The 42 year-old British woman whose body was found on the shore of Kuredhoo Island Resort has been identified as Sharon Duval from the village of Kidlington in Oxfordshire, UK.
The Oxford Mail reported that Duval died while on honeymoon with her husband Nick Duval. The pair were married last year and together ran the Highwayman pub in Kidlington.
Duval’s parents John and Pauline Stockford told the Oxford Mail that they did not know if she died “because of some sort of crime or an accident, and we will wait to hear the results of the postmortem.”
The pair told the Oxford Mail that they had not spoken to their daughter, who has a 16-year-old son, for 10 years after a family row.
“You can’t turn the clock back. We were both in tears when we found out and sat down and tried to talk it through,” they told the paper.
“Sharon was a very strong swimmer when she was a pupil, so it is surprising to hear that she died in these circumstances.
“The whole of Kidlington will be shocked by this – people still call it a village and it’s very close-knit.”
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam today told Minivan News that Duval had been observed drinking at the resort’s bar until late in the evening prior to her death, in the company of another individual.
“There is no sign of physical abuse or injury to the body, and at this point there is no evidence of any suspicious activity,” Shiyam said, “however are still taking the investigation very seriously.”
The resort yesterday declined to issue a statement to the media regarding Duvel’s death, however three staff members told Minivan News that the 42-year-old’s body was found on the seashore just after midnight on Friday evening, at approximately 12:30am.
The BBC has meanwhile reported that the UK Foreign Office is “urgently investigating” the death.
Duval is the second British national to die recently in the Maldives while on holiday. In early September top transplant and vascular surgeon Ali Bakran was pulled from the water and pronounced dead at Adaaran Meedhupparu Resort in Raa Atoll.
Police said that while the cause of death was “most likely” drowning, “it is very difficult to confirm without a postmortem, and that is not something we can do here [in the Maldives].”
The 61 year-old surgeon at Liverpool Hospital was on holiday with his wife Diane and daughter Miriam.

Recently, there's been a series of deaths among those guests who come to Maldives to spend their holiday.
If I was among the Police it is time that I would start finding out whether there is someone among the staff or among the guests who traveled to all these islands where the deaths have taken place.
You never know who is behind the mask which we call the face of a person.
Its simple, lots alcohol and late night swimming are probably going to be the cause. Disorientation is so easy when there is little light, lots of alcohol and rough sea conditions involved.(which judging by the recent local weather is very likely)
Dont you think there would be signs of a struggle if a misadventure were the cause in this case. I read on another report there was no physical harm apparent.
As for the other recent deaths around the Maldives if you had researched the matter properly you would have found a high majority are snorkeling accidents.
But it must be noted that all-inclusive holidays promote excessive consumption of alcohol and where there is alcohol there is incident (FACT!!!)
will someone, for goodness sake, tell these tourists to be careful near the water. it is dangerous, especially if you are drinking or are chinese and can't swim
Years ago - 1960's! I was in Gan with RAF - way before Maldives was vacation/resort location. At that time was booooring - except -for beaches (got great tan there!) however, waters were/are! dangerous, and have pretty severe undertow. I was never strong swimmer, so never went w/out being with a group. Very easy to get pulled in currents. Not sure about rock- plus was only in Gan- so no idea of other islands. Frankly think this poor woman (hey she was in late 60's) got caught in undertow-as no injuries shown. Attack? No idea- was safe in Gan but that was in early 60's Frankly could have drowned after heart attack??
I found 'natives' v friendly - but again Gan, in 60's
correction - early 40's not late 60's. Should be the currents in all probability and yes Geof the natives are still the many islands...these guys are peace loving and gentle...thougth there are the odd ones here and there with streaks of violence in them. Anyways - alcohol and depression=a very good chance for likely suicide.
People drown in the sea every day around the world. It is unfortunate but it happens. The sea and currents can drown even the strongest swimmer. Unfortunatly when it happens in paradise it's made a spectical of. What should asked is why she was alone, where was her husband? In the times I have been to the Maldives my wife was never left alone in the sea and I always ensure I snorkelled with
a buddy. The Maldives is safe and less crime than most of the world.
I think it is high time that the Maldivian Authorities make available postmortem facilities in Maldives, with proper investigative procedures and expertise. When we lack such options it would be very difficult to investigate any of these cases leaving the actual cause of death a speculation. This also allows potential criminals to be more confident since they know that they can easily get away with it. If the local authorities cannot upgrade the facilities themselves, then foreign expert help should be used.
The water around our beautiful islands can be very dangerous indeed. Many years ago, I nearly drowned in a bizarre incident.
I am a strong swimmer as I've been in the water since I was a kid. On a sunny day without a cloud in the sky, and in calm waters whilst I was swimming, I ran into a spot that was churning madly. There was no visible sign on the surface, but the current was so strong, I made no headway out of it despite my desperate attempts.
My life was saved by a small boat that happened to pass nearby, and I clung on to it, to get out of that current. If not for that, I won't be here today to tell the story.
It seems the resorts are not providing enough information to their residents or the information is being ignored. Not sure which.
Asking husband why lady found in different clothes to whne seen in bar small while before.
So, it seems that when foreign tourists die, their bodies have to be flown elsewhere for post mortems. Preumably, Maldivians also die, so are there no post mortems done on them?
@ Staff
was this Lady found in different clothes to which she was found in ?? How long was she missing from bar before found dead ?
Can anyone tell me why this lady was found in different clothes to what she was wearing in the bar a short while before she passed away?? Motives here in england say otherwise and we need the truth .. please help