Universal health insurance scheme under review

The government’s universal health insurance scheme ‘Aasandha’ is currently being reviewed by the authorities to introduce a measure to  share the cost of  healthcare services covered under the scheme.

The discussions follow concern from the government over the scheme’s sustainability, as the demand for healthcare continues dramatically increase, costing the country millions.

The newly-appointed Chairman of the National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) and State Minister of Home Affairs Thoriq Ali Luthfee recently suggested in the local media that the Aasandha scheme “cannot continue to operate without interventions to control the demand.”

He alleged that the scheme was introduced “for political motives” without any proper planning.

Subsequent to the remarks, members of the public raised concerns over a possible cancellation of the scheme and loss of access to free healthcare. The new administration of President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan has shut down some initiatives introduced by his predecessor, including the  Maldives Volunteer Corps and the Second Chance Program for inmate rehabilitation.

However, in an interview to Minivan News on Tuesday, Aasandha Private Limited’s Managing Director Mohamed Shafaaz confirmed that the scheme will go forward although measures will be taken to control the rising demand for health care.

According to Shafaaz, since the inception of the Aasandha scheme on January 1, over 138,000 individuals have sought health care under the scheme – which accounts for almost 40 percent of the total population.

Meanwhile, on a daily basis almost 7000-8000 people are using the scheme, totaling a daily cost of the scheme of up to Rf 3 million (US$194,552), he further noted.

“We expected the demand to increase initially with the inception and hoped it would reduce later. but the trend has not changed. Demand is still increasing,” Shafaaz explained. “There are some people with serious illnesses like cancer, heart conditions and kidney problems etc, but most people are going for consultations just because it is free,'” he added.

Therefore, he noted that the current discussions focus on introducing a co-sharing model to share an extent of the healthcare cost with the people, instead of sole coverage by the state.

Currently the ‘Aasandha’ scheme, a public-private partnership with Allied Insurance, provides free coverage of up to Rf100,000 (US$6485) annually for health services for all Maldivian nationals.

“The problem is it is completely free. People do not have to pay anything. But if we bring a small change like levying a charge of  around Rf 10 (US$0.65), people going for unnecessary consultations will be discouraged,” Shafaaz noted.

However, he noted that “nothing has been finalised” yet and the changes will hopefully be decided and made public this week.

In a previous article Minivan News explored the Maldivian public’s prodigious appetite for medical care following the inception of the scheme and the subsequent challenges to the health sector.

Aasandha appears to prove the business rule that low prices attract public interest applies even to medical services – many Maldivians talk about being encouraged to go to the hospital simply because treatment is free.

Medical professionals have also commented on what they describe as the population’s reflexive hypochondria.

Dr Ahmed Jamsheed, Chief Operating Officer at Male’s ADK hospital at the time and currently the Minister of Health, observed in a personal blog entry, that ‘the launching of Aasandha has challenged the two hospitals in Male’, pushing them to their limits with frenzied ‘patients’ (or should I call them customers?) flooding and packing the hospitals.”

Observing that ADK has seen a 50 percent increase in specialist consultations and a 100 percent increase in demand for basic services, Dr Jamsheed describes the hospital as “overwhelmed.”

“In the absence of an ongoing epidemic, statistically and epidemiologically speaking, it is unlikely that so many people would be sick needing health care simultaneously,” he said.

He also echoed similar concerns over the financial implications in sustaining the scheme and suggested that a scheme where patients co-shared the cost would be more ‘useful in limiting unnecessary hospital visits and prescription charges.’

He also alleged

9 thoughts on “Universal health insurance scheme under review”

  1. This exodus was created by PPM to bankrupt the program. Now they are in charge and realized that they cannot pay for this. The people are going to revolt with any government who refuses to provide health care. I guess the coup leaders must pay the price.

  2. Why should we waste valuable resources healing the deviant whenever they contract bizzare ailments as a result of their lustful escapades.

    To be sick is to suffer the wrath of God! Those who intefere should be garrotted on the spot!

  3. The planners have failed to account for the obvious moral hazard problem in any insurance scheme. If you take a look at the universal healthcare schemes around the world, *they're not free*. And for good reason, too.
    Instead of having coverage *upto* a certain amount, there must be coverage *from* a minimum amount. This means that regular consultations, checkups wont be covered and neither will regular medicine. Only operations and special procedures which are necessary (as per doctors) will be covered.
    So I don't really doubt that when this scheme was created that it was for political purposes. Nevertheless, the fact that it was created, I commend that.

  4. Mr Richard Parker,
    Care to explain schemes like Medicare in Aussie? The charge is levied on income tax payers above a certain threshold.
    So when you say *they are not free* you have throw in definitions for us *third world natives* to understand.

  5. Why should we waste valuable resources healing the deviant whenever they contract bizzare ailments as a result of their lustful escapades.

    To be sick is to suffer the wrath of God! Those who intefere should be garrotted on the spot!

    Sorry but comments like above are totally sick!!!!

  6. Thoriq is a person who has little willingness to do anything for the sake of any citizen other than his relatives & friends.........many people in this country have suffered from his selfishness including those who are working at MACL (Male' Int'l Airport)....people know him for his selfishness & stubbornness

  7. Why is Dr Jamsheed focusing on the demand side only, why not look at the supply side? True, more people will be using the scheme even unnecessarily because it is free, but because the payment mode is fee for service, all the hospitals and clinics will also have incentives to get patients to do unnecessary tests and give extra presciptions to boost sales of medications. Ideally a fee for service system should not be allowed in such schemes and if copayments are going to be introduced, then restrictions should also be imposed to the supply side, to ensure that they do not get patients to do unnecessary tests etc. Otherwise it's once again the patient being taxed, whereas the service providers continue to enjoy higher sales volume. Obviously as health minister, Dr Jamsheed has not learned to think about the people yet, he's only thinking about the profits for hospitals and clinics.

  8. I think Mr Richard Parker has a point. The other thing is that Maldivians, were up until recently, reliant on handouts from the rich for healthcare (hence one mandate of MDP being to stop the 'begging'system for healthcare). I am an ardent supporter of democracy and MDP but I guess the whole Aasandha program was just begging abuse by opposition in the first place by making the whole healthcare program free for the people. I wonder how NHS in UK or Medicare in Australia and designed so that Maldives can perhaps better design it in the near future in a democratically elected government! I'm totally in support of overhauling the current Aasandha program to address more serious healthcare issues rather than starting from ground level with regular check-ups and consultations etc...

    @Mariyam. By it's very nature this 'government'is not concerned with the people. this is not a 'govt' of the people, from the people for the people you see. just like everyone else Jamsheed and his cronies have been given the golden health goose to pilfer away

  9. The hate filled islamist fanatic Dhivehi Hangyourself has spoken above. Why does sunni islam produce so many of these braindead morons?


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