Parties in the ruling coalition presented the ousted Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) with a list of 30 demands to “resolve the problem of public disturbances”, during the weekend’s All-Party Talks.
Resolving the country’s political turmoil was the first item on the six point agenda for the talks, which were to conclude with setting a date for fresh presidential elections.
The MDP has demanded early elections following the police-and-military led mutiny on February 7 that led to the resignation of President Mohamed Nasheed in what the party alleges was a “coup d’état” orchestrated by parties loyal to former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.
The list, obtained by Minivan News, includes demands that the MDP “stop practicing black magic and sorcery”, “stop the use of sexual and erotic tools”, and “not walk in groups of more than 10”.
The list also demands that the MDP “not keep crows and other animals in public areas”, “not participate in protests in an intoxicated condition“, and “not defame the country both domestically and internationally”.
MDP representative at the talks, former Tourism Minister Dr Mariyam Zulfa, said other parties involved in the talks “were adamant from the beginning that under no circumstances would there be early elections. There was a lot of rhetoric and mockery against the MDP,” she said.
“It was up to the party leaderships to ensure that the people who were present [at the talks] were open minded. MDP was the only party to go into the talks with any sort of professional preparation – we had our national leadership committee prepare a way forward for all items on the agenda,” she said.
“But the spirit of working together was not there. It manifested in their tone – mocking and sarcastic. They gave no seriousness to the discussion of any point.”
President’s Office Spokesperson and Jumhoree Party (JP) representative at the talks, Abbas Adil Riza, said he believed the drafting and discussion of the 30 points was itself a “major achievement”.
“I think the MDP are taking the talks seriously,” he said. “We have to understand that they have certain grievances, but they are having a difficult time with their leadership. They basically have to consult with Nasheed all the time. I was happy with their attitude, and I think things will be fast-tracked in the new few weeks.”
Riza said UN mediation expert Pierre Yves Monett, who assisted with the talks, was “very helpful and brought a lot of experience. If not for him we’d have walked out a long time before.”
“30 things that could be done to resolve the political turbulence in the country” (rough translation – original Dhivehi)
- Stopping the attacks on security services, the media and the general public during protests held on streets and other public areas, which initiate from a certain area.
- Not obstruct political party rallies and political figures who visit the islands
- Not obstruct religious scholars during their visits to the islands
- Not attack public property
- Not harass political figures, physically or verbally
- Not attack the media
- Not conduct business without proper authorisation from the authorities
- Stop conducting illicit activities in public parks after hoisting the party flag
- Not make noises that disturb and obstruct pedestrians and drivers on the streets, and stop snatching things from them
- Not to keep crows and other animals in public areas
- Stop the use of sexual and erotic tools
- Not make ‘Musaafiruhaanaa’ (a type of bed used by crews to sleep on Maldivian vessels) in public areas
- Not hang swings that obstruct pavements
- Not provoke and harass those visiting islands
- Not participate in protests in an intoxicated condition
- Not conduct political party activities on streets and on the street pavements
- Not defame the country both domestically and locally
- Not obstruct parliament sessions
- Not provide false information to the public over TV and radio
- Not involve minors in protests and not use any logos of foreign groups in protests
- While coming and going from peaceful political rallies, to not to shout and disturb the public, and not to walk in groups of more than 10
- Stop the use of mega phones in both protests and street activities
- Not hold trials without submitting to the High Court
- Not to mislead court actions
- Stop interpreting laws on the streets
- Not hold rallies on the street
- All political parties to stop practicing black magic and sorcery
- Stop arson attacks
- Stop calling out filth in public neighborhoods
- Stop political party leaders making false statements

Very comprehensive list. but I am surprised why they allowed MDP people to wear Jangiyas.
Hey I'm going to a coffee with 12 of my friends? Can we walk together or is that not allowed?
4. Not obstruct religious scholars during their visits to the islands
5. Not harass political figures, physically or verbally
16. Not conduct political party activities on streets and on the street pavements
18. Not obstruct parliament sessions
19. Not provide false information to the public over TV and radio
21. While coming and going from peaceful political rallies, to not to shout and disturb the public, and not to walk in groups of more than 10
25. Stop interpreting laws on the streets
These items were all used to bring down the last elected government! And now the perpetrators of that are calling for a license for them to basically shut everyone else up. No way Jose!
Those who are intoxicated are the ones that proposed that list! If this is where the regime reprsentatives have their heads, then there can be no compromise. Take to the streets, we shall!
Few points still missing,
Stop wearing yellow, anni name should be changed and hang upside down, mdp members should walk backwards,I think it's better mdp members should not be allowed to vote ,
11.Stop the use of sexual and erotic tools.
Would they be allowed to use their sexual organs? Perhaps all MDP members need to be castrated
19.Not provide false information to the public over TV and radio
Ban all MDP members from talking- pehaps subject them all to glossectomy
Where is human rights commission? Well they are apparently blind and deaf too under Adhaalath rule
completely backward
31- nasheed should not run for next election
32- wipe out mdp from maldivian politics
33- Ban yellow colour from colour box
34- eat banana before it turns yellow colour
35- Not to import anything in yellow colour
36- Maldives should be called, banana republic
37- sleep @ 2100hrs
38- praise for dear leader his holy golha
39- change the constitution and establish a
40 - all maldivians must tune to vtv, dhitv and
........ and live happily ever after. Lol
Just wondering, what it is the guy is smelling? Did he...? No he should not have....
@sam, nope, u are not allowed to have more than 9 friends from today. What a funny list and what a strange idea to put certain rules for members of a certain party. Til today i had a different definition of democracy.
Hehe. If the MDP agree to these terms, then it can be interpreted as some form of admittance that MDP was engaged in such actions (such as Point 6 - not attack media (Attack on VTV during MDP protest on Peoples Majilis opening day !).
Interesting interesting. Will MDP agree to these terms ? If so, how will it control its activists from committing such a broad range of acts ?
Not criticize religious sheiks engaging in sexual relationships with their sister in laws.
Facilitate and legalize money transactions when sheiks give sermons against MDP
Revert back to former Island rent system instead of per sq. meter system introduced by MDP in resorts.
Allocate all the money allocated to Asanda to Maumoon so he can spend all that money to his cronies and friends and relatives only.
Promote any Police personal if they use brutal force against innocent unarmed demonstrators of MDP.
Utter madness from the dark ages.
I believe the coalitions are nuts; after all what you expect from traitors and Mullahs.
A sensible list of demands more or less although rather sensationalist in some areas.
I think we all need to agree on certain limits if we are to practice freedoms such as expression.
For example, parliamentary immunity does not spread outside the Parliament floor so all parties and their activists must stop encouraging personal attacks and defamation on party podiums.
Street activism should not and does not need to be used to paralyze the State and threaten the general public.
If the MDP feels that the above list defines them then so be it. If the shoe fits......
Oh for gods!!!!!!! Lunatics!!!!!
Mullah state.
@tsk tsk on Tue, 5th Jun 2012 2:41 AM
"Street activism should not and does not need to be used to paralyze the State and threaten the general public. "
Seriously, dude, who are you trying to fool? That "activism" was precisely the tool used to bring the last elected government of this country. How many days and nights of paralysis, threats and general nuisance to the public was it? I lost count...
My advice is to stick to the age old adage of practising what you preach. Otherwise, you look the fool.
The formula Gayoom used to bring Nasheed down?
It's not just MDP who shouldn't agree to any of these demands. No sane person should agree to this list of ludicrosity.
Firstly, you cannot create demands that are contraty to the Constitution of the country. Secondly, there are existing laws and regulations that cover most of these demands and are redundant. A good example is "attacks on security services, the media and the general public". This is prohibited by law and anyone who carries out such an act will need to be brought infront of a court of law.
The third group of demands are just absolute and utter gibberish. Example:
"Not make noises that disturb and obstruct pedestrians and drivers on the streets".
On what grounds can anyone impose that? Is this a regulation for a certain group of people? Who enforces this?
Well, I say, we don't give a rat's arse to these demands.
@Tsk Tsk
A sensible list, you said.
Basically what the coup government wants is for all of us to forget that there was a coup and to move on with life as normal eh! Haha fat chance you fools! It's your ignorance that made you think you can overthrow a democratically elected government, so now grow the balls to deal with the resistance to your military tactics!
What about the mega phones that goes around male' everytime there is a ppm gathering, even after they got power?
False info and misleading interpretation is very subjective. Laws are open to interpretation!
Unless they say there should be no protests, very difficult to stop protesting without using pavements and street
Crows birds and other animals fly around public space all the time!
Condoms are sold in pharmacies legally to married couples. Many MDP members are married, donno why they cant the,.
There are hundreds of commercial black magicians in Maldives, openlyracticing voodoo on almost every island of the country. Dont see the governments lacking famous black magicians! Why just MDP? Not politicised?
Intoxicated can mean many things, being in such a big crowd gives u a natural high, making current envioronmental ministry members to pull out palm trees in male' and other gov members to put things on fire! MDP protests seem to be less violent than that
Abbas Adil Riza, said "I think the MDP are taking the talks seriously,” he said. “We have to understand that they have "CERTAIN GRIEVANCES", "but they are having a difficult time with their leadership”. “They basically have to consult with Nasheed all the time”. I was HAPPY with their attitude, and I think things will be fast-tracked in the new few weeks.”
Is he happy that MDP is having problems with their leardership? Has to ask Nasheed each and everything? Or is he happy that this 30 point b*llsh*t is creating conflicts within MDP?
To which democracy this list fit is hard to say.
It is pathetic that some people who should have been good citizens are going to this low level to rid themselves of the guilt they exercised to come to power and to prove what they did was just righe.
Abbas Adhil Riza and the whole lot who drafted these 30 Commandments are a sad bunch!
Reminds me of the American wild west---Red Indians[government]against the cowboys[MDP]..We all know who won in the end..
@ Larry
More like Hitler and the Nazi party (the illegal coup government) and the rest of Europe (MDP).
.....and what happens to the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution
@tsk tsk (kutti nasheed)
stop! you maybe the only one who'd like a massive terrorist hug for this list!
@bangaalhee on Tue, 5th Jun 2012 4:01 PM
"and what happens to the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution"
Well, as you can see, those propping up the regime clearly are saying, "Fcuk the Constitution". This is the message I read from this list.
divehi hangman, my friend - where are you? Perhaps you somewhere garrotting these infidels - please let is know.
@ahmed, Hiltlers regime at least had guts, they where themself stunched. i m not sayin it was good what da Nazis did! in comparision to whats happening in maldives at the mom, this whaheed and his ppl r so like squishy and not authentic at all.
That it, if those 30 things are implemented then Maldives will be paradise on earth. I hope to see the Great Itihad add another 1330 things to the list on their next meeting.
31. Stop calling Golhaabo
32. stop calling Golhaa force
33. Start Calling Gayooms brother Abudlla Hameed, by Abdulla Hameed
33. Deleate kula Yellow from Face book
34. Limit to 500 likes on MDP facebook page.