind the cameras? Would four of them do? What the camera saw would be equivalent. Moreover, it's not just eye witness accounts we have here. We have live video and sound which is far better than just 4 witnesses who just recorded that in their brain. You are going to have ask for a Fatwa from a leading institution regarding that.
(3) Did you know that women see colours better and brighter than men? It's a scientific fact. But I doubt you'd believe that, since you're guided by 7th century knowledge 🙂
@Dhivehi Hanguraama on Thu, 10th Oct 2013 11:47 PM
"Proving such a vile allegation would require four pious male witnesses present at the scene of where this supposed adultery took place."
(1) O pious one, I have good news for you. As per the article below, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, video evidence is perfectly admissible as proof of Zina. In fact, in the case referred to in the following article, the women in question were merely in the presence of other men!
(2) Your esteemed learned scholar, outstanding citizen and final arbiter of the people's will, namely Ali Hameed was not only seen in the presence of women. He was seen rather bare in the presence of even barer women of ill repute.
(3) I have also been reliably informed that four pious witnesses watching those videos will be more than sufficient to send Ali Hameed screaming to an early start in Hell.
(4) It will be quite challenging to find four PIOUS witnesses for the purpose of (3) in the Maldives! We should ask help from the Muslim Umma in this regard. After all, the responsibility for sending Ali Hameed to Hell falls squarely on the shoulders of every Muslim in the world; for his sins are of such magnitude.
I wonder the existense and location of Kurubee and other moral defenders of the faith. really miss them!
Mr private tourist, the international community will take years to get things in order to have any sanctions put in place. They shall bicker and prolong so by the time they decide it will be year 2018. Besides they can be bought. Are not you convinced. CONI report is a living example. We made the transfer of power legitimate. Did not we? Even Mackinon is for sale if the price is right. They are also in a financial crisis. As for India, you can notice they are impotent when dealing with us. If they try to be funny they know that our friend China, who is stronger, richer and more powerful will land in Maldives and and drop anchor permanently so India will be sortounded from all four directions. As for our judges they all are mercenaries. Especially the 4 Supreme Court judges. What constitution you are talking about? We know better Ha ha ha
@Oh! on Fri, 11th Oct 2013 8:51 AM
"I wonder the existense and location of Kurubee and other moral defenders of the faith. really miss them!"
Never fear. If you look around he is around here under various different nicknames! But you can't mistake him, since he continues the same old sh*it.
The enemy's mouthpieces go on and on about 'Nasheed's crimes', but ask them to detail these imagined crimes, and they shut up.