What is the Global Protection Committee?

During the run-up to the Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) planned assembly for constitutional change on November 10, a mysterious group of people were seen on the streets of Male’- The Global Protection Committee (GPC). The people of the Maldives have had an unclear understanding of the GPC since the group arrived in the country. Who were they? What were their plans? Did they pose a danger?

The government has claimed that the GPC was a group of mercenaries working illegally in the Maldives to create a coup, while others have said that the group was nothing more than a collection of ordinary bodyguards. In an exclusive interview with Minivan, Commander Michael Lord-Castle of GPC explains to Aminath Najeeb exactly what his group is all about.

Michael Lord-Castle: The Global Protection Committee was first formed in 1943 towards the end of the Second World War and over the years its role has changed. Initially, it was very much a British controlled organization, but since the early 1960’s GPC has become more international. It is now a multi-government-funded agency where different governments provide funds to carry out different roles. A lot of our work now is very much in negotiating with hostile organizations in different countries. For instance in Uganda we would talk to the Lord’s Resistance Army and try to reach some kind of peace settlement with them. In Israel and Palestine we would work on both sides trying to avoid any further harm. These are a few examples.

Our role is incredibly varied but ultimately it is about bringing peace. It is about assisting developing countries to be independent as opposed to relying upon more developed countries. There are over 2,400 members within the GPC and they range from ex-presidents, prime ministers and ministers of different countries. No role is undertaken without it being very carefully investigated first.

In respect to the Maldives, various allegations had been made against the current regime. For us to fully appreciate and understand these allegations and to decide whether they were true or false, we had to come to the country and witness what was happening. We witnessed without a shadow of doubt, that the government was using every power it possibly could to prevent any party or any individual from having an opinion that was different to theirs.

We have been accused of trying to protect Zaki , Nasheed and others because we stood around them. That is absolutely true. We did try to protect them because they were attacked by a force greater and far better equipped than they were. And it would have been incredibly immoral for us to do anything else rather than to help those people.

Aminath Najeeb: Could you share with us who commissioned you on this fact-finding mission to the Maldives? Was the European Parliament at large, or was it by some independent members who are sensitive to the Maldives cause?

Michael Lord-Castle: Firstly, we should make it abundantly clear that there was no direct singular instruction from any department or individual in any government contrary to allegations/ assumptions or otherwise.

We do confirm that the requests were made by various political figures those being MEPs, MPs, senators and Foreign National Ministries. They requested that GPC produce a report for the European Parliament.

We have worked for the EU parliament for 15 years now. I shall be filing a report and presenting it to the EU parliament next week and part of the report will be a suggestion that certain sanctions be imposed against the Maldives. I understand that all sanctions may cause some difficulty for some over there, but it will not cause any difficulty to anybody who is suffering and/or below the poverty line because they cannot suffer greater than now.

I am also suggesting that the overseas bank accounts of the dictator be frozen because we have been advised that between $60 to $80 million USD have been transferred from Maldives Governmental funds directly to various private bank accounts in favour of President Gayoom. Some of those funds we understand derive from donations made in respect to the tsunami disaster.

Should he decide to leave the country, we should track him down and we should bring him to justice.

Aminath Najeeb: Could you disclose the countries and the banks that the money has been transferred to?

Michael Lord-Castle: The investigations are continuing and at this stage it is necessary to withhold certain information.

Aminath Najeeb: In your open letter to the people of the Maldives, you have said that, “those statements were altered to gain our freedom”. What made you feel that you may not have your freedom? Could you explain the incidents which led you to give the false statements?

Michael Lord-Castle: What lead me to believe that we may not get our freedom was quite simply that we were put in jail and told we were not being released.

They altered the statements to suit their needs and they asked us to sign them. I signed mine as “D. Duck”, Donald Duck, and they were quite happy with that. Other papers were signed with genuine signatures. I’ve seen a statement, which they say I prepared, which is false. What we said was that we expected larger crowds because we were advised there would be larger crowds. But the crowds were very small. Now I understand why. People did not have the courage and the strength to get out there. And I don’t blame them because they would have lost their income, their liberty and would have been imprisoned.

Those who were there were incredibly brave and for me and my members it was a privilege to meet such brave people. What I witnessed with the Maldivian people is something quite remarkable.

The bottom line is that legally those statements are not valid and internationally they won’t be recognized because they were made under pressure. I had been awake for 49 hours and then they asked me: “you want some sleep, you want some peace?” If it satisfies them and makes them go away, then you are going to do it.

Aminath Najeeb: Where were you detained?

Michael Lord-Castle : On the island with the prison

Aminath Najeeb : Were you locked up in isolation?

Michael Lord- Castle: Yes, until the investigations were over, which took over 48 hours.

Aminath Najeeb : When you were taken into investigation did the police inform you of your rights as a detainee, did they give you the opportunity for legal representation?

Michael Lord- Castle: No. We were not allowed any phone calls, any rights what so ever. However, in fairness to some of the police and some of the prison staff they would give drinks and food and were very hospitable, others were not. A lot of police and prison staff want their freedom but they can’t stand up and fight because they know they will suffer.

Aminath Najeeb : Is there anything that you would like to tell the people of Maldives?

Michael Lord- Castle: Yes, I give them my solemn word and the word of the Global Protection Committee that we will use every power we have to remove this corrupt dictator and give the people of the Maldives their freedom.
