The UK election has concluded in a hung parliament, the first in 36 years, with neither of the three primary parties having enough of a majority to form a government, in a situation that has both political pundits and electoral authorities scratching their heads.
David Cameron’s Conservative party, upon which the current Maldivian government’s economic policy is modelled, made substantial gains across the country, taking 305 seats, but fell short of 21 to reach a majority.
The ruling Labour government, headed by Gordon Brown, suffered a staggering loss of 91 seats but was not as scalded as many commentators had predicted, finishing on 258.
Both parties have now turned to the Liberal Democrats, headed by Nick Clegg, in the hopes of creating a coalition government stable enough to see off the opposition.
Given the widespread dissatisfaction with Labour over the expenses scandal, handling of the economic meltdown and its Middle East foreign policy, many commentators expected the Liberal Democrats to perform far better than they actually did among disgruntled Labour voters. The party took 57 seats, an overall loss of five on the previous election, but the result has effectively put Clegg in the position of kingmaker.
Both Brown and Cameron have already approached Clegg with offers of a coalition government, offering concessions around education, carbon cuts and tax reform, as well as an inquiry into electoral reform, the Liberal Democrat’s main point of contention.
On the surface the policies of the Liberal Democrats mesh far better with those than the ‘small government’ Conservative, however Clegg has already positioned the Liberal Democrats as Labour alternative, vilifying the party in an attempt to lure dissatisfied voters. A ‘ConDem’ coalition is far more likely, however Clegg’s key supporters are likely to regard such a move as a ‘pact with the devil’.
Major disagreements include standing on the EU, immigration, public spending cuts of £6 billion and defence – areas on which Cameron has said he will not budge.
If a deal cannot be reached, it is likely a second election will be held – a not unwelcome outcome for the many thousands of voters who complained they had been unable to vote before the closing time of 10pm because of long queues, mismanagement and capacity problems at polling booths.
The uncertainty over the country’s political future has caused shares to plummet along with the pound and the FTSE-100, which dropped 138 points.
Meanwhile, as per protocol, the Queen is waiting on the sidelines in Buckingham Palace for the moment she will invite one of the party leaders to form a government.

Corruption is everywhere... and the conservative party was accused of taking bribes from Maldivian govt
Conservatives & Liberals working together? then world must be coming to an end.
Nasheed despatched his best team (Lead by spokesman Waheed) to get a win to conservatives, Now David Cameron must have learnt a lesson.
Liberal Democrats didn't do better is because of the somewhat unfair electoral system employed in UK, the first past the post system.
As someone who kept an eye election and being of Nationalistic in mind myself, i felt that what BNP was preaching made real sense.
“David Cameron’s Conservative party, upon which the current Maldivian government’s economic policy is modelled..”. Really? This is news to me. Is David Cameron’s economic policy modelled on forming a ridiculously large number of economically non-viable Government corporations and giving hundreds of high paying jobs to half-literate activists of the Conservative party? Is David Cameron’s economic policy based on alienating the UK civil service and most of the qualified professionals and technocrats while favouring hardcore political activists? Did Mr. Cameron go around talking about building floating golf courses and wind turbines in air? Do the Tories plan to have 1026 State Ministers and 1437 Deputy Ministers if they are in Government?
So its been proved now both Cameron and Nasheed are minority leaders of their respective countries, and both gives false hopes to their constituents. Neither in UK nor in Maldives nothing can be done in a near future, as both countries are run by conservative failed policies now.
This election in UK is a lesson for Maldives presidency (to President Nasheed and Vice President Waheed). President Nasheed needs to accept the fact there is a
1. Coalition government (even though some of them doesn't hold a majlis seat)
2. Leave the decision of having more than 2 parties in the Maldives politics to the general public.
Lessons for Dr.Waheed and his party rebels such as Coward trade minister
3. Accept the fact that you guys have signed and accepted the MDP-Ithihaad Menifesto which is now a Stratgic Action Plan which is a road map for you guys to work to achieve in next 3 years. Don't brag ...blah blah..that GIP is a Centre left party and thus I cannot contribute to Centre Right policies! Shut up and get you **** and work hard to achieve results to the people. Don't cheat and eat fat salaries from poor Maldivian money!
Lessons for DRP:
Thasmeen start critizing constructively! Know that your party may come to power and you have to face the political, social and economic realities of the country! Stop public mockery of Maldivians and remove some of the jokers from your party and bring forth the more educated people to contribute to been a strong opposition!
Lesson to Salim Waheed:
minivan news aai dhekolhah nikun nanee
You are foolish and quite lost when it comes to GIP. GIP supported and still supports the MDP Itthihaad Manifesto!!! We have different polices that we prefer, but that has by no means lessened our commitment to the development framework we agreed upon during the campaign.
Fat Salaries?!
Everyone in GIP has sacrificed to be here. To work for the people in Maldives, and their only desire is to be effective and do what is best for the people. The Vice President's recent objects was to not being allowed to contribute - NOT CRITICISMS OF THE GOVERNMENT IT SELF.
As for your baseless attack on Rasheed - The Minister for Trade and Economic Development, here is what I have to say on that.
Rasheed – Minister of Trade and Economic Development
Firstly, let me say that I am biased when it comes to Rasheed because he is a GIP Minister and because I’ve known the man for most of my life. (As is obviously true of the Vice President as well) As a child he, Rasheed, was been a pillar of hard work and good sense. Like others in GIP, he gave up a lot to be in Maldives
Rasheed has made more sacrifices to work in Maldives than any other Minister! He gave up an amazing job with the United Nations (WHO), a comfortable home abroad, and a staff that loved him to suddenly move to the Maldives. He moved without accommodation, without support, and because of the sole desire to help the Maldivian People. Being a Minister in Maldives is a thankless job. There is no special privileges, no special amenities, and of course a ridiculously charged political climate!
Because Rasheed is a GIP member, I know some specific programs he’s implemented. Even though he has a tiny budget (relatively) he has been able to issue Small and Medium Business loans to more than 250 people. Almost 40% of those people are women.
Rasheed has negotiated and signed agreements with the United States government, and now the duty on Maldivian Exports which exceed 2000 being sent to the US is waived! Another agreement he has signed with the US Government provides opportunities for American Companies to invest in Maldives using American Government loans, directly contributing to our potential for growth and move beyond the economic destitution that the previous administration left for us!
But let’s forget Foreign things for a moment, and look at Maldives. He has cleaned up and straightened out the Company Registers – which was a mess when we took over. Now, we actually have a system where they are required to pay their feels on a timely basis and no longer rely on favors to rob the government of desperately needed funds.
He has two Masters Degrees from Harvard, has decades years of administrative and operative experience, and has managed his ministry without fights with Civil Servants! He is the only member of the cabinet who speaks Chinese – being fluent in Mandarin. (And do keep in mind that China is the second largest economy in the world).
And the most impressive thing is that he has done all of this even though his area of expertise is HEALTH CARE. He pioneered programs under WHO and is an expert in Health Care programs – but maybe the Health Ministry was just too big a Ministry to give to GIP since we are a small party.
I also know the man. He is caring, compassionate, and dedicated to our nation. He was kicked out of the Health Ministry in the 1990s because he wanted to make a difference! I have a great amount of love and respect for him – and am ridiculously biased.
Salim Waheed,
See I told you to Shut up!!