Judges in the Maldives were reappointed by the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) at the conclusion of the interim period “in conflict with the constitution”, President Mohamed Nasheed has said during his weekly radio address.
The JSC reappointed the vast majority of sitting judges prior to parliament approving a statute establishing the criteria for serving on the bench, Nasheed said.
The consequence – a judiciary almost identical as the one appointed by the former Ministry of Justice under the previous government, but badged as independent – was “a huge challenge” for the Maldives, he added.
Prior to the reappointments, the President’s Office in May 2010 sent a letter to the JSC expressing concern that a large number of judges lacked both the educational qualifications and ethical conduct required of judges in a democracy.
“While the Act relating to Judges was passed in August 2010, and while the Constitution is very clear that Judges cannot be appointed without this Act, to date the JSC has failed to reappoint Judges,” Nasheed said.
“The Supreme Court Judges were appointed in accordance with the Constitution and law. The High Court bench was appointed in accordance with the Constitution and law. However, it is hard to say that the lower court Judges were appointed as per the Constitution and law,” he contended.
The government has faced critcism from the opposition and weeks of opposition-led protests, some of them violent, after the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) took Chief Judge of the Criminal Court, Abdulla Mohamed, into custody on January 16.
The government had accused the chief judge of endemic corruption, obstructing police investigations and of links with both the opposition and organised crime. Abdulla Mohamed sought a High Court ruling to prevent his arrest – which was granted – leading police to request the MNDF to take the judge into custody.
The judge was previously under investigation by the JSC – the judicial watchdog body – however he was granted an injunction by the Civil Court which ordere the JSC to halt the investigation.
In his radio address, Nasheed identified four areas of reform under the 2008 constitution: change of regime through multiparty elections, election of a new parliament, introduction of decentralised administration, and election of local councils.
“The major remaining reform envisioned by the Constitution is the establishment of an independent and competent judiciary,” Nasheed said.
The Foreign Ministry has requested a senior international legal delegation from the United Nations Human Rights Commission (OHCHR) to help resolve the current judicial crisis.
Last week, former President’s member on the JSC, Aishath Velezinee, told Minivan News that outside help from an independent and authoritative body such as the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) was desperately needed.
“We need the ICJ to be involved – someone like [former] UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Leandro Despouy. He was here for a fact-finding mission and had a thorough understanding of it, and gives authoritative advice,” she said.
“We need to look for people who understand not only the law in the constitution, but what we are transiting from. Because that is really important. The UN had brought in a former Australian Supreme Court Judge, but he didn’t get any support. There was a lady [from Harvard] but she left in tears as well. There was no support – the JSC voted not to even give her a living allowance. They are unwelcoming to knowledge – to everyone. It is a closed place,” she warned, adding the difficulty was enhanced further because all the documentation was in Dhivehi.
UK MP for Salisbury, John Glen, has meanwhile urged UK Parliament to “urgently make time for a debate on judicial reform in the Republic of the Maldives.”
“Although the judiciary is constitutionally independent, sitting judges are underqualified, often corrupt and hostile to the democratically elected regime,” Glen stated.
Leader of the House of Commons, George Young, responded that Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Alistair Burt, was “in touch with the Maldives President to see whether we can resolve the impasse. The high commission in Colombo is also engaged. We want to help the Maldives to make progress towards democratic reform in the direction that John Glen outlines.”
Several hundred opposition protesters meanwhile gathered last night for the second week running, with police arresting several dozen people and deploying pepper spray after the crowd reportedly began hurling paving stones at officers outside the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) building.
MP Ahmed Nihan of former President Gayoom’s Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) and recently-resigned SAARC Secretary General Dhiyana Saeed were among those detained by police. Haveeru reported that 17 of the 22 arrested were detained in Dhoonidhoo custodial overnight.

this crisis defines the turning point from the infant democratic system to the dictatorship..
President Nasheed is acting very dictatorial, while he has a majority in the parliament with the 34 seats for his party and secret deal with DRP (thasmeen who is bankrupt and BML running behind his family business and Shahid who is the longterm business partner and all time friend of Special Enjoy Zaki)! One wonders if Nasheed a) President Nasheed is not stratgic and smart to play the above card? b) He has a deeper motive like impliment RAND report (how to build a moderate Islamic Society) which builds an islamic state on its cover but a puppet government that promotes Suffism which is harmless to Western decalying ideology? c) He wants to transform Maldives into a Kingdom (highly unlikely) with his closely families in power forever?
d) He sincerely wants to reform (highly unlikely as already despotism and favourism is widespread and corruption peaking) and he is too weak and doesn't know to flex his muscles or doesn't care!
Nasheed is right in that the JSC appointed the judges in violation of the constitution.
I think we should give Nasheed a time period to sort this out. We need an honest judiciary to start everything. Unfortunately this is not what we have now.
How can we Maldivians get a decent government, a decent Parliament and a Judiciary when we have people like , Lolly Jabir, Umar Naseer, Mahloof, Buruma Gasim, Reeko Moosa Manik, Thimarafushi Mustapha calling the shots?
It is time we Maldivians wake up and realise that none of them are good enough.
Why cannot honest Maldivians form a party without any of these people getting involved?
Then the country would be on the right track. Do not let these shady characters hijack our democracy.
Abdulla Gazee Havaran dhey veh je.
Marie, if you have any decency left in you stop defending this heinous Ghazee who we found this week subjecting little children to unbearable shame. Seriously don't you people have no shame. There are times a nation must stand together to stop itself from falling to the depths of humanity, it is time to do that now. We can hate Nasheed as much as we like and vote whoever we wnat in 2013...
Nasheed is a congenital liar
For conflict resolution and leadership Nasheed has no option but act in the interest of the nation. We support his leadership; it is obvious the judiciary is not up to any standard to run their affairs. And those who oversee the judiciary are highly politicized. In an environment where everything is judged with emotion and grudge than to resolve conflicts to the best, that harmonize the public, Nasheed has to act swiftly to control the situation. If he can’t act, than everything will fall in to anarchy. We have seen the judiciary and police working as rivals. Whenever police file a case, the judges rule out, because either lack of evidence or because it is against the constitution. It is not rocket science to analyze that these two agencies has no cooperation to keep the law and order in good shape. Judiciary is more like in a position to find faults with police. There may be cases of political involvement, but these two agencies should work to harmonies the society than create more problems and this is not happening. In this situation Anni has to show his leadership to control public unrest or resign, resigning will be betraying the public because his resignation will not help to strength the young democracy of Maldives. Anni should be voted out by public not removed by riots and political pressure.
I wonder if I should be flattered that people love to be me. I think my ego might grow so big that my head actually explodes.
Anyways, contrary to the first statement, that "Salim" is not me. I can't have it removed because there very well might be another Salim out there who likes to comment on the ongoings in the Maldives.
Anyways, if people are still in doubt as to my position here; I support the continued detention of the judge. I'm not just supporting the President in this, but rather the idea that we cannot be held hostage by institutions which are becoming increasingly undemocratic. Yes, it should be a democratic principle that each branch is independent, but the fact of the matter is that the judiciary and legislature (Majlis) don't see themselves as either independent or part of the "Government." <- But they are!
The "government's" failures and successes will be a result of the judiciary and legislatures. When judges stop police investigations, release drug dealers, glorify rapists, and is kept on the bench because of a system that is broken - then we have to come together to stop it.
I wish our nation wasn't so polarized. I wish they - the multitudes of politicians - could just sit together and discuss these things. I wish they could put the interest of the nation first. But they're all stupid, senseless children determined on fighting with each other rather than working for the common good.
I fully accept that the principle of taking a "judge" into custody has to be regulated - but all the regulations we have DON'T WORK! They've all been subverted by a judiciary who seems to think they are all powerful.
And the politicians that are fanning the flames, are playing a game that will destroy this country. We will have a runaway judiciary that will destroy this country - maybe not today, or tomorrow, but ten years down the line. Or twenty.
We started the path to true democracy in 2008. And the job is not done. We have to move forward. We have to ensure a foundation to build upon is there for the future of our nation.
Stop the protests, make public all the evidence against Ablo Gazee, put a process of judicial reform in place and let us all get on with our lives.
Marie, nothing more sick then a women who supports those who protect paedophiles. You and your like are hideous.
@marie. Your mention of RAND report prompted me to do the following search. I believe it is a good thing
Just as it fought the spread of Communism during the Cold War, the United States must do more to develop and support networks of moderate Muslims who are too often silenced by violent radical Islamists, according to a RAND Corporation report issued today.
"The struggle in much of the Muslim world today is a war of ideas," said Angel Rabasa, a RAND senior policy analyst and the lead author of the report. "This is not a war of civilizations; it's not Islam versus the West. It's a struggle within Islam to define the character of Islam."
"We cannot come in as outsiders, as a non-Muslim country, and discredit the radicals' ideology," Rabasa said.
"Muslims have to do that themselves. What we can do is level the playing field by empowering the moderates."
Rather than an afterthought, the building of moderate Muslim networks needs to become an explicit goal of U.S. government policy, with an international database of partners, a well-designed plan and "feedback loops" to keep it on track, according to the study.
The report by RAND, a nonprofit research organization, is intended to serve as a "road map" to build these networks and to serve as a practical guide for policymakers to implement.
Rabasa said the United States has a critical role to play in aiding moderate Muslims, and can learn much from the way it addressed the spread of Communism during the Cold War. The efforts of the United States and its allies to build free and democratic networks and institutions provided an organizational and ideological counter force to Communist groups seeking to come to power through political groups, labor unions, youth and student organizations and other groups.
Broad parallels stand out between the Cold War environment and the situation in the Muslim world today.
"At the beginning of the Cold War, the threat was a global Communist movement led by a nuclear-armed Soviet Union; today it is a global jihadist movement striking against the West with acts of mass-casualty terrorism," the report notes. In both cases, policymakers recognized that the United States and its allies were engaged in an ideological conflict that had to be contested across diplomatic, economic, military and psychological dimensions.
But unlike the Cold War, this battle involves shadowy groups rather than a single entity. These radical Islamic groups control no territory, reject the norms of the international system and are not subject to normal means of deterrence. Many of these groups have been organizing for decades and have access to vast amounts of money, Rabasa said.
The radical groups are fighting to create religious states based on Shari'a, or Islamic law. They typically reject liberal Western values such as democracy, gender equality and the right of religious minorities to publicly practice their faith.
Many Muslim countries are ruled by authoritarian political structures and the mosque is one of the few places people can protest harsh political, economic and social conditions, the study says. Radical Islamists have seized the opportunity to promote their interpretation of Islam as a solution to those problems, aggressively spreading their views in the mass media and via the Internet.
"Moderates by definition are not aggressive," Rabasa said. "These radicals are much more willing to go the extra mile and use violent means to enforce their views. Moderates are in the majority, but the radicals tend to intimidate the moderates by accusing them of being agents of the West or not true Muslims. Radicals have also threatened physical violence and have forced many people into silence, hiding or fleeing their countries."
One of the challenges for the United States will be identifying genuine moderates from those who may appear to be moderate, but in fact advocate ideas that are inconsistent with democratic values, the report states.
Characterisics of moderate Muslims include: support for democracy, internationally recognized human rights including gender equality and freedom of worship; acceptance of nonsectarian sources of law; and opposition to terrorism.
Instead of focusing on the Middle East, where most of the radical Islamic thought originates and is firmly entrenched, the report recommends reaching out to activists, leaders and intellectuals in Turkey, Southeast Asia, Europe and other open societies. The goal of this outreach would be to reverse the flow of ideas and have more democratic ideas flow back to the less fertile ground for moderate network-building of the Middle East.
Partners in this network-building effort should be those who share key dimensions of democratic culture, the study says. The report recommends targeting five groups as potential building blocks for networks: liberal and secular Muslim academics and intellectuals; young moderate religious scholars; community activists; womens'groups engaged in gender equality campaigns; and moderate journalists and scholars.
Ahmed and Rehendhi
PLEASE READ WHAT I WROTE! I don't support judge Abdullah Mohamed!!! and neither do I support President Nasheed! Both needs to act in line with our hard earned constitution. Both of you may be beneficiaries of this presidency with islands for resorts development or fat salary, which is hard to resist! when you stand up for these child abusers, PLEASE STAND UP AGAINST MDP, PPP, DRP MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT WHO ARE CHILD ABUSERS AND SOME MINISTERS WHO HAVE 2 TO 3 JARIYAA'S!! WHAT A SHAME!!! ASK IBRA ABOUT THE PARTY LEADERSHIP CASES OF CHILD ABUSERS. HE WILL TELL YOU A REAL ABUSER!! IBRA DID FIGHT WITHIN THE PARTY TO REFORM THIS AND HE FAILED! AND TODAY ALL THESE PARTIES ARE FULL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ADDICTS AND P*** MOVIE STARS OF OLD AND NEW WEBCAM!! this is now a sick country!!
You need courage, tact and patience to instill democratic principles. You just don't drag people from their homes and throw them in jail. If there are problems, they must be solved from within the system. Due process must be followed without exception, in every instance. It will take time (may be more than the single term in office)to instill the principles of freedom and democracy. A bad precedent will only derail democracy before it takes root. After all we must all try and work the system we set up through the new constitution. Otherwise, things won't be any better than the Gayoom system that was thrown out.
@marie on Sat, 28th Jan 2012 4:48 PM
"President Nasheed is acting very dictatorial, ..."
My hunch is that you don't know what you're talking about! How does one act "very dictatorial"? Because they don't please you? I don't think you understood what democracy is about. Democracy isn't about pleasing everyone all the time!
Anyway, yes the politicians who are fanning the flames are doing it purely for their own short term gain. Realistically, does any of them think they can come to power through this turmoil? If they do, how long do they think they'll last? My guess is they won't last half the time Nasheed has been in his post!
If, and this is a very big if, Nasheed's administration does fall, we will be regressing to a very very dark period. We may not take people like Umar Naseer too seriously now, but can anyone even dream of this guy having a position of responsibility in a government of Maldives? Same for Burumaa, Lolly, Yaamin etc. Just take a look at their C.V! Let's briefly recap their C.Vs:
Umar Naseer: Widely believed to have carried out torture on political prisoners during his time in the then NSS. Failed to lead his own political party. Lacks any recognised educational qualifications.
Burumaa: Responsible for the biggest budgetary blunders in the history of Maldives, when he was the Finance Minister for a brief period under Gayyoom. Garnered his wealth through his affiliation with Gayyoom's extended family. Lacks any recognised educational qualifications.
Yaamin: Part of his brothers Cabinet during the 30 year dictatorship and . Widely suspected of embezzling state funds, although nothing has been proven so far. A ruthless and power hungry fellow who would like to emulate his brother.
The Maldivian public need to awaken from their slumber in case one of these guys actually get their hands on the keys of power. I don't have that much faith in my fellow country men and women, to be honest. Most couldn't care less about the long term future of the country!
Pls listen my dear friends both who belong to MDP or other party!!!!!!!!
For any President winning next election, it's important to print money, not to talk or show concern over our nicely built JUDICIARY, even if the economists do not like make the US Dollar rate @ RF10.00 and so on...
In the light of the above, President Nasheed is not a President who is only working to win his 2nd term of Office. So, I think those people who believe in the reality shall support President Nasheed..
If one look at the crisis of Judge Abdulla, I think one must understand why so many leaders like Yameen, Gayyoom, Thasmeen and Qasim is unable to sleep when this particular Judge is not sitting on his seat at the extraordinary Maldivian Judiciary...I am sure even if half of the Maldivian population is in jail, none of these guys will say anything...
So, what's happening today in Male' is very clear to everyone...
I think we should apply our brakes and reform the judiciary and JSC once for all. Nasheed must pass a bill giving him temporary authority for 6 months to reform the judiciary. If the Majlis fails he must issue Presidential decree for the best interest of the country. We cannot afford to keep some of these judges to do the political bidding.
mohamed nasheed is very dictatorial, far worse than gayoom. this is the reality. i dont care about umar naseer or, yameen, etc, etc, i trusted Mr. nasheed and voted for him, i never imagined he was capable of what he is doing......people should use their brain and think for themselves, actually read the constitution, listen to the speeches. dont allow yourselves to be used by these politicians, they will justify anything, there is no good and evil, they all have agendas, wake up and smell the coffee
@ marie shame on you...i wont be suprised if u are a paedophile yourself...its beyond me how any human being can defend that dirty animal
President Nasheed is an opportunist, have no clue to run anything
Fact is that very few Maldivians have any confidence in the justice system of the country. The JSC decides that Abdulla Mohamed is not fit to sit as a judge. Abdulla Mohamed uses a court system, which he is part of, to stop JSC from taking any measures against him. Now where does a Maldivian go to ensure that his case is not tried by Abdulla Mohamed, while this case goes to court, high court and supreme court? What happens to the rights of the people who have been tried within Abdulla Mohameds criminal court.
It is so much easier for Nasheed, if he were indeed a despotic corrupt leader, to work WITH these judges than against them.
Why would he take up all this trouble? If he did not take these steps, we would probably blame him for a failed democracy in 4 years time.
Exactly like how we call called him to sort out this mess when he was elected.
Since beginning of his term in office, President Nasheed have been pestered by parliament, judiciary and almost all the so called "independent" bodies. All these bodies had been highly dusted and marinated with a certain magic powder the passing out president and his company had dusted for three decades. And all of them were ardent supporters of the president and members of his party - fact.
Constitution that was passed before the last president's departure was tailor made to suit situation in case he was not elected and once he was not elected, those who were still faithful to him took the advantage of not letting anything happen there for the incoming government a the judiciary followed suit with a couple of extremely corrupt judges doing highly irregular things we all have seen - fact.
The constitution that is being referred to by several lawyers who in fact were not only aligned to the then president, but related to him or have been serving him as Attorney Generals and etc., were the architects of it - fact.
Criminal Court has been living up to its name for decades and even now and as it appear, nothing can be more criminal than this court and judges s*itting.
I would support the nation standing up to settle matters by it self.
But it is a shame that Thasmeen, Yaameen, Gasim, Dr. Hassan Saeed and the many lawyers and politicians who when in office and supporting Gayyoom, had gained in millions to come out and call President Nasheed to step down - fact.
Also it is stunning that Sheikhs Shaheem, Imran, Ilyas and the many others supporting cheap politicians are calling for violence in the name of Islam which means peace - fact.
Taking these facts into consideration, it is not possible to believe the opposition Thasmeen, Yaameen, Gasim, Dr. Hassan Saeed, Dr. Jameel, Umar Naseer and the many lawyers like Kutti Nasheed, Dhiyana, Azima, Hameed brothers are correct and right!
It is plain sight they are attempting to once again rape this nation and gain from the coffers.
It is hard and impossible to see the judiciary they loved so much and want to remain in place for eternity, begin a process subject to correction at what ever cost!
"CRIMINAL" court should be made noncriminal and perhaps renamed. A set of clean judges appointed for sittings!
Maldives have clean and capable people who are qualified and can be made qualified to judge properly!
We support President on this matter and we know we are right on this matter. How can the same corrupted judges during Gayyoom era suddenly become saints.
I m ashamed of President Nasheed, I feel that he does not have ears and eyes. His deputy opened his views regarding the matter, the state prosecutor asked him to release the chief judge, the high court and supreme court ordered the president to release the chief judge, Abdulla Mohamed. But President accompanied by his Military did not look and hear it. I think President Nasheed is like Gazzafi in Libya.
I did not like the way Abdulla Gazee was arrested. I did not like it because of the way the military was used. But now I have come to know that there was no other choice for the President but to use the military.
Bin Addu is correct that the other choices we have is far more worse than Nasheed. Just imagine Umar Naseer as VP, Gasim and Finance Minister and Yameen as President.
Maldives would be destroyed in 3 days. We are still in this terrible financial position because of what Gasim did as Finance Minister.
Why is it that they are fighting so hard to get him back? As Bin Addu says, because without him on the bench all their corruption is going to get investigated.
We need to give Nasheed the power within a certain time period to sort out the Judiciary. Just only those powers and no other else. That would limit is powers in other sectors and he has a time frame to sort this out.
Without justice there would be no democracy and no constitution and no country.Justice cannot be delivered with people like Abdulla Gazee on the bench.
I also have a comment regarding the Chief Justice. He has no mandate to make any statements regarding the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court does not comprise of one Judge who is above others and the rest below him. The Supreme Court comprises of Justices who are equal and each Justice gives their brief independently of each other. So it is highly irresponsible of the Chief Justice to put out statements on his own.
The so-called Chief Judge of the Criminal Court was an obstruction to a number of police investigations and the practice still continues in that the court refused yesterday to allow detention of a suspect of mob action. The Judiciary is independent in that it will be allowed to work freely as long as it is seen to be delivering justice. It's not sufficient to do justice; it must be seen to be done. A person overburdened with disciplinary charges or complaints cannot be expected to be doing justice.
Moreover, one who has objected to a police investigation of his own cannot be considered serious about justice, which is based mainly on the findings of an investigation. In spite of his failures to comply with the requirement of a Judge by the Constitution, the JSC neglected taking an appropriate action against him saying that a Civil Court decision sought by Abdulla Mohamed stopped it from pursuing. The Civil Court order was not to go ahead in taking action against him. But the Court did not do anything to resolve the issue and allow the JSC to take action against him in the disciplinary case before them. All the while, Mr Abdulla continued to preside over midnight hearings of cases from the opposition seeking freedom of members arrested well before the 24 hours in the discretion of the police to present him before the Court. This is a clear case of obstruction of police discharging their duty.
No one can obstruct with the official duty of another. The Supreme Court was not interested in putting an end to this nuisance of Mr Abdulla. But the Supreme Court swiftly demanded his freedom no sooner than his detention by the military for some reason at a nocturnal hearing. When the JSC appealed the Civil Court order the Supreme Court instructed it to be filed with the High Court. On the contrary, the Supreme Court interfered with the Civil Court in a case against the Court by Mr Ibrahim Ismail (Ibra). This shows that it was not likely that the deadlock can be resolved within the legal system as it was evidently opposed to the Executive Power of the state.
The powers of the state cannot operate individually on its own. For the smooth operation, one needs the support of the others though to differing degrees.
President Obama said about President Nashee:-
When he was not in power he loved talking about democracy and rights of people but when he got the power he flouts peopl's rights and turns away from democracy.
Zeena Gasim,i just dont get it.....support the president on things like his transport plans....not illegally kidnapping a maldivian, do u even realise the gravity of this action by him? and the broader implications of this? this kind of blind support is why the leaders of this country develop a GOD-personality and put themselves above the law. Its the people who gave maumoon the validity to do what he did, and all the other leadears before him, and now its people like you who are contributing to making this newly elected president into a dictator, by validating his illegal and dangerous actions. the fundamental core principles of humanity and democracy should be upheld, and people who breach it should be condemned whether maumoon, or nasheed or anyone else for that matter
I just want to describe you the facts on ground about Mohamaed Nasheed (the former president),
(1) has no respect for the law, the constitution, and enforcement authorities of the this country
(2) has no respect for (a) parliament (b) the judiciary. pls see headlines before 7th September for details
(3) his party is not even democratic. none of the senior leaders are elected. are being called for violence. put fire on public properties including a dozen police stations and a dozen court houses. Nasheed made no public condemnation on these illicit and barbaric acts of his supporters.
Nasheeed in past has been jailed on a number of occasion while calling for democracy, and for which he got a lot of support.
in the first round of presidential elections Nasheed got only 25% of voting. in the second round he formed coalition with most of the member in the current government including Waheed, and he got 52 percent in this round [source: Elections Commission of the Maldives]
soon after, due to extremist elements within Nasheed's party MDP [e.g. Reeko Moosa, Maria, Zaki, Sarangu, Musthafa...] he slowly became autocratic removing almost all members from the said coalition, while Waheed remained still as the VP.
While in power had given many unlawful and unconstitutional acts, such as the lock down of the supreme courts, disobeying to court rulings, employing corrupt people around his, not obeying guidance from independent institutions such as Anti Corruption Commission, Human Rights Commission, Auditor general, continued to go on this...
then, mass protests went on street for a 22 day period [till 7th February], due to kidnapping of supreme court judge by the police and keeping him in isolation in a military island, not allowing him to meet his family...police were given orders to forcefully to disperse protests in this 22 day protests.. gave orders to allow MDP
activists to attack the protesters protesting against Nasheed. the police were upset for this, they joined the protesters. btw the constitution allows, the police just like any other individual to peacefully protest, and not
obey unlawful orders from any one under any circumstance.. all of this lead to the fall of Nasheed, and his regime...
So i here by urge to verify all of this, from the relevant authories, such Elections commission, human rights commission, the parliment president, judicial service commission, auditor general, anti corruption commssion... just by listening to Nasheed cannot bring out a report.. we need to know there's always two sides to a coin. so pls pls, times of india, the guardian, Sunday times, Forbes, the economist, AP, Reuters, or any other international media...
see these facts before writing up your reports...
Thank You!