Twenty four hours after police began dismantling the Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) protest area – for the second time since February 7 – the party’s supporters returned to the area to hear former President Mohamed Nasheed speak.
Nasheed arrived at Usfasgandu straight from the airport, after attending a an executive meeting of the International Democratic Union (IDU) in New Zealand. Thousands of MDP supporters gathered in the remains of the camp at around 11:30pm to hear the ousted President speak.
Nasheed told his throngs of supporters that the government was now witnessing the determination of the people to regain their constitutional freedoms.
“What we are witnessing today is that the Maldivian people are not ready to give up the freedoms gained through the hard work of a lot of people,” he said.
“Maldivian people will not let go of freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the freedom to hold peaceful political activities,” he added.
Police Sub Inspector Hassan Haneef said that the police had vacated the area at around 2:00pm yesterday. The warrant issued by the Criminal Court at 3:00pm on Monday gave the police 48 hours to complete their search of the site.
Haneef said that there had been no reported incidents following Nasheed’s speech, although he did day that two officers patrolling the area at around 3:30pm had their walkie-talkies taken from them and smashed.
The search warrant granted to police did not grant any permission to dismantle the camp, an issue that was brought to the attention of the Civil Court by the MDP. At 10:15pm, the Civil Court ordered that the dismantling be halted until it made a decision on the issue.
A police statement acknowledged receipt of the Civil Court order but added that most of the dismantling work had been carried out. An MDP statement alleged that by this time “the out-of-control police had already finished its work, leaving only a few chairs and a flagpole.”
The MDP have alleged that the police and Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) continued their work after the court order to cease was given.
Speaking atop a pile of debris left after the police and MNDF had partially excavated the site as part of their search, Nasheed told the crowd: “The reality that the police and military officers who perpetrated the coup should know is that whether you smash us or stomp on us, we will not back down.”
“Trained in thuggery, in iron armor, carrying pepper spray and batons on the streets – this will not stop our resistance. Thuggery will not push us back.”
“Maldivian people had long been voicing against the torture they suffered, that’s why the new constitution [ratified in 2008] was the people’s constitution, and the fundamental rights that the citizens of this country found in that constitution are not something they are willing to let go of,” he exorted.
Nasheed then went on to express his confidence that 2012 would see fresh presidential elections and that the Committee of National Inquiry (CNI)’s investigations would result “in the arrest of the perpetrators of the coup”.
MDP MP Mariya Didi, party Interim Chairman Moosa ‘Reeko’ Manik, and former Spokesman for Nasheed’s Presidential Commission, Abdulla Haseen, also addressed the crowd.
Nasheed arrived at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA ) at around 10:00pm, walking to the Usfasgandu area from the harbour after briefly speaking to reporters at the airport.
Haveeru reported Nasheed as telling the press that all parties present in the Wellington talks were supportive of early elections in the Maldives.
Asked about the Usfasgandu issue, Nasheed reportedly responded: “desperate times call for desperate measures.”
“Humans tend to resort to heavy handed tactics when times are desperate. It is a flaw which is quite disappointing,” he lamented.
“I hope that civilised measures would be restored where issues would be resolved by peaceful means,” he said.
Nasheed spoke to the IDU’s executive committee about the current political situation in the Maldives. He also met with the IDU member group the Asian Pacific Democratic Union (APDU).
The Commonwealth’s Special envoy to the Maldives, Sir Donald McKinnon, was also present at the IDU meeting.
During the visit, Nasheed also discussed the Maldives’ political situation with officials from New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As the well known song goes, "the higher you build your barriers, the taller I become"
Democracy, freedom and basic human rights is far more powerful then police brutality and corruption from thie illegal coup government.
An open letter I wrote to all politicians on Twitter. Please, read and feel free to share and let us be heard.
.by Atheedh Sinan on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 3:34pm ·.Dear politicians and alike,
First of all I would like to congratulate you for the political war you have been waging against each other for so long. Disputes that are causing unrest in the country, tearing families apart, showing younger generations the exact opposite meaning of the phrase "leading by example". I would also like to appreciate the good you have done for the country. But all the wrong doings have overshadowed the right, and I don't blame any individual separately for this but all politicians collectively.
It's a shame we now live in a country where drugs are available in every corner of the street, where our sisters are getting raped, and where stabbing someone in the back has become a norm. Doesn't this bother you or are you blinded by the greed for power and money? I am not a member of any party, nor interested in politics, although I would have been if it wasn't such a dirty game. My uncle, Abdul Muheeth (Bobby), 21, was killed on February 19th 2012. He was innocent, as innocent as he can ever be. Since then two other people have been killed. Are you really concerned about the growing number of murders in this country? If so, are you really prepared to take any actions towards this? Or are politics, power and money the only factors that interest you? Where is the unity our forefathers taught us? Where is the will to apologize to each other and move on? For the sake of god, and for the sake of innocent lives, for once, make it a possibility to halt the fight for power and elections and work hand in hand, no matter which colour you are. Help us find the humanity in ourselves and make this place a safer place for our children.
We aren't humans anymore, it’s a fact now. Imagine the acts of inhumanity befallen upon us, waking up to a nation and having the fear of leaving the house, without the guarantee of being able to come back home safely. I don't expect you to understand how a citizen feels with the body guards and everyone surrounding all of you. But lose an innocent loved one to a gang fight gone wrong and you would understand meaning of every tear shed by the family. The pain we go through every single day. Please, save this nation before it gets worse. Work together, not individually. Establish laws that would help the country, agree with what's right, even if proposed by a member of the opposite party. I feel ashamed calling myself a Maldivian now. I blame the leaders of this country. I am not afraid to voice my opinion, just like how leaders aren't afraid to accuse each other of drinking alcohol, or accepting bribes or practicing anti Islamic acts. Stop calling each other names, you are all the same. God made it clear we are all equal, why change it? Have some faith in god; aim for heaven, than base your acts on those who deserve the fires of hell. It’s a shame someone younger and less mature than you can understand more about life and good etiquette.
Our systems are flawed, our government is corrupted, and our courts are accepting bribes. No one wants to stand up and say something about this. This is happening right in front of us and it is still considered a taboo to talk about. . All I hear are the loud rants and havoc created by people to change the presidency. Say President Nasheed comes to power again. President Waheedh and his supporters will hit to the streets. It’s a loop my dear politicians. This is never going to end. what you are doing is immature. It is selfish. Put yourself above the country you were sworn to protect. Help save innocent lives, please. Help us find justice. A friend told me, "it might be the country we were born in, but it does not come close to what it was when we were born." This is not the future we wanted. There is still time. Help us, unite for the love of Allah.
Yours sincerely, a concerned 20 year old who is desperate to live in a more peaceful environment which he would love to call home.
We can overcome this only by standing for truth and Justice. Let true democracy come back. Let common man decide whom they want. Let the natural wealth of this country be equally shared by common man than by the rich who are trying to buy power through money and influence.
Dear Manik . You spoke truth . This is not the Maldives which I knew When I was small. With current trends and Political infighting among elites, I see no clear horizon. Alas ! ! Bleak future ahead for Maldives.
No of course thuggery will not push you back.
But, in your drunken or stoned moments, you will sign anything and everything that's placed in front of you...
@ Manik
Dear Desperate 20 year old concerned fellow,
I think you're either too young to talk about things or you just lack enough analytical capacity to address such a HUGE issue.
Look, fella, be it a politician or your friends or close ones if a human being lack something called SINCERITY and HONESTY then you'd be the victim soon enough.
There are some ppl in this country who're now trying to brain-wash the general public saying that in such a small country we don't need political parties - and thus we don't need politicians. And more over, all these killings and sky-rocketing crime rates came into existence with political parties. This is such a joke and completely illogical when actually even before the formation of political parties throughout our history (including the long 30 year old dictatorship of Gayoom) all the public posts and government posts were filled with politicians of all sorts and from just ONE PERSON (the king/president) or ONE PARTY.
So what happened in the last term of Gayoom was that he wanted to 'show' the international community that we had a political party system by just allowing parties to be registered. But in fact he had played out it well according to the Zionist Jewish PR firm he hired by asking his buddy politicians to individually register as many political parties they can. Why? This will fool the people and the international community that every election is free and fair when actually anyone party against all the other parties loyal to the past dictator would have the minimal chance to win any elections or get the MAJORITY.
So look, yourself, at the parliament MAJORITY. On whose side is the MAJORITY on? MDP or anti-MDP? So why won't the anti-Anni/MDP hating MAJORITY, who talks a lot about Islam get YOUR DREAMY PEACEFUL Environment established through their work? Why are there more than 35% of drug addicts in the country? Was it only in the past 3 years that gangs are present in the Maldives? (For your information, I'm older than you and I've seen the gangs in Male when I was a teenager while I was a school boy and it was in Gayoom's reign. Why did Baagee Waheed flee the Maldives? Because he was almost caught by Gayoom when his own gang went out and blasted some home-made time bombs in Male. I was a teenager then. HARRINS Hannan was the one who made the timer device while he was a student in Vocational Training Centre then. And the current Press Secretary Masood Imad and Nexbis scandal fellow Ilyas was also arrested by Gayoom then. That was the first time when we ever had a terrorism law formulated. And actually information from various sources say that these acts of terror were planned deliberately just to create a scenario to arrest Nasheed who were trying to practice genuine and professional journalism for the first time just after returning graduated. Hannan, Ilyas and Masood were sleeper-agents sent into the clique of Anni so that they could spy on him and devise strategy to plan an illegal activity so that the state can get to Nasheed. Nasheed was never interested in becoming a politician and neither into any ideas of violence let apart terrorism. But these three people masterminded the whole plot of blowing up 2 or three garages in Male and one government speed boat in front of President's Office. Everyone in newspaper and the democratic reformists were jailed (including Nasheed) and Baagee Waheed fled the country. Masood Imad and Hannan was released from jail soon enough. Masood Imad spent all his time developing ResortPlan software and selling to resort oweners and was screwing the teacher/actress chick who can been seen acting in the video song Maluge Raanee. Hannan came out and was funded by Gasim (Villa) to open his own signboard making workshop and Hannan's father was given a plot of huge land to operate a private school called Falah. All these time Nasheed was in jail. And whenever he was released he went back into writing good articles about the basic rights of the people and new about corruption in Gayoom's regime. Again he was arrested and many positions of the government and financial offers were coming towards him. But the little fella didn't want any of those unlike most in his boat. Nasheed had a sincere heart to bring good and deliver YOUR DREAMY ENVIRONMENT to the Maldives. But the monsters aren't giving in after 30 years of looting and becoming business tycoons. They simply are too greedy. Even after 07th Feb you can see that the first thing to do was to give all the benefits of installment payment options to the resort owners. Why can't if these bunch of politicians give a such an option to the average public to pay their utility bills or their home loans? They're NOT SINCERE. But there are politicians who are good too. So use your Allah given BRAIN.
My god the gall of these Fathun's and Nasheed-groupies.
You speak as if contributions to the economy and society don't mean a thing.
Why it is the opposite rather. Nasheed ranting about democracy and human rights was proven to be a mere vehicle to assume power. He can't deny this now. If he had taken the moral highroad and remained an activist urging the government through non-violent means then he would have deserved the label you are trying to stick on him.
The young 20-year old is right. All Party Talks has provided a forum for the elite to work out their differences and pave the way for a fresh battle to power. Our only hope is that such a battle would be fought through the media and the ballot without much kinks in the system.
What you have failed to explain to him is that Nasheed needs to keep his supporters energized through these disruptive gatherings and sustained "protests". It is the only means available to the Nasheed-junta to keep a hold over what little following they have. From his perspective your justification is worthless. What you have said to him is that politics requires that Nasheed encourage conflict and dissension among the Maldivian public. He on the other hand pleading for a system where there is less confrontation. You, Fathun, President of the Official Fanclub of Mohamed Nasheed, cannot decide which is the better for the Maldives.
@Tsk Tsk
Saabahey thats my boy! I couldnt have said it better. Well done.
@tsk tsk
You and your coup cronies have taken this country with guns and robbed us of our money, freedom and human rights. How dare you lecture us. You and this unelected illegal coup government will burn in Hell for your evil corruption and brutality that has tempoaraily ruined this nation.
Wonder who sponsors your news paper, and just curious why the consultant, the editor and occasionally few writers are what one would assume to be british, and really curious about the bias as well,
I have solution folks!
Its like this. Create jobs. cos jobs will take care of the the unemployed party activists who are a threat to the society. the way to create jobs is NOT by creating more paper companies and boards. Its by lowering the ratio of expatriates working in the country. no it is 50-50 if we raise it even 10 points to 60-40, then we would have created ~ 10000 jobs. No, it's not about skills, what the majority of expat workers in the country are doing is not rocket science. we just have to make entry criteria for our countrymen easier for job market and then we can ease the unemployment problem.
but the problem is our political class is too dumb to realize things like this. they only think about Usfasgandu or Raalhugandu or anywhere where they can have fun. duh!!
Democracy means learning to agree to disagree with each other. This is what differentiates higher order animals like humans from the rest of God's creatures. With the introduction of democracy, we have started to release pent up frustrations of 100s of years!
The leaders of men/women need to learn to channel these energies in a constructive, rather than destructive manner. Whoever can do that will be the "winner".
@tsk tsk
You may have put it in fine words, but fact remains this poor 20 year old with dead uncle is only one here with a moral compass giving a direction describing where this country should be going. The rest of you are merely describing the present failed status quo.
In times like these I think leadership with morals count more than spectators sitting in the field of a political war.
@Moosa Rasheed. You say solution is jobs and then you say BUT 'our political class is too dumb'
No they are not dumb - they are not becoming progressively poor. To the contrary, the chaos is a consequence of their attempt to safeguard wealth because they know that most of the loot is illegal from the 30 year regime. Do you think they would allow the stability necessary for creation for jobs? No my friend. They know easier ways of making large sums for themselves by controlling the state apparatus like judiciary. So why would they bother about common people.
What is the solution then. It is leadership, leadership and leadership. And I am not talking about noise makers like Umar Naseer, maumoon, or Yameen or Anni.
Leaders are those who set enduring examples of sacrifice and courage.
Gayoom, his ideology if there is one, and his era represents similarities with most non-Arab Muslim countries where dictatorships flourished; Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan,Bangladesh... etc. There is no way he will fathom the value of a multiparty democracy wit a free media since he grew up mostly in Egypt of the 1950s and had a teaching post in the then Nigeria; the back waters of media we could say with some fairness.
Those behind the coup represent Gayoom in some form or other; lawyer Kutti Nasheed, Azima, etc. especially the lawyers who are trying to legitimize this and who initially called to the over throw of the government by any means are in some way connected to Gayoom or they have been educated in places like Malaysia - Kutti Nasheed again, Dr Hassan Saeed, Jameel. etc. I am sorry to say but they have been educated in a poor system which have made them monsters..
The 2008 elected was a culmination of many years of hard work and suffering by the Maldivian people. The batter for democracy in the Maldives is not limited to the elite.. the only elite remaining in the Maldives now is those who who got rich by corrupts means during the Gayoom era; like Waheed Deen who is now running the country from his resort.
We are not immune to the rest of the world. Close to 80 percent of the country now believe that there was a military coup that forced Nasheed to resign but the people want to establish this in a manner that the results will last.... They are not provoked by police do erratic things; the protests are a manifestation of grass roots revolution in the country. Democracy and Human Rights is here to stay. Mahathir is not!
Moosa rasheed
Was your comment “our political class is too dumb to realize things like this. they only think about Usfasgandu or Raalhugandu or anywhere where they can have fun. duh!!” directed at MDP politicians?
If it is so, then let me bring to your attention that a programme called HUNARU was launched by President Nasheed on July 26 2011 to do just that. Train Maldivians to replace expatriate workers.
I understand that the Project Director Hashim, a civil engineer with 20 years teaching and training experience behind him was sacked by Dr Waheed because he is a member of the MDP and because the position was not a civil service position. He has not been replaced.
The HUNARU programme was attacked by State Minister Aminath Ali as a badly managed useless programme. This is quite sad to hear because the Project Director was Dr Ahmed Ali Manik who has a PH D in Higher Education and is highly regarded and respected in the education sector.
I am also personally offended by what Aminath Ali said because I spent a lot of time contributing to the formulation of the programme and let me tell you, it is an excellent project.Like all projects it will have to be assessed and strengthened.
” our current political class is too dumb to realize things like this. They only think about sending the police and MNDF to raid and steal MDP property and chase MDP members at Usfasgandu or Raalhugandu or anywhere where they can have fun tyrannising and beating up people. duh!!”
Its not Aisha, its Shafeea who wrote this, please do correct that.
It's too late.
People are dying, murder is commonplace and people have become used to it, just like the drugs problem and the thievery. "Oh it's just another rally. Pay no attention, MDP is running after the money."
I find that statement deeply interesting, because it's very likely to be true. Under who's administration did the economy collapse?
If Mohamed Nasheed wants to see what kind of thrashing his role model is getting in the USA, he should open his eyes. Under Obama's administration, he pushed for his health care system, while the economy collapsed.
Asandha, anyone?
Asandha was a boon to a lot of people on a tight budget and on failing health, but at what cost? If there are less people engaged in productive work, there's going to be an imbalance that no one can fix.
And seriously, MDP, absolutely what good had "going green" done for the Maldives? Becoming the poster-child for global warming didn't help; COP17 was a failure.
All I see is that not a single person cares about the state the economy is in, which results in more serious crimes being committed under the general confusion that MDP is creating on the streets.
MDP should know better.
Economy will never improve in Maldives. The few people holding the levers of power have a couple of resorts here and there. So why bother.
If you are among the rulers of Sierra Leon and your diamond mine is protected by the military, why bother about the masses. Besides, isn't that God's will.
listen to that 20 year old.. its the truth.. you all got to grow up!!
and @fathun - he said his uncle was murdered. he is in mourning. cant believe you didnt understand that. Sad indeed. i think maybe when this generation is gone we might find peace. Hold on fellow people(not you fathun and others). someday oneday, we still have hope. But only after lot of suffering. there is no escape with this group of politicians and their warmongering.
Dear President Nasheed, I thought you were smarter than them all. You had all the power and all the resources to teach them democracy, harmony, love and peace. But you did not care about the people as you should have. People around you were more important to you. Why Mr President? You have failed me. I am sorry but I can’t stop blaming you for all this hatred. We had so much hope for you. All of us shed the happy tears when you won. Mr President, I thought you were smarter than them all. Why did you let them force you to resign? Why didn't you say anything about the judge? Why did you let the people hate you? What has happened to you Mr President? Why are you letting the country collapse?Wake up! Grow up! For the sake of your legacy or whatever, give us peace. Talk to them. You all have got to show some love. Democracy is not sacred anymore!!!! It is a pain now
@Economy on Sat, 2nd Jun 2012 1:42 PM
"If you are among the rulers of Sierra Leon and your diamond mine is protected by the military, why bother about the masses. Besides, isn’t that God’s will."
If you believe in God, that's God's will. If you do not believe, then it's called the survival of the fittest. In this model, no one deserves more than what they can fight for themselves.
The lesson is, do not look upon another human being thinking they might have a better side to them. Assume every human in the worst possible state you can think of (which is largely true), and treat them as such. Survival depends on that!
The political class is yet another manifestation of the survival of the fittest. They are trying to out do anyone else to gain power, wealth and associated luxury. They are not doing this for some humanitarian altruistic reason. No, not at all!
nothing will be accepted by the cult group which speaks against them. Whether it is true to false they will deny and will pass it on to the other politician.
I agree all these politician have one thing in common and that is how to make more money for themselves.
All the politician in MDP are cleaned and they will not know even what a corruption is and they will never touch a single cent which does not belong to them and they never will be able to do any wrong doing since thier leader the Dictator Anni is a GOD for them.