The government has said it will “not interfere” with the Maldives’ judiciary amidst calls from the US and UK to drop charges against former President Mohamed Nasheed, alleging that requests may have been made by diplomats with “sympathies” for the one-time head of state.
President’s Office Media Secretary Masood Imad told Minivan News that requests had been made by UK and US officials to drop charges against Mohamed Nasheed over his potential role in the controversial detention of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed earlier this year.
However, Masood added that any such requests needed to be addressed to the country’s judiciary, reiterating a previous pledge by President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan that his administration would not interfere with judicial process.
“We promised, as you may remember, that we will not interfere in the running of the country’s judiciary,” he said.
Masood also raised doubts whether calls to drop the charges were an official request of the UK or US governments, rather than the views of individual elements in either nations’ respective embassies based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
“I do not believe that it is the UK and US governments that have made this request, I think it is the embassies themselves,” he alleged. “Maybe they have sympathies for Nasheed.”
The comments were made after China’s Xinhua news agency reported yesterday that the US Embassy of Sri Lanka and the Maldives, as well as its UK counterpart based in the country, asked that the former president not face charges that could potentially exclude him from standing in the next general election presently scheduled for next year.
The UK High Commission was not responding at time of press, while a US Embassy spokesperson said the embassy had no comment on the matter.
Nasheed, along with former Defense Minister Tholhath Ibrahim Kaleyfaanu both face charges for their alleged roles in the detention of Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed. The charges were filed this week by Prosecutor General Ahmed Muizz.
The detention, which the former government claimed had been made over concerns about “national security” owing to allegations that Judge Abdulla was involved in perjury and “blatant collusion” with the previous administration, was widely criticised by international bodies at the time.
On Sunday, (July 15), Nasheed himself claimed to Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) supporters that he did not wish to see the charges presented against him withdrawn for any reason.
“I, as the president of this country and as the presidential nominee of the MDP, worked for the benefit of the Maldivian people, for their well-being and to fulfil the needs of the people of the Maldives. I have not done anything to further my own interests during my tenure as president,” Nasheed said.
He also called on the public to be present at his trial and witness what happened in the court, alleging that the whole case was politically motivated and that his opponents were seeking to gain an unfair upper hand from the “political scandal”.
“This case is a case that I wanted to see coming. This is a case that I want to face myself. I will not back down from this case,” he said.
Nasheed has joined MDP supporters on numerous occasions during more than a weeks worth of consecutive daily protests in Male’ calling for the present government to step down and hold early elections on the back of the controversial transfer of power in February.
The MDP continues to allege that it was removed from office in a “coup d’etat” sponsored by mutinous elements of the police and military, as well as former opposition politicians.
Judicial Reform
While the Waheed administration has publicly stressed that it would not seek to tamper with the running of the nation’s judiciary, the UN Human Rights Committee (UNHRC) has identified the courts among a number of areas that need to be overhauled of part of “radical changes” to ensure compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The committee is “deeply concerned about the state of the judiciary in the Maldives,” a statement released by the UNHRC this week noted.
“The state has admitted that this body’s independence is seriously compromised. The Committee has said the judiciary is desperately in need of more serious training, and higher standards of qualification,” the statement read.
The Supreme Court in particular needed “radical readjustment,” the committee said. “As 6 of 7 Supreme Court judges are experts in Sharia law and nothing more, this court in particular is in need of radical readjustment. This must be done to guarantee just trials, and fair judgements for the people of Maldives.”
A panel member during the UNHRC session also noted the “troubling role of the judiciary at the centre” of the controversial transfer of power on February 7.
“The judiciary – which is admittedly in serious need of training and qualifications – is yet seemingly playing a role leading to the falling of governments,” he observed.

Mr. Masood Imad say he does 'not belive that it is the UK and US governments that have made this request' to drop charges againt Nasheed.
Most likey Masood Imad would not remeber that it is his former boss Maumoon who agreed the Maldives to join global human rights conventions and cede the Maldives soverign authority to UK and US. Not very clever was it?
Why bring excuses or complain now. Suck it up like a man.
Nasheed said" I have done nothing wrong to this country as a President and what i have done nothing for own interest" This is mere lie.
The guy had given out airport with a hand shake for peanuts when there are other who had given much better offer. This is because GMR had given huge amount of money to the Dictator anni under the table and some of this money is in MDP accounts and that is being accounted as " donation from Friends" and these amounts in millions. Check MDP bank statements and you will see this.
" I will show my evil side for those who do not vote or support MDP " These are the words that had come out from the dictators mouth .
Locking the supreme court is a threat to national judiciary and is an evidence of him trying to take over the judiciary under his arms. The order was an illegal order given by him to Police.
The guy must be pissing his pants as we speak of fear of not being able to compete in the presidential election in 2013.
The guys sick and like a bloodsucking vampire for the thrust of power and money from the countries wealth.
totally agree with mode.
totally agree with mode.
he should face charges for kidnapping a maldivian citizen and forcing him psychological torture.
mode I have a feeling that you are being paid by Gasim. Shame on you people.. I will keep on laughing as I knew even on the first day that the charges will be dropped. And case rejected. Actually they don't really have to drop the charges. The international community was gonna force you to drop the charges !!
I think they are totality lie .mr nasheed is reallly hero of this nation. lest see what happen.
"However, Masood added that any such requests needed to be addressed to the country’s judiciary, reiterating a previous pledge by President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan that his administration would not interfere with judicial process."
Do the traitors assume that everyone else is as dumb as they are? The "December 23rd Jihadi" group had separate meetings with the Police and the Prosecutor General, only a few days ago. The same group also claims that they have been "preparing" for something big in the background! The aim of all this is the specific issue of bringing charges against Nasheed and senior MNDF personnel.
Is that what the traitors call non interference? They are under the impression that their dirty deals are not being watched.
Nasheed a hero for westerners since he had promised them to allow multi religion in this country.
LOL, yes I am paid by Gasim what's wrong with that. There are over 5000 employees employed by Gasim.
You cult Nasheed have huge amount moony in his account and he was bone and raised under filthy money and he never ever give alms to needy and he is keeping all his wealth thinking of taking it back with his to judgment day.
Nasheed and his family was the most richest family in Maldives during 80s with the largest number of resorts owned by the family but tell me a guy who have got any help from them.
They used those filthy money to watch crickets machos in Uk when large of number of Maldivian population was unable to have a proper three meals a day.
Anni lived in UK such lavish life and he could have saved some money out of his monthly expenses which could have fed 10 family a month .
When the guy never bothered to do such thing during those days when they are swimming with dollars, how can we believe the guy claims of being only concerned about the " Maldivian" . The guy is behind money and power nothing else and guy is sick like a hell.
Who is this clown masood? "Masood also raised doubts whether calls to drop the charges were an official request of the UK or US governments, rather than the views of individual elements in either nations’ respective embassies based in Colombo, Sri Lanka"
Duh! When an officials from the embassy in the UK and US contact Maldives it is from the respective governments you clown. Do you want Obama and the queen to come over and deliver this message in the written form.
@mode on Wed, 18th Jul 2012 7:50 PM
"Nasheed a hero for westerners since he had promised them to allow multi religion in this country."
I see that you still think "multi religion" is a western idea. Have you visited any other Muslim country? How many religions did you see? Save a few Rufiyaa and visit any of the following Islamic countries to see "multi religion": Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, Qatar, Morocco, Tunisia etc. If you have the budget, visit all of them, in fact.
Travel not only broadens the mind, but in your case, it literally will open up your mind to true Islam and not whatever cult that you seem to be following.
@mode on Wed, 18th Jul 2012 7:50 PM
"They used those filthy money to watch crickets machos in Uk when large of number of Maldivian population was unable to have a proper three meals a day."
At least it was their own money and I'm sure they paid their Zakat as was required of them. In contrast, Gayyoom used OUR money to build a Palace befitting a Royal Prince from an oil rich Sheikhdom and lived a life style only affordable by oil Sheikhs. He bought diapers for his grandchildren from Singapore and Europe and ordered KFC and MacDonald's from Singapore to be enjoyed in his Palace. The most vile pornography on earth was meanwhile freely available in his residences.
He collected the most expensive Rolex watches in the world and could summon a fleet of luxury cars and yachts on demand. This is when most of our fellow country men and women struggled to put a square meal on the table infront of their family.
Now, that's what I call abuse.
“Masood also raised doubts whether calls to drop the charges were an official request of the UK or US governments, rather than the views of individual elements in either nations’ respective embassies based in Colombo, Sri Lanka”
Oh my God! Can someone teach this man something of how international diplomacy works. Dude, when the diplomat at the Embassy says anything, he speaks not just for his govt but for his whole country.
Funny isn't it.
We are a Muslim country.
The president who resigned & went home in maybe a "half alert" state wakes up next day in "full alert" mode calling "Baagee" and making non MDP publics life unbearable.
Here we Maldivians are, not even thinking about the alchole bottles found at his resident, forgetting the bad influence he had/ has on youth and keeping silent. God help us!
@ Mode
Everyone time you comment, you invalidate yourself. You talk about the family wealth of Anni but fail to mention the previous regimes money laundering and criminal excesses. Gasim has helped himself to our wealth via Gayoom's handouts. Aterall, he is the biggest importer of pork and alcohol to this islamic country!
Why dont you go sucking up to him for more money as it clearly means so much to you.
You seem a very angry man or boy. One thing you fail to understand is that, every country has poverty and wealth: the rich and the poor: the genuine believer and the sinners: gays and straight: left and right!
Nasheeds family did not use corruption, greed, religion or power to build 'Safari Tours'. There was no corruption then either. The same applies to Suntravel Shiyam who built his empire through hard work. Who cares whether they use dollars to wipe their shit? Who cares if they lived lavish life?
My dear friend..look in the directory of the people living in the richest spots in Malaysia, Singapore and will be shocked how many Maldivians are living a 'lavish life', partying day and night, getting stoned, laid with whose money? MALDIVIAN money.
President Nasheed did good and failed too, a fact he knows. But surely he dloesnt deserve the sheer nonsense you wrote about his family and life.
With people of such thinking, this country is doomed!
The world is watching us now. If we behave like something from the middle ages in the way we treat a former President we will not have to wait for the sea level to rise... We will sink our own nation over night!!
The "coup d'tat" label has taken its toll. An early election is the only peaceful and economic solution tor everyone.
@ Mode
I cannot imagine how you can write with such ignorance that president nasheed "gave" the airport to GMR.
WE ALL know that the airport was managed by the IFC of the World Bank. We also ALL know that Gasim and Yaamin were interested in the airport and had a hand in the other tenders that were handed in.
What evidence do you have that the GMR was given the contract over more lucrative offers?
Spell it out, give us the figures. Instead of using this blog as your personal propaganda machine for slander write with facts.
Getting really sick of your comments, but I will write everytime you do, let us see how you do.
Typo: airport tender, not airport , line 3.
Did Nasheed order the arrest of the judge?
Yes he has said so himself.
Did the arrest violate the procedures and protections set down in the Constitution to ensure democratic fundamental freedoms?
Yes I think even the MDP has admitted so much by calling for Nasheed's freedom not as a matter of right but as a political favor.
So are we still to drop the charges against him merely because his supporters would otherwise attempt to destabilize this country and carry out acts of arson and terror?
What are we then? If we let this happen then we will truly be a Banana Republic.
If Gasim and Yameen is behind other bidders, and if those bidders had given better offer , why then Anni need to give it to GMR.
We don't care whether the money goes to Anni pocket or yameen pocket but we care what is good for the country and for the people.
Yes i am talking about his family wealth and his personal wealth since the guy is claiming that he had devoted himself to Maldivian and is sacrificing himself for Maldives without any personal interest.
That is why I am saying when he had so much money why he never been helping those Maldivian people at that time and why now ?
he is behind money and power and nothing else like any other politician.
"What are we then? If we let this happen then we will truly be a Banana Republic."
You ARE a banana republic. Anni gained international acclaim for the country but the February 7 coup and subsequent repression have made the government a pariah in the outside World.
Let's see the state remain solvent when tourism dries up. Without the $8 per night per foreigner keeping it afloat, the government will be bankrupt by years end if Anni's call for a tourism boycott is widely heeded.
Masood Imad seems to be like BEYBE who live in Hulhumeedhoo, hehehe
Masood Imad seems to be like BEYBE who live in Hulhumeedhoo, hehehe
I can raise fund for Masood's treatment at a good mental hospital anywhere in the world because I feel sorry for him
The Baghee walkie talkie Masood Imad has 2 qualities nonsensical and pure evil, reminds me of Hitlers minister of propaganda Goebbels and Saddams information minister Comical Ali.
Remember this guy was in MDP b4, left MDP caz didn’t get enough votes for MP candidacy, so he joined Golhaabo and steals the job he wanted.
religion, religion, what the f***! If ALLAH opposes anyone other than Muslims to live on earth ALLAH would have destroyed everyone except the believers! Why then we claim we are above ALALH and want to bar people from following the religions they wish to!
“I do not believe that it is the UK and US governments that have made this request, I think it is the embassies themselves,” he alleged
That has to be the funniest quote I have read on this site. What does he think a embassy is, not the Gov reps? In Egypt we would call a man making such a silly comment a "Donkey Foot".
when massood says,“I do not believe that it is the UK and US governments that have made this request, I think it is the embassies themselves,” is he naive or simply irresponsible and ignorant....?
@mode on Thu, 19th Jul 2012 9:24 AM
"Yes i am talking about his family wealth and his personal wealth since the guy is claiming that he had devoted himself to Maldivian and is sacrificing himself for Maldives without any personal interest."
Look matey, as I and others have said time and time again, we don't care what Nasheed and his family does with THEIR money. They deserve every single dollar they have; it's none of our concern.
Now, how long would YOU survive in solitary confinement in a baking hot tin cell day after day in the blazing tropical sun? Nasheed suffered that and more at the hands of Sheikh-Who-Is-Cleaner-Than-God-Maumoon-Abdel-Gaymoon. What was the guy's crime? Nothing more than trying to expose the fake Sheikh for who he really was.
After coming to power, Nasheed did not seek revenge on the people who put him through the kind of suffering you cannot even imagine. People like myself never liked the way Nasheed just tried to leave the perpetrators of hienous crimes walking free. I didn't agree with a lot of what Nasheed did since coming to power.
But I do admire the way he just got on with the job of trying to run a bankrupt country with no work ethic whatsoever and a society, by and large, that lacked any form of morality. Drug trafficking, abuse, robbery, murder and rape were the norm of the day in 2008, whilst every fake Sheikh and Mullah were claiming to be holier than their neighbour.
Nasheed certainly made mistakes, but the way to address that was through the democratic process and he was going to face the public vote in less than 2 years anyway.
I am trying to figure out if you are just thick or out to make mischief.
Your comment "That is why I am saying when he had so much money why he never been helping those Maldivian people at that time and why now ?" would be hilarious if its not so tragic. Tragic because you are so blinded and brainwashed and possibly so indebted to Gayoom and the mafia that ruled our land for 30 years that you cannot see any good that has happened in the last three years. Truly shocking.
What do you think the following programmes President Nasheed started during his administration were if not to help people?
1. Asaandha national health insurance
2. Disability allowance
3. Support for single mothers
4. Pension for all people over 65
5.An affordable transport for our people to travel within the country
6.Special welfare assistance for those in need by the National Social Protection Agency
7. A National skills training programme, to help our young people get trained and earn.
8. Business profit tax and TGST, plus GST to raise revenue for our services to the people and social protection.
Have you forgotten all the years Anni spent in jail being tortured so you and I can write in a blog like this?
Mode, as I have said before, everytime I read your comments, I am reminded why we elected Anni as our President and why we MUST elect Nasheed again as our President..
Yes I am biased. I am biased because Anni is the only leader who has ever stood for us, ordinary people. I want a future for our children where we don't have to beg, where we will thrive, where our children can leave school and hope to get a start in life, where people don't have to live like rats in crowded rooms, where people don't have to beg for medical care, where people don't have to die in the islands because they cannot afford to travel to a hospital, where our children will not be fed drugs by our business people so they can remain their slaves forever.
Anni showed us that this can be done.
Everyone in the maldives knows that Anni was removed because he was certain to win the next election.
How could he not? Most of our people in our country have benefitted and are benefitting from President Nasheed's policies, how can they not vote for him?
Mode, you are the past, we are the future. We will complete the past, and deal with the people who poisoned our beautiful country with their greed and hunger for power.
And we will, Insha'Allah see AnnehDhivehiraaje in our life time.
The days of police states and dictators are gone. Its peoples power now, my dear, and get with the times.
..."Mode, you are the past, we are the future. We will complete the past, and deal with the people who poisoned our beautiful country with their greed and hunger for power." THREE CHEERS FOR AISHA!!!
Maldives judiciary is a joke. It's worse than Taliban tribal jirga!
The introduction of a scheme or program is not an achievement in and of itself.
1) Aasandha - introduced haphazardly and worsened the fiscal disaster we're stuck in.
2) Introduced by the Disabilities Act passed by Parliament and ratified into law in 2010. Perhaps this was introduced under the MDP's legislative agenda however this point must be made clear.
3) The single-mothers support scheme has not been evaluated properly although ancedotal information tells us that this scheme was not properly implemented in a beneficial way to the general public.
4) Pension benefits for over-65-ers was introduced by the Pension Act passed by Parliament in 2007 and introduced by the government under the Qayyoom administrations legislative agenda.
5) The transport network is nowhere near where our people would be running and jumping over it. A better assessment and study should have been done before its implementation. Also, reports from the Anticorruption Commission suggest that the contracts under which the transport network was executed and the islands for resort construction awarded to operators far outweighs the benefits to the public so far.
6. This is redundant given the welfare benefits mentioned separately above. Also Nasheed claims to center-right therefore his focus on welfare is strange.
7. The Hunaru training program was used to buy support from youngsters, most of whom did not attend the training programs recommended to them and just joined the scheme to get the USD 129 paid out unconditionally to all participants.
8. This is a very good measure and remains Nasheed's only real legacy as a President. No President would have introduced a tax system if he planned to get re-elected but Nasheed took the chance. He should be commended for this policy action but it does not excuse his many faults.
@tsk tsk
I think your response to what I wrote says it all, my dear.
Gosh, such desperation.You must be worried.
Balaga, visnabala. Nasheed introduced these landmark reforms in under theree years.
Something you and your lofty mates didn't do in 30 years!!
Get with the times, my dear tsk tsk, you are deluded if you think we who want transformation for our nation will wither and go away. In fact every comment you wrote strengthens my resolve to work even harder to put the REAL criminals, and enemies of our nations, Gayoom and the mafia who ruled us from 1978 to 2008 behind bars.
Posing to write for argument is not working, Tsk Tsk. You are so blatantly Anniphobic its not funny.
But keep on writing. Keep reminding us like Mode does just why we are on the streets calling for elections.
Chis chis kohliyas fisfis kohliyas magey nethey veveykah baagee akah.
@ tsk tsk
Maybe if the resort owners started paying the rent they owe the government we will have NO fiscal issues
tks. we need people like yourself as a leader not idiots like Anni.
Ayya, anni is the one who is allowing some resort owners not pay thier rents and some of his relatives/close people have due over 15million dollars to pay government but still nothing was done to collect those money.
Tax was introduced but the tax regime was not properly studies and was very hectic to get the real benefit.
I do not understand why Anni again reduced the resort rents and no one put a gun on the head of the resort owners to agree to pay so high rent and they did it and agreed to pay the high rent after due diligence done by them.
If Anni had not reduced the resort rents, we could have reduced our deficit to large extent and Anni should have the guts to cancel the contracts of those Resort owners who are not paying rents .
These rents and taxes payable to Government are public money which those business people is using to expand their business at our cost.
I would salute for any one who enforce this and cancel the resort contracts for those who does not pay taxes and not allow them to live on with the public money.
Well said Aisha!!! You are right.